Forum Replies Created
You simply need to copy the tag.php template from the parent theme folder (wp-content/themes/enfold/tag.php) into your child theme folder (the final file path would look like wp-content/themes/enfold-child/tag.php). You can i.e. use ftp to access these directories/files. Then open up the tag.php (located in the child theme folder) and replace line 114:'contents' => 'title',
'contents' => 'excerpt',
to display the excerpt under the title. Afterwards save the file and upload it into the child theme folder. There’re also other possible values:
– excerpt_read_more
– title_read_more
– only_excerpt
– only_excerpt_read_moreYou can insert them instead of excerpt to generate a different output.
Best regards,
PeterAugust 28, 2018 at 12:29 pm in reply to: Portfolio-Entry / How can I select a parent-page for a single entry? #1002652Hi,
Das kann unterschiedliche Gründe haben, zB wenn aus Sicherheitsgründen das Editieren der Dateien blockiert wurde.
Wenn Du kein Child Theme hast, kannst Du gerne auch die functions.php von Enfold ändern und den Code einfach ganz am Ende einfügen. Der Nachteil: sobald ein Update installiert wird, überschreibt WordPress die Theme-Dateien wieder und Du musst die functions.php neu anpassen.
Ich würde daher empfehlen entweder auf ein Child Theme umzusteigen oder (einfach) ein kleines Plugin zu erstellen. Verwende hierfür diesen Code:
<?php /* Plugin Name: Enfold Anpassungen Description: Anpassungen des Enfold Codes Version: 1.0 Author: InoPlugs Plugin URI: Author URI: */ function avia_special_nav_class( $classes, $item ) { if ( is_singular('portfolio') && strtolower($item->title) == 'malerei' ) { $classes[] = 'current-menu-item'; } return $classes; } add_filter( 'nav_menu_css_class', 'avia_special_nav_class', 10, 2 );
und speichere diesen in eine Datei mit der Endung .php (zB enfold_anpassungen.php).
Diese Datei lädst Du dann in den Ordner wp-content/plugins/ hoch. Anschließend unter WordPress Admin Panel > Plugins dieses Plugin aktivieren.
Und damit kein Missverständnis aufkommt – ich habe natürlich nicht nur
den einen Portfolio-Eintrag, sondern recht viele. Und bei denen soll über-
all der Menüpunkt „Malerei“ aktiv bleiben. Siehe Link 2.Ja mein Code berücksichtigt diesen Umstand bereits. Bei allen Portfolio-Einträgen wird “Malerei” markiert.
Verständnis-Frage: warum ist es denn grundsätzlich in Enfold so einge-
richtet, dass ein Portfolio-Eintrag keine Parent-Seite haben kann? So
wirklich verstehen kann ich das nicht, denn auch ein Portfolio ist doch
Teil einer Contentseite, welche über die Navigation „logisch“ erreichbar
sein muss/sollte., oder nicht?Das “Problem” ist, dass die Portfolio-Einträge rein theoretisch “unendlich” viele Elternseiten haben könnten. Die Portfolio-Einträge können mit diversen Elementen dargestellt und eingebunden werden (zB Portfolio-Raster, Masonry-Elemente, etc.) und jede Seite, welchen einen Portfolio-Eintrag mit diesen Elementen einbindet, wäre dann eine Elternseite. Dies wiederum führt zu diversen technischen Problemen mit der Breadcrumb, mit der Slug-Struktur, usw, da es eben nicht nur eine Elternseite geben muss. Im Übrigen ist dies bei “normalen” Artikeln auch der Fall – der Blog gilt nicht als “Elternseite” von Artikeln. Vielmehr sind die Artikel nach Kategorien und Schlagworten gruppiert, welche wiederum auf Archiv-Seiten angezeigt werden können.
Glad we could help you :)
Best regards,
I’d recommend to use the code block element to insert the iframe. Select this element from the “Content Elements2 tab (screenshot: (Email address hidden if logged out) &Expires=1535623875&Signature=P8%2Fr0Sh5ARsHDohLH3R5VGpb2yreOPK4VQYewU023J1uMx7%2FVllyF0dbOIxANi9%2FxcikzQtXm4y8j4gZ0Qa7H2zfz18NKmiXrbpREzAImtYFCAkyqycEdD8JhAr6MtMVlSvLsJ%2BN54i5%2Bz3ZJSUrPcqLgPXaNhQyOSnhnEJqo613Nm9kbtQ4%2BWc2BgBdeKbRvDJwR4NakpzCdZkuzJdZ0SNYOG3ri6e4K68HlOB6WFoyvAA55XpRLq2dUSoY8HzOGFYu9jwWav0HjDvkf%2B4qcjsP8Gq9qi7dtdnVUQuoQc%2B2R4%2B%2BUX4gBRHJbviKGrHPxEMxGLG1EDF3TuemjOrh1g%3D%3D&md5=ade57b6bc681fcb6b523016824c6f199&NOT_A_LINK.
