Forum Replies Created
Hast du schon probiert den allocated memory auf 128M zu setzen: ? Einfach in der wp-config.php diese Konstante definieren und 128M als Wert eintragen.
Awesome :)
I noticed that I forgot a . at the very beginning. Please try it again.
After some debugging I found the css rule which seems to break the meno for IE8 users. Try to add following code to the quick css field
.main_menu .menu li a { max-width:none; }
After some debugging I found the css rule which seems to break the meno for IE8 users. Try to add following code to the quick css field
.main_menu .menu li a { max-width:none; }
and remove the hack I posted above to make sure that the code works for you.
Ja Kriesi und ich sind aus Wien, die anderen Supportmitarbeiter sind international besetzt. Was du möchtest ist eine sogenannte “LazyLoad” Funktion. Diese wird jedoch derzeit von Enfold (und speziell von) den Tabs nicht unterstützt. Wenn so eine Funktion tatsächlich dringend benötigt wird würde ich entweder Galerie Plugins wie Nextgen: ausprobieren – soweit ich weiß bieten dafür Entwickler “lazyload” Templates an – oder ich würde einen Entwickler mit der Implementierung beauftragen. Ich muss aber zugeben ich bezweifle, dass du mit Tabs gute Resultate eziehlen wirst, da LazyLoad im Regelfall auch Zeit benötigt die Bilder zu laden und man dabei auf die Userinteraktion setzt .Daher zB scrolled der User hinunter wird irgendwann der Ladeprozess ausgelöst – wie hier: . Bei Tabs gibts aber eine solche Interaktion nicht und wenn lazyload erst gestartet wird wenn der User sich den Tab ansieht, dann hat er für ein paar Sekunden ein leeres, weißes Feld und klickt vermutlich gleich weiter…Hi!
Maybe the is_bbpress() conditional doesn’t work in your case. You can try the conditionals from here:
i.e. replace is_bbpress() with (is_post_type_archive(‘forum’) || is_singular(array( ‘forum’, ‘topic’, ‘reply’)))
Best regards,
PeterOctober 2, 2013 at 9:09 am in reply to: Hide Main Menu Items and Create Alternative Main Menu #169195Hello!
I didn’t find the original thread but since Enfold 2.0 it shouldn’t be necessary to fiddle around with css to hide/show certain menu items on different pages. I added a “conditional menu” feature to the theme: which allows you to define conditions which determine when a menu item should be displayed or should be hidden. You just need to select the “Show” or “Hide”, then select “Page” and insert your blog page id into the text field:
If you want to show a menu item just on the blog page select “Show” – “Page” and insert the blog page id. If you want to hide a menu item just on the blog page use “Hide” – “Page” and insert the blog page id. You can also insert several page ids – separate them with a comma.
Best regards,
PeterOctober 2, 2013 at 8:54 am in reply to: Enfold Theme > shortcode to layerslider? Hover effect layerslider #169187Hey zerozendesign!
You can use shortcodes in the layerslider html field. They just won’t show up on the slider preview page but they will show up on the frontend/website. However I noticed that most shortcodes won’t scale properly if you re-size the slider – thus you may break the responsive layout of the website if you embed forms or big buttons with the shortcodes into the slider.
You can remove the hover effect with following css code – insert it into the quick css field
#top .ls-wp-container .ls-layer a, #top .ls-wp-container .ls-layer a:hover { text-decoration: none; }
Ok, irgendwo in deinem Website Code befindet sich:
#hc_template_wrapper7079 p strong { color: #ffffff !important; }
welcher die default main color mit important berschreibt. Füge einfach folgenden Code in das Quick CSS Feld ein:
#top #hc_template_wrapper7079 p strong { color: #c3512f !important; }
oder suche den Code oben und ersetze ffffff gegen c3512f.
Best regards,
PeterOctober 2, 2013 at 7:56 am in reply to: Floating Widget (using q2w3 widget) is not working in Chrome #169162Hey!
Can you please try to install the latest version of Enfold (v2.3+). I asked Kriesi to remove all -webkit-perspective, etc. rules which are not necessary for newer versions of Chrome and the update 2.3 should fix your issue.
Ok, please revert the change and try following css code
.js_active .portfolio-preview-content .tab_content { clear: none; }
You can get rid if the caption link with following css code
#top .portfolio-preview-image .avia-gallery-caption { display: none; }
3) You can actually switch the thumbnail size in the portfolio option window:
You need to select a thumbnail size which is applied to all images – i.e. if an image does not reach the thumbnail height or width wordpress will not re-size it and you’ll see an uneven grid.
