Forum Replies Created
I can’t reproduce the issue on my Win8 PC with Firefox 20.0.1:
Did you try to view the website on another PC? Maybe a browser extension causes the issue?
May 16, 2013 at 6:59 am in reply to: Breadcrumbs: portfolio categories and little translation #119252Open up wp-contentthemesenfoldconfig-templatebuilderavia-shortcodesportfolio.php and search for:
$output .= "<a href='#' data-filter='all_sort' class='all_sort_button active_sort'>".__('All','avia_framework' )."</a>";
Replace ‘All’ with your custom text.
2) No, a sorting function for the team members in not available at the moment.
Please use ftp and connect to your server. Then navigate to wp-content/themes and delete the __MACOSX folder. More about the MacOSX folder.
Best regards,
Did you try to add !important to your code like:
#top .main_menu .menu li ul a:hover {
color. #000 !important;
}Best regards,
No, our contact form does not support this field type. Can you post a link to your contact form please?
You can use to order the portfolio items. Another user had problems with the free version: – you maybe need to upgrade to the advanced post types order plugin.
1) I’m sorry but imo it’s not easily possible to add the greyscale effect to the portfolio thumbnails (at least not if you’re using Enfold). I also gave a honest answer to another user.
Can you point me to the post which suggest that “this would be relatively easy”?
2) 5/6 is not supported for the portfolio grid at the moment. You can select a 2,3 or 4 columns layout. You can try a workaround though – create 2 columns and add a 3 columns portfolio element to each column – it will look like:
This will be fixed in the next version.
Best regards,
Yes, he’s back and we’ll release a new version with bug fixes soon. I’m not sure when we’ll release the version with the ajax portfolio though.
Best regards,
1) Please try to increase the allocated memory to 128M:
2) If 1) doesn’t solve the issue try to deactivate all third party plugins – maybe a plugin conflicts with the theme.
The sidebar element “replaces” the standard sidebar if you want to use a fullwidth template. Eg you could create a template with a 2/3 – 1/3 structure and add galleries, blog element, portfolio grids, etc. into the 2/3 column element and a sidebar element into the 1/3 column element. However you could also use another structure (3/4 – 1/4 or even 4/5 – 1/5) which would not be possible with the default sidebar.
Great, glad it works now :)
Try following code:
.tab_inner_content p {
margin: 0;
}However this code will affect all paragraphs within tabs. It would be a good idea to wrap the downloads into a div with an unique class and to make the css code more specific.
May 16, 2013 at 5:23 am in reply to: Gallerie 710px breite im Post nicht richtig dargestellt #119311Hallo,
kannst du bitte einen Link zur Gallerie posten? Die Gallery auf der Demo Seite: scheint nicht durch eine bestimmte Weite limitiert zu sein, sondern passt sich der Weite des Blog an.
No, because it seems to be a server specific issue and other user didn’t report it yet. However I forgot to check your “Screen Options”. Maybe you just deselected the “Advanced Editor” checkbox?
In this case you probably just need to select it and then you don’t need to use this code too.
Der Server scheint die ajax Suchabfrage zu ignorieren und sendet stattdessen einfach den Inhalt der Startseite. Probiere einmal alle Pugins zu deaktivieren – möglicherweise hackt sich ein Plugin in die ajax Query. Wenn dies nicht hilft könnte es vielleicht ein Serverkonfigurationsproblem sein. Wenn man die Ajax Suchfunktion nicht benötigt kann man diese auch einfach deaktivieren – in enfold/js/avia.js lösche hierfür folgenden Code:
//creates ajax search
new $.AviaAjaxSearch({scope:'#header'});We’ll never modify custom.css – that’s for sure. I can’t promise you that we won’t modify functions.php however if you always add your code at the very end of the file the update shouldn’t be a problem. Just replace all files with the updated files except custom.css and functions.php. Then open up the “old” functions.php, take your custom code from the end of the file and add it to the update functions.php. Then override the “old” functions.php with the new version and that’s it.
Personally I’m always updating my websites this way and I don’t use a child theme too. Note that child theme updates (sometimes) require some work too – especially if you’re using function overrides you need to make sure that the theme function/class didn’t change. If we i.e. find a bug in a theme code we’ll update the code in the theme files. However your child theme function will always override the theme code with your custom code and if this code still contains the bug the updated theme code won’t be executed…
You can use child themes too. The reason why I’m not always recommending them is
1) Many users are not familiar with filters, function overrides, etc. and I don’t have enough time to explain the concept behind it. On the other hand users who know what they’re doing will use a child theme anyway.
