Forum Replies Created
Hello philipewen!
Yes, you can’t nest the shortcodes this way. You need to close all shortcodes within the same textblock. If you want to hide the content of several textblocks you need to nest them like
[av_textblock ] [premium] Your Content.... [/premium] [/av_textblock] [av_textblock ] [premium] Your Content.... [/premium] [/av_textblock] [av_textblock ] [premium] Your Content.... [/premium] [/av_textblock]
PeterOctober 6, 2013 at 7:18 pm in reply to: Video (Vimeo,Youtube) in Ajax Portfolio not working ? #171247Versuche einmal folgenden CSS Code in das quick css Feld einzufügen
.first.portfolio-preview-content { width: 100%; }
October 6, 2013 at 2:19 pm in reply to: Add a "Anker Shortcode Template" To Avia Layout Builder #171158Hello!
You can add following code to the child theme functions.php
This code will activate an additional option field for each layout builder element which enables you to add one or more css classes to the element container.
PeterOctober 6, 2013 at 12:55 pm in reply to: Add a "Anker Shortcode Template" To Avia Layout Builder #171137Hi wrybit!
You can use the “Section” element and the “Section ID” option field ( ) to create “one page” sites.
PeterOctober 6, 2013 at 12:49 pm in reply to: Video (Vimeo,Youtube) in Ajax Portfolio not working ? #171136Hi!
Doch, habe dies getestet und youtube, etc. wird auch unterstützt. Habe zB:
[av_video src='' format='16-9' width='16' height='9']
eingefügt und das Video funktioniert. Der Verweis auf die Demoseite ist nicht sinnvoll, da du den “Ajax Preview Content” von Kriesi nicht kennst. Er hat in das Preview Content Feld einfach kein Video eingefügt und daher wird dort auch kein Video angezeigt. Das 2/3 Video bezieht sich auf das Layout hier:
Möchte man den preview Text komplett frei gestalten, so kann man unter “Display Preview Images” die Option “Don’t show the images at all and display the preview text only” auswählen. Dann wird die gesamte Breite nur für den preview Text verwenden und man kann dann mit den Column Shortcodes, den Video Shortcode, etc. sein eigenes Layout basteln.
No, right now the mobile menu does not support such a sub menu but you can suggest it here:
Best regards,
PeterHey DavyE!
No, the responsive layout is only based on css code and the browser will scale the original images based on the screen size. The theme won’t replace the original images with smaller thumbnails if the user reduces the viewport/screen size.
PeterHello gigoz!
You’d need to create two textareas – an area for each row. At the moment you added the blocks “IT TRAINING COURSES” and “WHY *** ?” into the same column and Enfold will show the content of this column when reduce the screen size. If you want to make sure that “IT TRAINING COURSES” and “PROJECT MANAGEMENT” are displayed together you must create two text areas with a 3 column layout and then insert
“IT TRAINING COURSES” – “PROJECT MANAGEMENT” – “OFFICE PRODUCTIVITY” into the first textarea and paste the other columns into another textarea which you can insert below the first textarea.
This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by
Yigit. Reason: removed sitename upon request
Hey coms77!
Please provide a link to your website.
Best regards,
PeterHi ace2296!
The “server didn’t respond” error message is very generic and just tells you that the server didn’t process the request. Please contact your hoster and ask them to provide error logs – then we can investigate the issue.
PeterHi gigoz!
Something adds weird font tags to your website text. Font tags are not only outdated but they’ll make your website code even invalid because the html5 standard does not support these tags:
If you added these tags please remove them, if you didn’t please deactivate all third party plugins and activate them one by one to find the culprit.
Use the “Set as private reply” checkbox to post a private message.
PeterOctober 6, 2013 at 11:09 am in reply to: Video (Vimeo,Youtube) in Ajax Portfolio not working ? #171103Hallo SonicCube!
Videos werden schon unterstützt, jedoch nicht von Third Party Plugins. Diese müsste man erst von einem Entwickler implementieren lassen. Du kannst aber selbstgehostete Videos (mp4, webm, ogv) oder WordPress Embeds wie zB Youtube/Vimeo/SoundCloud, etc. Videos (siehe: ) mittels des Video Shortcode einbetten. Ich habe hier ein kleines “How To” Video erstellt:
I looked into it but I couldn’t find the reason why it’s not working. You can try to update the theme to the latest version 2.3.1 – maybe the update solves the issue for you. Another user reported that a floating widget didn’t work properly because of the -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden css attribute and we decided to remove it from the widget containers with the last update. If not you’ll probably need to hire a developer who can debug the issue step by step.
PeterOctober 5, 2013 at 2:20 pm in reply to: Error message in child theme:parent theme is required in the child theme. #170793Hi!
Yes, but it’s not an error message. It’s the standard wordpress message which tells you that
1) the current selected theme is a child theme
2) and it helps you to determine which theme is used as the parent theme. This information is important coz otherwise an user could delete the parent theme by accident and then the entire websites doesn’t work anymore.Cheers!
