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  • in reply to: Ho to suppress the date in BLOG PREVIEW #1005447


    Great, glad we could help you :)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Mehrere Lizenzen #1005446


    Du benötigst dann für jeden Domain eine eigene Lizenz, wenn für jeden Domain eine eigene WordPress-Installation (oder Multisite-WordPress-Blog) aufgesetzt wird. Nur wenn alle Domains zu einem Domain weiterleiten (“redirecten”), dann benötigst Du nur eine Lizenz. Also anders gesagt – laufen zB auf, und eigene WordPress-Instanzen, dann brauchen alle Domains eine separate Lizenz. Wird der Besucher bei den Domains und nur auf weitergeleitet und läuft nur dort WordPress, dann brauchst Du nur eine Lizenz.

    Hoffe das beantwortet jetzt die Frage :)


    in reply to: bootstrap #1005440


    I’m sorry but such questions are beyond the scope of our support forum. Please hire a webdesigner/developer if you need help with major styling or code modifications to your website.

    We can answer simple questions like “how to change the color of XY” or “how to hide XY” but we can’t design a website for you.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Http error 500 #1005431


    1) You need to remove the code even if your css files don’t work afterwards.

    2) If you want to load custom css code I’d recommend to add it to the child theme style.css file.

    If you really want to load additional css files to include custom css code add this code to the child theme functions.php:

    function enfold_custom_styles() {
    	// enqueue style
    	wp_enqueue_style('enfold-child-custom-style',  get_stylesheet_directory_uri() .'/css/custom.css');
    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enfold_custom_styles');

    and replace /css/custom.css with the path to your custom css file. In the example code the custom css file would be located in wp-content/themes/enfold-child/css/custom.css.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Main Menu Transparency #1005418

    Hey cloudkaptan,

    Please create us an admin account and we’ll check the styling settings, etc.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Problem with Form / Probleme mit Formular #1005403


    Jetzt stimmt zwar der Benutzername, aber das Passwort nicht ( FEHLER: Das Passwort, das du für den Benutzernamen XY eingegeben hast, ist nicht korrekt. Passwort vergessen? )

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Mehrere Lizenzen #1005392


    Ich muss zugeben früher hätte ich gemeint, dass eine Extended License derartige Anwendungsfälle abdeckt. Seitdem Envato aber die Lizenzbedingungen geändert hat, glaube ich nicht, dass dies zulässig wäre. Bei der Extended License wird ausgeführt ( ):

    You are licensed to use the Item to create one single End Product for yourself or for one client (a “single application”), and the End Product may be Sold.

    […] An End Product is one of the following things, both requiring an application of skill and effort.

    For an Item that is a template, the End Product is a customised implementation of the Item.
    For example, the item is a magazine template and the end product is the finished magazine.

    dann später unter den Anwendungsfällen, die nicht von der Lizenz erfasst sind:

    Whoa there! Things you can’t do with the Item

    This license is a “single application” license and not a “multi-use” license, which means that you can’t use the Item to create more than one unique End Product.

    You can’t re-distribute the Item as stock, in a tool or template, or with source files. You can’t do this with an Item either on its own or bundled with other items, and even if you modify the Item. You can’t re-distribute or make available the Item as-is or with superficial modifications.

    You can’t use the Item in any application allowing an end user to customise a digital or physical product to their specific needs, such as an “on demand”, “made to order” or “build it yourself” application. You can use the Item in this way only if you purchase a separate license for each final product incorporating the Item that is created using the application.

    Examples of “on demand”, “made to order” or “build it yourself” applications: website builders, “create your own” slideshow apps, and e-card generators. You will need one license for each product created by a customer, or contact us at Help Center to discuss.

    In eurem Fall würdet ihr jedem Kunden das Theme samt Website Builder verkaufen und überlassen. Der Kunde hätte dann (vermute ich zumindest) auch die Möglichkeit, seine Website selbst zu bearbeiten oder mit neuen Inhalten zu füllen. Überdies wäre jede Website ein eigenes Endprodukt, außer alle Websites hätten den gleichen Inhalt (Texte, Bilder, etc.).

    Es wäre daher besser für jeden Kunden einfach eine Einzellizenz zu erwerben. Diese könntet ihr den Kunden auch übertragen und zwar dahingehend, dass er Theme-Updates über einen eigenen API-Key beziehen kann.


