Forum Replies Created
Yes, the Enfold dummy data importer is not compatible with the default wordpress xml importer. If you want to import the content switch to another theme (like the default TwentyTwelve theme), then import the content and switch to Enfold. Alternatively (better solution) clone the database with: WP MIGRATE DB and import the sql file with phpmyadmin or another database management tool…
August 29, 2013 at 2:39 pm in reply to: CSS Horizontal Jquery Accordion in WordPress einfügen #138180Hallo,
wenn es sich bei diesem Skript um kein WordPress Plugin handelt ist die Implementierung leider zeitaufwändig und wir können hierfür keine Unterstützung anbieten. Ich empfehle entweder hier: nach einem ähnlichen WordPress Plugin zu suchen, welches mit unserem Theme kompatibel ist, oder jmd mit der Implementierung des Accordion-Skripts zu beauftragen.
Actually this should be possible out of the box. Add a color section to the advanced layout and insert some text into the “Custom ID” field (eg insert “aviarevolution” into the field). Afterwards place a text block into the color section and insert the RevolutionSlider shortcode into the textblock. Save the element and the layout template. At least insert following code into the quick css field to stretch the slider to the screen width
#aviarevolution .container {
width: 100%;
I tagged your request for the other support staff members – maybe they’re interested.
Best regards,
IE6 and IE7 are not supported by Enfold and we have no plans to support these browsers in the future.
Best regards,
We’ll fix this in the next version. For now open up avia_google_maps_widget.js and replace
$('.widgets-sortables').ajaxSuccess(function(e, xhr, settings){
var widget_id_base = 'avia_google_maps';
if('action=save-widget') != -1 &&'id_base=' + widget_id_base) != -1)with
$(document).ajaxSuccess(function(e, xhr, settings){
var widget_id_base = 'avia_google_maps';
if(settings &&'action=save-widget') != -1 &&'id_base=' + widget_id_base) != -1)We added a filter to the theme. In the next version you’ll be able to include this code without modifying the function (eg you can use a child theme then). I’ll post the code here when we released the update.
Update – with the next version following code should be used instead
add_filter('avf_ajax_search_function', 'avia_init_relevanssi', 10, 4);
function avia_init_relevanssi($function_name, $search_query, $search_parameters, $defaults)
$function_name = 'avia_relevanssi_search';
return $function_name;
function avia_relevanssi_search($search_query, $search_parameters, $defaults)
global $query;
$tempquery = $query;
$tempquery->query_vars = $search_parameters;
$posts = $tempquery->posts;
return $posts;
You can also use the nolink quicktag:
Best regards,
Personally I only know: but I didn’t test it too. You’ll probably find some useful plugins here:
Best regards,
The number of posts per row depends on the total number of posts. If you have i.e. 9 posts Enfold will display 3 posts per row if you set the column setting to “3” (like here: ). However if you’ve a total number of 10 posts Enfold will display just one post in the last row – even if you set the column setting to “3” simply because there’re not enough posts for the last row (like here: ).
Can you post a link to the website please. I can’t reproduce this issue on my test server.
This fix works on my test server:
If you want to apply the class to smaller sliders you can also extend the code like
if(in_array( $shortcodename, array('av_one_third', 'av_two_third', 'av_three_fourth') )) $meta['el_class'] .= ' avia-small-width-slider ';
if(in_array( $shortcodename, array('av_one_fourth' , 'av_one_fifth') )) $meta['el_class'] .= ' avia-super-small-width-slider ';You can change it in wp-contentthemesenfoldframeworkphpclass-form-generator.php – search for
$this->output = '<form action="'.$params['action'].'" method="post" class="ajax_form '.$extraClass.'" data-avia-form-id="'.$this->formID.'"><fieldset>';
I didn’t test this fix but you can try to use the get_the_excerpt filter to include the entire page content (including shortcodes) into the search excerpt. Add following code to the bottom of functions.php
function avia_do_shortcode_search_excerpt( $excerpt ) {
$excerpt = do_shortcode($excerpt);
return $excerpt;
add_filter( 'get_the_excerpt', 'avia_do_shortcode_search_excerpt', 5, 1);You can modify the post query but note that it will affect ALL portfolio grids. Open up wp-contentthemesenfoldconfig-templatebuilderavia-shortcodesportfolio.php and search for
$query = array( 'orderby' => 'post_date',
'order' => 'DESC',
'paged' => $page,
'posts_per_page' => $params['items'],
'post_type' => $params['post_type'],
'tax_query' => array( array( 'taxonomy' => $params['taxonomy'],
'field' => 'id',
'terms' => $terms,
'operator' => 'IN')));Replace the operator value and use AND instead of IN
Actually it won’t work properly with posts – there’re several issues. The archive pages may break, the post formats (video, link, quote, gallery, etc.) won’t work anymore, etc.
We had good reasons why we decided to not include this feature for posts….
In this case I’d contact the hoster – ask them if any redirect rules are in place which can block or affect search queries. You can also try to switch to another theme (like TwentyTwelve). If this link: still redirects you to the front page it’s definitely a sever configuration issue.
Can you post a link to the website please? Tablets and ipads should display the mobile menu instead of the standard dropdown menu. You can test it with a standard browser/computer – you just need to resize the browser window to i.e. 768px.
Great :)
Try following code
.logo, .logo a, .logo a img {
max-width: 350px;
width: 100%;
No, but you can change the “portfolio-item” slug on the theme option page (Enfold > General Settings). On the portfolio item editor page you can edit the permalink by clicking on the “Edit” button next to the permalink
August 29, 2013 at 6:23 am in reply to: Header size – Fixed header with social icons and additional navigation #138011Hi,
Right now this header type doesn’t support the resize effect and it would require some work to implement it (javascript function to scale the content, new css code etc.). You can suggest your idea here: and if more users request it we’ll look into it.
Can you post a link to your website please? I’d like to check the code first hand.
Best regards,
Insert following code into the quick css field
.post-meta-infos, .news-time{
display: none;
}Best regards,
August 29, 2013 at 6:13 am in reply to: Is there a way to number the single comments at a post? #137042Hey!
No, this would require some custom work. There seems to be a plugin: but I haven’t tested it and you maybe need to customize some theme files too.
You can suggest the idea here:
Best regards,
Sure – you can use following css code
#top .iconbox_content p{
font-size: 22px;
}Best regards,
Sounds like a javascript issue/conflict. You can use the browser console to determine which script breaks the website.
Best regards,
Unfortunately this is not a bug but a wordpress limitation. WordPress saves the position of widgets with ids (the first widget area has the id 1, the second 2, etc.). If you remove/add a widget area wordpress will re-calculate/re-count all ids and now the next sidebar area has the id of the previous sidebar area you deleted. If you set the column option to 3 the “4 column” sidebar area is missing and wordpress thinks that all these widgets belong to “Forum” which is displayed directly afterwards. So if you change the widget area number make sure that column 4 does not hold any widgets.
Actually there’re two solutions.
1) Change the thumbnail size in functions.php – search for
$avia_config['imgSize']['portfolio'] = array('width'=>495, 'height'=>400 ); // images for portfolio entries (2,3 column)
and set the width value to a value below 450px. Regenerate the thumbnails with:
2) Upload a bigger image. All other featured images are bigger (eg or but this image:×450.jpg is too small and wordpress will not resize the width. Eventually this image is different from the other images (different aspect ratio) and it breaks the grid.