Great :)
Best regards,
Please try following code instead
#top .main_menu .menu>li>a {min-width: 100px\9;}
If it doesn’t work insert following code to header.php before the closing head tag (</head>)
<!--[if lt IE 9]> <style> #top .main_menu .menu>li>a {min-width: 100px;} </style> <![endif]-->
Best regards,
PeterHello macrunner!
No, it does not replace any SEO plugin but the markup helps search engines to read and “understand” your content better which can improve your ranking.
Alternatively you can use a conditional comment in the head section (header.php)
<!--[if lt IE 9]> <style> #top .main_menu .menu>li>a {min-width: 100px;} </style> <![endif]-->
If you want to change the min.size for each item individually use the menu item id which can be found in the source code to target them – i.e
#top .main_menu .menu li#menu-item-14 a {min-width: 100px;}
would just set the min-size attribute for the menu item with the id 14.
Re 2) – please set a minimal width for the menu items. It seems like IE8 has problems with the link size. I first thought it’s related to my “resize” function but the issue occurs even if I remove/deactivate it.
Try to insert following code into the quick css field
#top .main_menu .menu>li>a {min-width: 100px\9;}
and increase the px value if necessary (i.e. set it to 120px).
Best regards,
PeterHi gatigno!
You can always check the change log (near the bottom) here:
PeterHi wvanderzee!
Yes, Kriesi forgot to make these strings translatable. You can replace the template-archives.php code with and the strings should be translatable. We’ll include a fix in the next update.
Best regards,
PeterHey helgipetersen!
The icons seem to work for me. Please try to clear your browser cache.
Nextgen Gallery works just fine with Enfold. You need to insert the gallery shortcode into a textblock and configure the lightbox properly:
That said our theme does not support image galleries from external sources but you need to import the images into the wordpress media gallery.
Ok, thank you. I could reproduce the issue with this entry. Try to add following code into the quick css field
.portfolio-preview-content { width: 33.4% !important; }
(Enfold > Styling on the wordpress admin page).
1) The menu does not support 7 columns and it’s not easily possible to add another column. Please use a 6 column structure or hire a freelancer to modify the theme code for you.
2) Please use following code to change the review tab width
div.product .woocommerce-tabs ul.tabs li.reviews_tab{ width: 85px; }
You can replace 85px with any other value. Please insert the code into the quick css field
Best regards,
Yes, but these messages shouldn’t prevent you from selecting the “avia_framework” textdomain from the dropdown. You can just ignore the warnings and translate all text strings from the avia_framework textdomain. However if it still doesn’t work please download the po file I generated with Codestyling here:,93390246/it_IT.po/ , upload it into the enfold/lang folder, then go to the Codestyling admin page and click on the “Edit” button. You don’t need to scan the files because I generated the it_IT.po with the latest version of Enfold (2.3).
It seems like a closing div tag is missing:
Please make sure your articles do not contain any invalid html code which may affect the html structure of the website. If you modified a theme file please revert the changes. Please update to v2.3 which we released today and make sure that all theme files were uploaded (sometimes the ftp upload fails and some files are damaged/corrupt).
Best regards,
Please update to version 2.3 (we released the update yesterday). It should fix the issue.
Best regards,
Please update to Enfold 2.3. We included the latest version of LayerSlider 4.6.4 and maybe the update fixes the issue for you.
PeterHi awilson3rd!
Enfold will fetch the description/title data from the media gallery. Go to Media > Library and edit your image attachments. You can insert an “Alternative Text” and “Description” for each image.
Also die fett markierten Wörter sind alle in der Primary Color bei mir: und ich wüsste nicht, was man da ändern soll. Bzgl der Headlines (wie zb die h1 Überschrift “Marco Behrens”) kann man die Primary Color wie folgt hinzufügen
#top h1 a, #top h1, #top h2 a, #top h2, #top h3 a, #top h3 { color: #c3512f !important; }
Aber auch hier würde ich empfehlen die ganzen Inline Styles wegzunehmen, falls nötig eine Klasse an das umgebende Element anzuhängen und dann in den Stylesheets mittels dieser Klasse das Element (bzw den Textinhalt) zu verändern. Derzeit überschreibt beinahe überall ein span die Theme Farben/Werte und man kann nicht mehr feststellen welche Farbwerte eigentlich standardmäßig verwendet werden und ob der CSS Code (da man ständig mit !important überschreiben muss) nicht andere Nebeneffekte hat.
I’d suggest to make a complete database backup with tools like: every day because it doesn’t make much sense to search the database for content. The database backup is easy to handle and you can simple re-import it if something breaks.
That said the builder data is stored in a post meta field with the key “_aviaLayoutBuilderCleanData” and another field (“_avia_builder_shortcode_tree”) stores the structure of the template.
Peter -