    Hey Commun-IT,

    To be honest I doubt this code is from our theme. Please deactivte your wordpress plugins (and your custom code) to see if Enfold outputs the invalid code. Enfold normally adds following code to the website to load the maps (I can also see this code on your webswite in the footer area):

    <script id='avia_gmaps_framework_globals' type='text/javascript'>
     /* <![CDATA[ */  
    var avia_framework_globals = avia_framework_globals || {};
    	avia_framework_globals.gmap_api = '[YOURAPIKEY (with no spaces)]';
    	avia_framework_globals.gmap_maps_loaded = '[YOURAPIKEY (with no spaces)]&callback=aviaOnGoogleMapsLoaded';
    	avia_framework_globals.gmap_builder_maps_loaded = '[YOURAPIKEY (with no spaces)]&callback=av_builder_maps_loaded';
    	avia_framework_globals.gmap_backend_maps_loaded = '';
    	avia_framework_globals.gmap_source = '[YOURAPIKEY (with no spaces)]';
    	avia_framework_globals.gmap_avia_api = '';
    /* ]]> */ 

    Best regards,

    in reply to: enfolld für immobilienmarkler (Real Estate) #1005377


    Wir haben leider keine Erfahrungswerte mit Enfold und Immobilien-Plugins, daher kann ich hierzu keine Empfehlungen abgeben. Ich habe gesehen, dass manche Benutzer dieses Plugin mit Enfold verwenden, jedoch habe ich es selbst nicht getestet und kann auch nicht versprechen, dass alle Funktionen mit Enfold kompatibel sind.

    Liebe Grüße,

    in reply to: Back end in FATAL ERROR #1005372


    This issue is caused by LayerSlider which is bundled with Enfold. The next theme update will include the updated LayerSlider version and then the update notice will disappear. If you really want to update LayerSlider you need to purchase a standalone plugin license here:

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Sidebar issue #1005370


    I fixed it. Your last contact form (see link in private content) had several html syntax/coding errors which broke the page layout. I fixed them.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Mehrere Lizenzen #1005353


    Ich weiß nicht, was unter “uneingeschränkte Lizenz” verstanden wird. Vielleicht meint er eine “Extended License”, welche für Enfold $ 2950 kostet (entspricht daher etwa 50 Einzellizenzen a $59). Jedoch ermöglicht diese auch keine uneingeschränkte Nutzung, sondern erlaubt es, das Theme als Teil eines (neuen) Endproduktes zu verteilen. Die Lizenzdetails finden sich hier:

    Eine “uneingeschränkte Lizenz” kann und wird es in der Form nicht geben, da diese es erlauben würde, Enfold (unmodifiziert) an andere weiter zu verkaufen und wir dieses Theme nicht mehr exklusiv anbieten könnten.


    in reply to: Errors showing in google search console #1005349

    Hey dmxsta,

    You could add following rule to the robots.txt:

    User-agent: *
    Disallow: wp-content/themes/.*

    It will exclude all theme folders and you don’t need to reveal the theme folder name (i.e. “enfold”).

    Google indexes all urls by default, including theme resources like css or js scripts. In fact many experts recommend “don’t block the access to theme files” (i.e. Yoast: ).

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Mehrere Lizenzen #1005345

    Hallo Michaela,
    Wir verkaufen Enfold exklusiv auf Themeforest (und dürfen auch nur dort verkaufen). Da Envato/Themeforest kein Rabattsystem anbietet, können wir leider auch keine Rabatte für Volumenslizenzen anbieten.

    Liebe Grüße,

    in reply to: Pdfs not found #1005344


    I checked the html code of the button and this code is not valid/broken. It looks like:

    <a href="<a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener&quot;></a>" class="avia-button   avia-icon_select-yes-left-icon avia-color-theme-color avia-size-large avia-position-left " target="_blank"><span class="avia_button_icon avia_button_icon_left "  data-av_iconfont="entypo-fontello"></span><span class="avia_iconbox_title">Download e-Brochure</span></a>

    but it should look like:

    <a href="" class="avia-button   avia-icon_select-yes-left-icon avia-color-theme-color avia-size-large avia-position-left " target="_blank"><span class="avia_button_icon avia_button_icon_left " data-av_iconfont="entypo-fontello"></span><span class="avia_iconbox_title">Download e-Brochure</span></a>

    I’m not sure what causes this issue. Please try to deactivate all plugins and ccheck if a plugin manipulates the link/button code. Please also check your custom code in your child theme.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Instagram Returned Invalid Data #1005337


    Please try to add this code to the quick css field:

    #top #wrap_all .av-instagram-item {
        padding: 0;
        border: 2px solid #fff;

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Scroll To Top – change window_offset #1005335


    I’m not sure which scroll button you mean. If you refer to the default scroll to top button (which is used on all pages, not only the portfolio page) you can edit the code in enfold/js/avia.js. Search for the function avia_scroll_top_fade (starting with line 823) and replace 500 in line 832:

    if(st < 500)

    with another value.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Problem with Form / Probleme mit Formular #1005330


    Kannst Du bitte die Login-Daten nochmals überprüfen – ich bekomme nur eine Fehlermeldung: “FEHLER: Ungültiger Benutzername. Passwort vergessen?” wenn ich mich einloggen möchte.


    in reply to: change portfolio grid on tag archive pages #1005327


    You can set the number of items per page on the “Reading” settings page (see link private content). I set the number to 100 now to show all items on one page.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Exclude specific script from merging. #1005324


    You can use this code to exclude (additional) files:

    add_filter('avf_exclude_assets', 'avia_exclude_files_from_compression', 10, 1);
    function avia_exclude_files_from_compression($excluded_files)
      $exclude_css = array('admin-bar', 'dashicons');
      $exclude_js = array('jquery-core', 'admin-bar', 'comment-reply');
      $excluded_files['css'] = array_merge($excluded_files['css'], $exclude_css);
      $excluded_files['js'] = array_merge($excluded_files['js'], $exclude_js);
      return $excluded_files;

    Replace ‘admin-bar’, ‘dashicons’ with the names of your css files (i.e. the example files would be admin-bar.css and dashicons.css) and ‘jquery-core’, ‘admin-bar’, ‘comment-reply’ with the names of your js files (i.e. the example files would be jquery-core.js and admin-bar.js and comment-reply.js).

