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  • in reply to: ie9.0.8 image alignment off #137626


    Can you post a link to the website please? I need to check the css & html code first hand.



    in reply to: Activate mobile drop-down menu sooner #138108


    You can use a media query – it will only affect smaller screen which use the pulldown menu

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    your css code

    Replace “your css code” with your style rules and adjust the max-width value if necessary…



    in reply to: Ajax Gallery #136433


    1) das Beitragsbildproblem muss ich mir im Backend ansehen – bitte erstelle mir einen Admin Account und sende mir die Zugangsdaten zu: (Email address hidden if logged out)

    2) Soweit ich weiß zeigt die Slideshow dezeit immer nur eine bestimmte Größe an und passt sich nicht an die Vorschaubildgröße an. Ich werde aber Kriesi fragen, ob dieses Feature irgendwie aktiviert werden kann oder womöglich in einem Update hinzugefügt wird.

    in reply to: Logo stretching in Safari #136444

    I tagged this thread for Kriesi because I can’t reproduce the problem with Safari on Win8 (I tested it on my server & demo page here: ). Maybe it’s a OS (MacOSX) specific issue.

    in reply to: Center menu container #138178

    You can add a margin to the menu container to center the menu – use following css code and change the value based on your requirements.:

    .main_menu {
    right: 100px;

    You can also use media queries to set different margins ffor different screen resolutions:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .main_menu {
    right: 10px;

    @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1024px) {
    .main_menu {
    right: 50px;

    in reply to: Weiterlesen Tag funktioniert nicht #138297


    der “Weiterlesen Tag” wird hier nicht unterstützt, da wir den “Auszug” Text abfragen. In dieses Feld kann man einen beliebig langen Text (zB 20 oder 30 Wörter) eintragen und es hat darüber hinaus den Vorteil, dass der “Excerpt” Text sich vom normalen Artikelinhalt unterscheiden kann, was sich wiederum postiv auf SEO auswirken kann, da man Duplikate vermeidet.

    Das Auszug Feld findet sich unterhalb des Texteditors. Falls es nicht sichtbar ist einfach auf “Optionen” in der rechten oberen Ecke klicken und die Checkbox bei “Auszug” markieren.

    in reply to: Mail subject #138433

    Afaik Kriesi already added a filter to the form class which allows you to change the subject without modifying framework/php/class-form-generator.php. You must use Enfold 2.0.x. Insert following code at the bottom of functions.php:

    add_filter('avf_form_subject','avia_change_mail_subject', 10, 3);
    function avia_change_mail_subject($subject, $new_post, $form_params)
    $subject = 'My email subject';
    return $subject;

    and instead of “My email subject” insert your custom subject text.

    Update – I just saw that this filter is not included in the themeforest version of the theme yet but it will be part of the next update. If you want to use it now (with the current Enfold version) replace

    $subject = urldecode( $subject  . " (".__('sent by contact form at','avia_framework')." ".$myblogname.")" );


    $subject = urldecode( $subject );
    $subject = apply_filters("avf_form_subject", $subject, $new_post, $this->form_params);

    in reply to: Something wrong with breadcrumbs #138156

    Actually I can’t reproduce the issue on your page. The breadcrumb shows “You are here:Home / Tiles / Glass Tiles”:

    However maybe try to clear the browser cache & cookies because Kriesi sometimes uses sessions: to generate the breadcrumb for portfolio items

    in reply to: Portfolio category AND operation #138021

    No, this is not easily possible because you can just set one relation and you try to combine two relations (namely AND and IN). It’s definitely possible to implement such a query logic but you need to hire someone to customize the files.

    in reply to: Hide/Exclude a category from WooCommerce Shop page #138142

    I found this article:

    Basically you need to insert it at the bottom of functions.php. Then replace

    'field' => 'slug',
    'terms' => array( 'PUT YOUR CATEGORY HERE' ), // Don't display products in the m


    'field' => 'id',
    'terms' => array(20,25), // Don't display products in the m

    and instead of 20, 25 insert the category id(s) you want to exclude. Separate them with a comma.

    in reply to: Change 404 – page #138201


    Yes. The wp-contentthemesenfoldincludeserror404.php template/file contains the source code.



    in reply to: CSS Horizontal Jquery Accordion in WordPress einfügen #138182

    Ich habe das CSS Jquery Slider Accordion Skript auch mittels Google nicht finden können – daher weiß ich nicht genau was es tut bzw. wie es aussieht. Eine Lösung wäre vielleicht das bestehenden “Accordion” Element mit einer Gallery to kombinieren. ZB kannst du eine Standard WordPress Gallerie einbetten oder Nextgen Gallery installieren: und diesen Shortcode in das Accordion einfügen. Bei Nextgen ist aber zu beachten, dass v2.0.x sehr buggy ist und daher würde ich vorerst nur: installieren.

