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  • in reply to: portfolio category filter #163968

    Hello denye!

    Open up /wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/portfolio.php and replace

    'operator' 	=> 'IN'


    'operator' 	=> 'AND'


    in reply to: Contact form not emailing through all fields #163950


    I couldn’t reproduce the label issue on my test server and the $_post varible name length probably depends on the php.ini (configuration file) settings ( ). We’ll add a fix to the next update – for now you can fix it by editing wp-content\themes\enfold\framework\php\class-form-generator.php. Open up the file and replace

    				$key = avia_backend_safe_string($key);
    					$key = $iterations;


    				$key = avia_backend_safe_string($key);
    					$key = $iterations;
    				$key = avia_backend_truncate($key, 15, "_", "", false, '', false);


    					$element_id = avia_backend_safe_string('avia_'.$key);
    					if($element_id == "avia_")
    						$iterations ++;
    						$element_id = "avia_".$iterations;


    					$element_id = avia_backend_safe_string('avia_'.$key);
    					if($element_id == "avia_")
    						$iterations ++;
    						$element_id = "avia_".$iterations;
    					$element_id = avia_backend_truncate($element_id, 20, "_", "", false, '', false);

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Sticky Post #163947

    Hallo ThorbenR!

    Ja, soweit ich weiß ist dies auf der Standard Blog Seite und auf den Archiveseiten immer der Fall. Bei den Blog Element sollte es eigentlich auch standardmäßig aktiviert sein, vielleicht muss man aber manuell den “ignore_sticky_posts” Parameter zur Query hinzufügen. Diesfalls füge folgenden Code am Ende von functions.php ein:

    add_filter('avia_blog_post_query','avia_sticky_post', 10, 2);
    function avia_sticky_post($query, $params){
    $query['ignore_sticky_posts'] = 0;
    return $query;

    Beste Grüße,

    in reply to: Menu deaktivieren #163708

    Dann würde ich CSS verwenden um das Menü auf einer bestimmten Seite zu verstecken. Einfach folgenden Code in das Quick css Feld einfügen

    .page-id-734 #header{
    display: none !important;

    und 734 mit der Seiten ID jener Seite ersetzen, welche das Menü nicht anzeigen soll.

    in reply to: Latest Update Broke Site in IE8 #163704


    Very questionable because IE8 does not support css3 media queries which are responsible for the “responsive aspects”. Only IE9+ support them.


    • This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by Dude.
    in reply to: Theme update #163535
    in reply to: New update – Issue with woocommerce #163532


    Great, glad you like the new website :)


    in reply to: AUTOMATIC UPDATE UNDESIRABLE #163530


    Since v2.1 you just need to click a button on the theme option page (Enfold > General Settings)


    in reply to: Layout Header #163525

    Hey netztaucher!

    Try following css code – you can insert it into the quick css field

    .bottom_nav_header.social_header .main_menu, .bottom_nav_header.social_header .main_menu {
    margin-left: -50px;
    .responsive_large #header_main_alternate .container {
    width: 100%;


    in reply to: No link in breadcrumb if the page is private #163523

    Hi minestelecom!

    Try following – open up wp-content\themes\enfold\framework\php\class-breadcrumb.php and replace

    $parents[]  = '<a href="' . get_permalink( $post_id ) . '" title="' . esc_attr( get_the_title( $post_id ) ) . '">' . get_the_title( $post_id ) . '</a>';


    if(get_post_status($post_id) == 'private'){
    $parents[]  = get_the_title( $post_id );
    $parents[]  = '<a href="' . get_permalink( $post_id ) . '" title="' . esc_attr( get_the_title( $post_id ) ) . '">' . get_the_title( $post_id ) . '</a>';


    in reply to: ENFOLD: Icon Problems with Entypo icon font in IE8 (and below) #163513


    You can use conditional tags to hide the icon font for older IEs. Insert following code in header.php before the closing head tag (</head>).

    <!--[if lt IE 9]>
    .avia-font-entypo-fontello{ display: none !important; }


    in reply to: Accordion and tabs not showing in ajax portfolio #163509


    Please post a link to your website. I’ll investigate the code with the developer tools.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: isotope with other plugins #163501

    Hello freeHat!

    Yes, afaik isotope is only used for the portfolio function in avia.js ($.fn.avia_iso_sort) and the ajax portfolio ($.fn.avia_portfolio_preview in shortcodes.js)


    in reply to: Ajax view of portfolio #163500

    Hello Web_Committee!

    I’m sorry but Enfold does not support such a layout and the customization is beyond the scope of our support form. If you really need such a layout please hire a freelancer for the job.


    in reply to: Portfolio Grid Increase Column Count to 6 #163498


    No, the portfolio just supports a 2 column, 3 column or 4 column layout We plan to add a 1 column layout in the future but 5 columns are not planned or supported yet. As a workaround you can try the “Partner/Logo Element (Media Elements) which we introduced in Enfold v2.1 and which supports up to 8 columns. You can link the images to any website or webpage – i.e. to your single portfolio entries.


    in reply to: No Accent In Titles in Enfold #163497


    I think the problem is the font weight. 600 is too bold and you can’t see the shape of the character anymore. Try to decrease the weight with following css code

    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
    font-weight: 300;

    Best regards,

    in reply to: 404 Error when trying to access Author Archive #163492


    1) Please check your user profile page (Users > Your Profil). On this page you can change your Nickname and the “Display name publicly as” option which helps you to switch between the nickname and the username. “Jaybo” is probably the username of the author “Jamie Wyant” because the link points to and wordpress always uses the username for the author page slug (because the username must be unique and it’s like an ID). If the link to the archive page doesn’t work try to flush the permalinks. Go to Settings > Permalinks and hit the “Save” button.