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Comments not displaying #1005318


    I fixed it by replacing line 90 in comments.php:

    $comment_entries = get_comments(array( 'type'=> 'comment', 'post_id' => $post->ID ));


    $comment_entries = get_comments(array('post_id' => $post->ID));

    Please copy the comments.php template to your child theme folder.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: welche Galerie benutze ich dafür #1004445


    Ok – wünsche ich Dir ebenfalls!


    in reply to: Base Price in Masonry Product type #1004443


    As far as I know WooCommerce does not offer a base price calculation out of the box. You can install a plugin like German market: which adds a price per unit settings tab to products. You can then replace the default price code:

    $this->loop[$key]['text_after'] .= '<span class="av-masonry-price price">'.$product->get_price_html()."</span>";

    with this one

    	$this->loop[$key]['text_after'] .= '<span class="av-masonry-price price">'.$product->get_price_html()." ".WGM_Price_Per_Unit::get_price_per_unit_string($product)."</span>";
    	$this->loop[$key]['text_after'] .= '<span class="av-masonry-price price">'.$product->get_price_html()."</span>";

    to show the base price.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Woocommerce Tabs to Accordions #1004420

    Hey waveseven,

    Please use this code to remove the default product tabs:

    add_action('init', 'avia_remove_avia_product_tabs', 10); 
    function avia_remove_avia_product_tabs()
    remove_action( 'woocommerce_after_single_product_summary', 'woocommerce_output_product_data_tabs', 1 );

    You can add the code to the child theme functions.php

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Update Enfold #1004413


    Maybe the issue is caused by a known bug in the themeforest api. To fix it use the theme editor (Appearance > Editor) and edit Enfold. Go to enfold/framework/php/auto-updates/ and open the class-pixelentity-theme-update.php file. Clear the entire file (remove the code) and copy the entire code from here into the blank file. Afterwards save the file and the update should work.

    You can also use ftp to update the file. Save the code from here: to a file called class-pixelentity-theme-update.php. Then connect to your server via ftp, go to the directory wp-content/enfold/framework/php/auto-updates/ and overwrite the class-pixelentity-theme-update.php with the updated file you created before.


    in reply to: Update failed #1004412

    Hi ESWEENEY113!

    This issue is caused by a known bug in the themeforest api. To fix it use the theme editor (Appearance > Editor) and edit Enfold. Go to enfold/framework/php/auto-updates/ and open the class-pixelentity-theme-update.php. Clear the entire file (remove the code) and copy the entire code from here into the blank file. Afterwards save the file and the update should work.

    You can also use ftp to update the file. Save the code from here: to a file called class-pixelentity-theme-update.php. Then connect to your server via ftp, go to the directory wp-content/enfold/framework/php/auto-updates/ and overwrite the class-pixelentity-theme-update.php with the updated file you created before.


    in reply to: Doubled Breadcrumb-element & translation issue #1004401

    Hey Maskenzauber,

    Please add this code to the child theme functions.php to remove the “Events” breadcrumb item:

    add_filter( 'avia_breadcrumbs_trail', 'avia_breadcrumbs_trail_mod', 50, 2 );
    function avia_breadcrumbs_trail_mod( $trail, $args ) 
    	foreach ($trail as $key => $value)
    		if(strpos($value, '') !== false && strpos($value, 'Events') !== false)
    	return $trail;

    To translate the events calendar page title you can use this code:

    add_filter('avf_title_args', 'avf_title_args_mod', 99, 2);
    function avf_title_args_mod($args,$id)
         if ( $args['title'] == 'Calendar of Events' ) 
            $args['title'] = 'Veranstaltungskalender';
        return $args;

    and replace the word “Veranstaltungskalender” with some custom text if necessary.

    Best regards,


    Glad you solved the issue :)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Compatible plugin to customize Category & Product template #1004397

    Hey Vrout,

    I’m not aware of such a plugin but you can search the official extension store here: . They also offer a 30 day money back guarantee if the plugin doesn’t work with Enfold or another plugin.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: add content form to the bottom of all portfolio items #1004396


    Yes with some code like:

    add_filter('avf_template_builder_content', 'avia_add_contact_form_seven_to_portfolio', 10, 1);
    function avia_add_contact_form_seven_to_portfolio($content)
    	if( is_singular('portfolio') )
    		$content = do_shortcode("[av_button label='BOOK HERE' link='manually,#bookhere' link_target='' size='large' position='right' label_display='' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello' color='dark' custom_bg='#444444' custom_font='#ffffff' av_uid='av-14vrx59' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='']") . $content;
    	return $content;

    Best regards,

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