Then insert the iframe code into the textarea and make sure the quotes are correct:
<iframe src="" width="900" height="1000" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Best regards,
Schön, dass der Fehler gefunden wurde :)
No you can enable the cache again. However I’d recommend to clear the cache manually after you edited a page – otherwise the cache delivers “outdated” content and you won’t see the changes.
Best regards,
I tested your website and the map works for me too ( I’m based in Austria, Europe – see private content ). I’d recommend to check your google api settings – maybe you blocked some IP addresses from the api (restriction settings) and thus the map doesn’t load properly for you.
Best regards,
DudeAugust 28, 2018 at 9:08 am in reply to: Default Socket Background Color in Header/top bar when on tablet?!? #1002597Hey JeffBianchi,
1) The smaller screen size triggers the mobile menu which fades in between 989px and 768px. The mobile menu uses a different background color than the standard (desktop) menu.
2) Add this code to the quick css field (Enfold > Theme Options > ) to change the background color of the mobile menu:
@media only screen and (max-width: 989px) and (min-width: 768px){ .responsive #top .header_bg { background-color: #fff; } }
If you want to use the background color of the main content you can set the color value to #94b8b8.
@media only screen and (max-width: 989px) and (min-width: 768px){ .responsive #top .header_bg { background-color: #94b8b8; } }
However in this case I’d recommend to change the color of the mobile menu icon to white or another color, otherwise the color of this icon equals the background color and your website visitors won’t see the icon. You can use following code to change the icon color:
#top .header_color .av-hamburger-inner, #top .header_color .av-hamburger-inner::before, #top .header_color .av-hamburger-inner::after { background-color: #fff; }
Best regards,
DudeHey Will Barrow,
Yes, all demo pages are just examples and you can use all advanced layout builder elements with different layouts and/or different demo content.The event calendar element requires a third party plugin which you can download for free ( ).
Best regards,
DudeHey Munford,
Please add this code to your child theme functions.php:
add_filter('avf_tag_label_names','new_tag_label', 10, 1); function new_tag_label($title){ if(is_tag()){ $currenttag = single_tag_title('',false); $title = " <h3 class='post-title tag-page-post-type-title'>".$currenttag. "</h3> "; } return $title; }
Best regards,
I don’t know why it becomes like that, but normally there is no codes showing up when using Enfold.Could you please take a look or take a screenshot from your end with the advanced builder enabled?
There’s an obvious reason why the code doesn’t work with Enfold’s advanced layout builder. The code was not created by our advanced layout builder but by the “WPBakery Page Builder” plugin (you’ve deactivated it at the moment). The code of this plugin (also known as “Visual Composer”) won’t work with the advanced layout builder of Enfold and thus the layout builder won’t interpret it and won’t show up. You probably can paste the “Visual Composer” code into advanced layout builder elements (i.e. into a textarea element) however you won’t have a nice guided user interface. If you want to use the advanced layout builder on the front page remove the code, click on the “Advanced Layout Builder” button and build your page from scratch with our template builder.
Best regards,
DudeHey Cocoa,
Please add this code to the child theme functions.php
add_action('avia_builder_mode', "builder_set_debug"); function builder_set_debug() { return "debug"; }
It helps us to read and debug the advanced layout builder code.
Best regards,
I’ll ask our developers to look into it. For now I’d suggest to use a plugin like: for the tabs if accessibility features are important for you.
Best regards,
DudeAugust 28, 2018 at 7:48 am in reply to: Hauptmenue und Untermenue unterschiedliche Textgröße wie #1002581Hi,
Um das Hauptmenü mit 18px Größe darzustellen habe ich diesen Code in das Quick CSS Feld eingefügt:
#top .av_seperator_big_border#header .av-main-nav > li > a { font-size: 18px; }
Die Untermenüs wurden mit diesem Code größer gemacht:
#top .av_seperator_big_border#header .av-main-nav ul li a { font-size: 16px; }
DudeAugust 28, 2018 at 7:42 am in reply to: Bug: "Add Elements to ALB" snippet from docu causes error in slider element #1002579Hi,
Probably yes. Tbh I didn’t test this myself because it simply doesn’t make any sense to use this code with the parent theme shortcode directory.
Best regards,
DudeAugust 27, 2018 at 7:49 pm in reply to: Enfold Update does not work – "An error occurred while updating enfold…" #1002429Hi,
I’ll leave this thread open in case you need further assistance :)
Best regards,
Yes, please replace the functions.php of the parent theme (enfold theme/folder). This patch will be part of the next update and you won’t need to modify the parent theme again, however it’s necessary one time because we didn’t release the parent theme update yet.
Best regards,
DudeAugust 27, 2018 at 6:47 pm in reply to: Portfolio-Entry / How can I select a parent-page for a single entry? #1002410Hey Carsten,
Portfolio items do not support a parent page however you can use the nav_menu_css_class filter to add one or more css classes to a menu item if the user views a portfolio singly entry. Try to add this code to your child theme functions.php:function avia_special_nav_class( $classes, $item ) { if ( is_singular('portfolio') && strtolower($item->title) == 'malerei' ) { $classes[] = 'current-menu-item'; } return $classes; } add_filter( 'nav_menu_css_class', 'avia_special_nav_class', 10, 2 );
and replace “malerei” with the title of your menu link/item if necessary.