    2) Afaik there’s a “Biographical Info” field on the profile page. You can insert any text into it and it will be displayed next to the author image. The avatar is the default wordpress avatar and is loaded from gravatar: – it’s connected the the author email address and if you change the email address you also need to change the email address on your profile page..

    Best regards,


    The code seems to be correct (no syntax errors, etc.). Please try to insert it at the very end of functions.php.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Search icon not displaying #163462


    Please insert following code into the quick css field to fix the issue

    #top .menu-item-search-dropdown > a, #searchform #searchsubmit, .ajax_search_image, .iconfont {
    font-family: 'entypo-fontello' !important;


    in reply to: related entries #163459

    Hey denye!

    In single-portfolio.php replace

    get_template_part( 'includes/loop', 'portfolio-single' );


    get_template_part( 'includes/loop', 'portfolio-single' );
    //show related posts based on tags if there are any
    get_template_part( 'includes/related-posts');


    in reply to: Enfold is the only theme that doesn't work ! #163458


    Did you contact your hoster? Afaik it makes no sense to change the php.ini values without restarting the server. At least on my localhost the changes won’t take any effect if I don’t restart the server.

    You can also check the error log – it the “PHP Warning: glob() has been disabled” warning is still there php doesn’t use you modified php.ini.


    in reply to: Tracking Contact Form Submission in Google Analytics #163452


    Tbh I’m also not familiar with Google analytics and I’m not sure what’s the best way to track events. However this thread: may help you.


    in reply to: WPML Breaks all URL's #163449


    Please create me a wordpress admin account and send me the login data to: (Email address hidden if logged out) – I’ll look into it.


    in reply to: Home V7 und Navigation #163437

    Hallo Mechthild!

    Bei One-Pager muss man mit hashtags und Sektion-IDs arbeiten. Zuerst füge deine Inhalte in eine “Color Section” ein und in das “Section ID” Optionsfeld trage irgendeine sinnvolle ID ein (zb “contact” wenn du ein Kontaktformular in der Sektion anzeigen möchtest oder “portfolio” wenn ein portfolio dargestellt werden soll)

    Anschließen speichert man den Seiteninhalt und geht zu den Menüs (Design > Menüs). Dort fügt man dann einen benutzerdefinierten Link hinzu. Den Link Text kann man frei wählen und in das URL Feld trage die gewählte ID mit einem hashtag davor ein zB #contact oder #portfolio. Dann das Menü speichern und Menü Punkte verlinken nicht mehr auf Seiten sondern Sektionen.

    Beste Grüße,

    in reply to: Fatal errors when working in backend #163430


    Yes, it seems like you can’t use the auto update feature because your server can’t connect to the envato servers ( to check for the latest versions and to download the theme files. In your case WordPress just returns an error. I’d recommend to deactivate the auto update feature and to install the update manually. This post helps you to deactivate the update option page:

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Custom post type/category/taxonomy pages giving 404 – ENFOLD #163428


    Not at all :) – we use the flush_rules(); method on the option page too – otherwise the user wouldn’t be able to change the single portfolio item slug without flushing the permalinks manually (Settings > Permalinks).


    in reply to: New update – Issue with woocommerce #163426

    Hi tabishiqbal!

    Use following code to increase the size of the product enquiry tab

    width: 110px;


    in reply to: Fehler 404 – Seite nicht gefunden #162964

    Kriesi verwenden folgenden HTML Code

    <div class="img_container_404"><h2><strong>Error 404</strong> <br>Page not found  - probably lost in space?</h2><img src="" alt="404 - Page not Found" title="404 - Page not Found"></div>

    Denn sollte man eigentlich in error404.php vor

    <div class='hr_invisible'></div>

    einfügen können. Dass es genau gleich aussieht kann ich aber nicht versprechen, da ich Kriesi’s child Theme Code nicht kenne.

    in reply to: How to translate Enfold site with WPML, correctly? #162953

    The main difference is that Codestyling does a better job imo. It recognizes different textdomains in the php files and you can easily switch between textdomains – this helps you to ignore unnecessary textdomains (i.e. you just need to translate the “avia_framework” textdomain and not the LayerSlider textdomain, etc.). In addition Codestyling can handle textdomains which are stored in variables and constants whereas wpml can only handle simple text strings.

    in reply to: Custom images for moderator in bbpress #162936

    Kriesi uses following code for the badge:

    #bbpress-forums .bbp-body .moderator.user-id-451 div.bbp-topic-content, #bbpress-forums .bbp-body .moderator.user-id-451 div.bbp-reply-content {
    background: #f8f8f8 url(images/team-badge-head.png) top right no-repeat;

    You need to change the image url and depending on your requirements the user class ( .user-id-451 ). However if you want to use different badges for different users you should use this class and change the user id (i.e. 451 in the code sample above).

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