    in reply to: Help with some background issues please #138129


    Please post a link to the add to cart page & slider page – I need to investigate the source code first hand. Please deactivate the “coming soon” page/plugin if necessary.



    in reply to: Icon List Malfunction #136795


    Please create me a wordpress admin account and send me the login data to: (Email address hidden if logged out) – I’ll look into it.



    in reply to: Before and After Plugin #138169


    Thanks colorit2 for the information ;-)

    Best regards,


    It seems like your server blocks the access to the dynamic stylesheet: which contains the custom css code and the code which is generated when you save the styling settings (Enfold > Theme Options). Make sure that the file permission is set to 777 – Enfold must be able to read/write to this file and external visitors must be able to view & download the file – otherwise the browser can’t load & interpret the css code.

    in reply to: Define column width in footer #138138

    Try following css code

    #footer div .av_one_half.first {
    width: 20%;

    #footer div .av_one_half {
    width: 80%;

    You probably need to decrease the % values a bit (eg set it to 17% and 77%) because of the padding/margins between the columns.

    in reply to: Change Minimum Height for Header #138165

    Open up js/avia.js and search for

    if(st < el_height/2)
    newH = el_height - st;
    newH = el_height/2;

    Replace it with

    if(st < el_height/2)
    newH = el_height - st;
    newH = el_height/2;

    if(newH < 50) newH = 50;

    and instead of 50 set your minimum height value (at the moment it’s set to 50px).

    in reply to: Easy Slider Border #138174


    You can try following css code:

    .avia-slideshow {
    border: 3px solid #333;

    Insert it into the quick css field and change the border color (#333) and width value (3px) if necessary.



    in reply to: Error in the option: Transition LayerSlider Builder #135730


    Great :)

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Replacing 'portfolio' slug with portfolio category #138018


    I added your request to the feature request thread:

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Enfold Feature Requests #114816


    More slug options for portfolio items:



    in reply to: Easy slider navigation arrows not responsive #137470


    Yes, please try it on a clean installation. I also tagged this thread for Kriesi in case he has a better solution/fix.



    in reply to: Something wrong with breadcrumbs #138154

    The breadcrumb will always show the parent page(s) of the current page. Make sure that the page hierarchy is correct. You can set the parent page in the right sidebar of the page editor screen (underneath the blue Publish/Update button).

    The delay is probably a side effect of long loading times (the browser loads the theme css code first and then loads the font files which replace the default font). You can try to install a minify/cache plugin like: to improve the performance.

    in reply to: Latest portfolio widget order #138150

    Open up wp-contentthemesenfoldframeworkphpclass-framework-widgets.php and replace

    $additional_loop = new WP_Query("cat=".$cat."&posts_per_page=".$count);


    $additional_loop = new WP_Query("cat=".$cat."&order=ASC&orderby=title&posts_per_page=".$count);

    in reply to: Text inside tables #138094

    You can use following css code to change the vertical alignment of the table – insert it into the quick css field:

    table, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td { vertical-align: baseline; }

    All properties are listed here:

    If you want to change the alignment of a certain table I’s suggest to wrap the td data (or the entire table shortcode) into a div with a custom class and then you can use i.e.

    .customclass table, .customclass tbody, .customclass tfoot, .customclass thead,.customclass tr, .customclass th, .customclass td { vertical-align: baseline; }

    to change the alignment of this table only.

    in reply to: Fullscreen easy slider in IE8 #137245

    I can’t reproduce the issue on my test system (IETester or IE10 dev console) but you can try to add an important tag to the no-repeat code to avoid that any js script overwrites the property.

    background-repeat:no-repeat !important;

    in reply to: Search results and Advanced Editor #137782


    Great, glad Relevanssi solved the problem I tagged it for Kriesi in case he can improve the default search somehow.

    Best regards,


    in reply to: multilingual page cause some Element not working #137963

    Do you mean the standard text strings like on the search page: (“If you are not happy with the results bellow please do another search”, etc.)? If yes you must translate these strings with a po/mo translation file. I’d suggest to generate the po file with Codestyling:

    Install the plugin, go to Tools > Localization and select “Themes”. Then search for “Enfold” in the list and click on “Add new language”. Afterwards select your language from the list and click the “create po-file” button. Click on “Rescan” to fetch all text strings. Then click on “Edit” and translate the required strings from the “avia_framework” textdomain. At least click the “create mo file” button next to the “Textdomain” selection dropdown (top left corner).

    Or do you want to translate i.e, “ABOUT US”? If yes just open up the textblock element (seems to be part of a color section) and replace the text with your translation…

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