2) Sometimes child themes can have drawbacks too – eg we save the theme settings with a prefix which contains the theme name. Now if you use a child theme you’ll also change the theme name and thus loose the settings. If you use a child theme from the very beginning that’s no problem at all but unfortunately many users start to build their websites, configure everything and then they find one or two things they want to change. In this case it’s much more efficient if they just add the code into the quick css field or into functions.php and if they want to update the theme they just need to take care of one or two modified files…
Das ist soweit ich weiß leider nicht möglich. Wenn man den Advanced Editor verwendet kann man aber das “Sidebar” Element hinzufügen und eine Sidebar auswählen.
Please add following code to the bottom of functions.php:
function avia_editor_fix_style() {
echo '<style type="text/css"> .js .hide-if-js, .no-js .hide-if-no-js, .js.wp-core-ui .hide-if-js{ display: block !important; } </style>';
add_action('admin_head', 'avia_editor_fix_style');It should fix the error.
I tried to open the chat box but I just see following error:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)…ersal-text-input&WIDTH=1920&HEIGHT=1080&TIME=1368599127976&_1368599127977=
Yes, I got it. Will look into it asap.
Best regards,
Great :)
Best regards,
May 15, 2013 at 6:06 am in reply to: Just Purchased ThemeForest Need Shop Read Forum But . . . #119217Hey!
Please read this article: – it will help you with the setup.
Great. I tagged this thread for Kriesi – maybe he can shed some light on this :)
Best regards,
You just need to add
to the image link.
You can use the html entity of the icon. A char map of all supported icons can be found here:
Eg if you want to use the first icon (phone icon) insert following code into your text editor field
No – unfortunately this would require some custom work and it’s not easily possible. Enfold doesn’t even generate the greyscale thumbnails and you’d need to implement the greyscale generation function and rewrite the portfolio script.
1) Insert following code into the quick css field:
.template-search .post-entry {
clear: none !important;
}2) In search.php replace:
echo "<h4 class='extra-mini-title widgettitle'>{$results}</h4>";
/* Run the loop to output the posts.
* If you want to overload this in a child theme then include a file
* called loop-search.php and that will be used instead.
$more = 0;
get_template_part( 'includes/loop', 'search' );
echo "<h4 class='extra-mini-title widgettitle'>{$results}</h4>";
global $posts;
$post_ids = array();
foreach($posts as $post) $post_ids[] = $post->ID;
$atts = array(
'type' => 'grid',
'items' => get_option('posts_per_page'),
'columns' => 2,
'class' => 'avia-builder-el-no-sibling',
'paginate' => 'yes',
'use_main_query_pagination' => 'yes',
'custom_query' => array( 'post__in'=>$post_ids, 'post_type'=>get_post_types() )
$blog = new avia_post_slider($atts);
echo "<div class='entry-content'>".$blog->html()."</div>";
}This solution has some disadvantages (eg you won’t see the result counter, etc. on the left side) but on the other hand it would destroy the grid layout anyway…
Das Item welches für die Spalte verwendet wird dient eigentlich nur der “Erstellung der Spalte” – daher wenn zB 3 Items im 2ten Level sind weiß unser Script, dass es drei Spalten generieren muss und diese “Spalten-Items” werden nicht als Link verwendet. Wenn man daher eine Struktur wie in der Demo haben möchte würde ich:
– Im ersten Level ein Hauptmenü Link erstellen (zB Pages)
– Dann (je nach Anzahl der Spalten) würde ich “Links” im zweiten Level hinzufügen. Als Linktitel verwende irgendetwas sinnvolles – sodass man sich mit in der Spaltenstruktur auskennt (zB ersten Link nenne “Spalte 1”, zweiten Link “Spalte 2”, etc.). Als Link Ziel kann man einfach # eingeben, da diese wie gesagt nur als “Platzhalter” für die Spalten dienen.
– Im dritten Level füge dann entweder Seiten, etc. ein, wenn man tatsächlich Links einfügen möchte und verwende “Links” oder “Seiten” und das Beschreibungstextfeld dieser Items um “Text” zur Spalte hinzuzufügen. Wenn dieser Text nicht verlinkt werden soll markiere auch die Checkbox.