ZipArchive is a standard php function:
If your server returns an error like “Class ‘ZipArchive’ not found” please contact your hoster and ask the hoster support staff to activate the php class/feature for you. Maybe they need to update the php version, etc.Best regards,
ich sehe das etwas differenzierter als Devin – bei ein paar Punkten können wir denke ich helfen:1) Dies ist standardmäßig der Fall. WooCommerce zeigt den “Textauszug” (aka Excerpt) neben dem Produktbild an: und die lange Bechreibung unterhalb des Warenkorb Buttons. Wenn du nur die lange Beschreibung neben den Bild anzeigen möchtest und dafür den “Produktbeschreibungs”-Tab entfernen möchtest, füge folgenden Code am Ende von functions.php ein
add_filter('woocommerce_short_description', 'avia_replace_woocommerce_shortdescription'); function avia_replace_woocommerce_shortdescription($excerpt) { global $post; if (!$post->post_content) return $excerpt; return apply_filters('the_content',$post->post_content); } add_filter('woocommerce_product_tabs', 'avia_remove_description_tab', 98); function avia_remove_description_tab($tabs) { unset($tabs['description']); return $tabs; }
3) Ich möchte den Mengen – + entfernen sodass nur in den Warenkorb dar steht.
Füge folgenden Code in das Quick CSS Feld ein:
div form.cart div.quantity { display: none !important; }
5) Den Reiter “Bewertungen” möchte ich entfernen
Füge folgenden Code am Ende von functions.php ein:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_tabs', 'sb_woo_remove_reviews_tab', 98); function sb_woo_remove_reviews_tab($tabs) { unset($tabs['reviews']); return $tabs; }
6) Zu dem Warenkorb Button einen Wunschzettel button inkl richtigen verweis (dazu bräuchte ich glaube ein plugin)
Ja, dafür gibt es ein Plugin – zB
Die anderen Punkte erfordern tatsächlich etwas mehr Arbeit/Anpassungen und sollten daher entweder von einem erfahrenen Entwickler umgesetzt werden oder ihr bleibt beim Standardlayout von WooCommerce.
We’ll fix this in the next version. If you need a quick solution open up enfold/js/shortcodes.js and replace
heading.each(function(i) { var thisheading = $(this), content =, container); if(content.css('visibility') != "hidden") { thisheading.addClass('activeTitle'); } thisheading.on('click', function() { if(content.css('visibility') != "hidden") { content.slideUp(200, function() { content.removeClass('active_tc').attr({style:''}); }); thisheading.removeClass('activeTitle'); } else { if('.toggle_close_all')) { allContent.not(content).slideUp(200, function() { $(this).removeClass('active_tc').attr({style:''}); }); heading.removeClass('activeTitle'); } content.addClass('active_tc').slideDown(200, function() { //check if toggle title is in viewport. if not scroll up var el_offset = content.offset().top, scoll_target = el_offset - 50 - parseInt($('html').css('margin-top'),10); if(win.scrollTop() > el_offset) { $('html:not(:animated),body:not(:animated)').animate({scrollTop: scoll_target},200); } } ); thisheading.addClass('activeTitle'); location.replace('fake-id')); } }); });
heading.each(function(i) { var thisheading = $(this), content =, container); function scroll_to_viewport() { //check if toggle title is in viewport. if not scroll up var el_offset = content.offset().top, scoll_target = el_offset - 50 - parseInt($('html').css('margin-top'),10); if(win.scrollTop() > el_offset) { $('html:not(:animated),body:not(:animated)').animate({scrollTop: scoll_target},200); } } if(content.css('visibility') != "hidden") { thisheading.addClass('activeTitle'); } thisheading.on('click', function() { if(content.css('visibility') != "hidden") { content.slideUp(200, function() { content.removeClass('active_tc').attr({style:''}); }); thisheading.removeClass('activeTitle'); } else { if('.toggle_close_all')) { allContent.not(content).slideUp(200, function() { $(this).removeClass('active_tc').attr({style:''}); scroll_to_viewport(); }); heading.removeClass('activeTitle'); } content.addClass('active_tc').slideDown(200, function() { if(!'.toggle_close_all')) { scroll_to_viewport(); } } ); thisheading.addClass('activeTitle'); location.replace('fake-id')); } }); });
Enfold just generates one dynamic stylesheet – the relative path is /wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia/enfold.css
This stylesheet contains all changes you make on the theme option panel.Regards,
I already applied the change – will be fixed in the next version.
We’ll include a fix in the next update – for now you can use the quick fix I posted here:
Please try to clear the browser cache and update to Enfold 2.3.1. Kriesi fixed a small issue with the new icon fonts and it seems like the search form doesn’ display the icon – thus the new update may solve your issue too.
Yes exactly. Just backup these files, overwrite the old files with the new updated files and replace the custom.css file. However you need to be careful with header.php because we updated this file too and you can’t simply overwrite it.
(such as menus and widgets
Yes, unfortunately WordPress does not save this settings when you switch the theme. You need to go to Appearance > Menus and Appearance > Widgets to re-save the menu theme locations and the widgets.
PeterOctober 5, 2013 at 8:37 am in reply to: Error message in child theme:parent theme is required in the child theme. #170747Hey!
Please tell me where you see the error message. I can see this text on the theme option page: but it’s not an error message but just a standard wordpress text which will always show up as soon as the user activates a child theme.
I thought you can’t activate the child theme because wordpress always returns an error.
Probably because of a small js error which just affects IE8 users. Try the quick fix I posted here:
Best regards,
You can try to exclude because it’s the only file which is not loaded by other browsers and only IE8 requires/loads it.
No, our framework doesn’t care about the folder name at all. You can use any folder name as long as the characters are do not break the url.
PeterHi designinside!
Thanks for the hint. I updated the code because it does exactly the same and there’s no big difference.
Best regards,
We’ll release a fix for the js error with IE8 soon. If you need a quick fix open up enfold/js/avia.js and replace
header = $('.responsive #header');
var header = $('.responsive #header');
Peter -
This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by