Best regards,
Glad we could help you :)
Best regards,
jQuery is loaded twice – one time with the right path (this script is also used and loaded by Enfold) and one time with a wrong/invalid path.
I’m pretty sure this issue is caused by a plugin, I’d recommend to deactivate all plugins and to activate them one by one to find the culprit.Borlabs Cache will replace wp super Cache and will offer more features (css and js file compression, etc.) than wp super Cache. Optimus resizes and compresses images – this feature is not included with Borlabs Cache (or other good caching plugins like WP-Rocket). Thus I’d recommend to use it in addition to a cache plugin.
We’ll continue here:
Best regards,
DudeHey MrMojoRisin,
I checked your website with gtmetrix (see link in private content) and in my opinion you should reduce the file size and resolution of your images. The website size is over 5,6mb which equals the size of two mp3 songs. To fix the “Leverage browser caching” issue add this code to your htaccess file<IfModule mod_expires.c> ExpiresActive On # Images ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access plus 1 year" ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 1 year" ExpiresByType image/png "access plus 1 year" ExpiresByType image/webp "access plus 1 year" ExpiresByType image/svg+xml "access plus 1 year" ExpiresByType image/x-icon "access plus 1 year" # Video ExpiresByType video/mp4 "access plus 1 year" ExpiresByType video/mpeg "access plus 1 year" # CSS, JavaScript ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 1 month" ExpiresByType text/javascript "access plus 1 month" ExpiresByType application/javascript "access plus 1 month" # Others ExpiresByType application/pdf "access plus 1 month" ExpiresByType application/x-shockwave-flash "access plus 1 month" </IfModule>
(Reference ) or install a caching and file compressing plugin like Borlabs Cache.
Best regards,
I’ll check if there’re any side effects. But we’ll probably include it with one of the upcoming updates.
Best regards,
DudeHey sthubertus,
You can change the text in the theme options panel. Go to Enfold > Theme Options > Privacy and Cookies and scroll to the “Message below template builder contact forms” option field. Replace the standard text with your custom/translated text and make sure your link to the “Datenschutzerklärung” is wrapped into the shortcodes like:
Ich stimme der [av_privacy_link]Datenschutzerklärung[/av_privacy_link] zu.
Best regards,
Great, if you need further assistance please let us know.
Best regards,
DudeHey Maskenzauber,
You can’t use these widgets on single product pages because there’re no (other) products you could filter. The widgets will only work on pages which show an overview of products like the main shop page or product archive pages (product category or product tag pages)
On the official documentation page: the woocommerce developers say:
The Filter Products by Price widget allows customers to refine products by price by dragging the sliders within the widget to create a price range based on the products displayed on the page.
To use the widget, drag it to a widget area as you would any other widget. It automatically detects the minimum and maximum prices on the current page to populate the slider.
This widget will only appear on shop, tag, category, etc… pages.
Filter Products by Attribute is a powerful widget that let’s users drill-down through your catalog of products via attributes, effectively helping them find what they’re looking for quickly.
This widget will only appear on shop, tag, category, etc… pages.
Best regards,
You can edit the theme files with the wordpress editor. Go to Appearance > Editor and select “Enfold” from the dropdown. On the right side you’ll see the file/directory tree where you can select the files you want to edit.
That said Enfold and wordpress themes/plugins in general are way more complex than simple html files and you need to be careful. Always make backups of your files and if possible make all changes in a child theme ( )
Best regards,
DudeHey zqmaqma,
Personally I use this plugin: to manage and create redirects.
If you don’t want to install a plugin you can generate a htaccess redirect rule here: (select “Apache .htaccess redirect” from the dropdown) and add this code to your htaccess (i.e. at the very bottom).
Best regards,
DudeHey novisell,
Please try to add this code to your functions.php:
function av_breadcrumbs_shortcode( $atts ) { return avia_breadcrumbs(array('separator' => '/', 'richsnippet' => true)); } add_shortcode( 'bread_crumb', 'av_breadcrumbs_shortcode' );
Best regards,
DudeAugust 27, 2018 at 11:47 am in reply to: Bug: "Add Elements to ALB" snippet from docu causes error in slider element #1002213Hi,
If you place your custom shortcodes in the parent theme directory (wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/) you don’t need this code. You can simply remove it. The code is only required if the template builder must also check other directories (i.e. the child theme directory) for custom shortcodes.
If you want to test this you can i.e. use this code:
Jut copy it into a plain text file and save this file as testshortcode.php (make sure the file extension is .php). Then upload it to the wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/ directory. Then go to the advanced layout builder and you’ll notice a new “Content Element” called “Testshortcode”.Best regards,
Dude -