Forum Replies Created
Right now Enfold does not support such a masonry layout. You can suggest this feature here: and if more users request it we’ll add it with one of the next theme updates.
No, wordpress excerpts do not support shortcodes or html code by default.
PeterHey rodpascoe!
You can us SearchWP to exclude entries from the search index. Also see:
The title always links to the external page – i.e. here the “Another post with post format “Link”” also links to and it’s a blog page. If it does not work for you create us an an admin account and post the login credentials as private reply – we’ll look into it.
Best regards,
PeterNovember 13, 2013 at 3:01 pm in reply to: Lightbox problem – description / caption not displayed #187767Hey!
Maybe you use the “small thumbnail” post layout? If yes please delete the entire code in loop-index.php and use: (=updated code which will be part of the next theme update). Make sure that you inserted some text into the description field:
Great :)
Yes I know but you need to set up the post properly. In fact my demo page here: also links to an external page (just click on the title) but only because I inserted the link at the very beginning of the post content ( ).
Best regards,
Please create us an admin account and post the login credentials as private reply – we’ll look into it.
For now you can try a login widget like or – the topic is still tagged for Kriesi and he’ll answer the question when he finished the work on some new theme features.
PeterHi Yako!
Please try to insert following code into the quick css field
@media only screen and (max-width: 989px) and (min-width: 768px){ .responsive #main .avia-layerslider.fullsize{ height: auto !important; } }
PeterNovember 13, 2013 at 10:31 am in reply to: How to customize Enfold on a live site without transition period? #187675Hi gentlemansgazette!
I recommend to make a backup of your current website database with WP MIGRATE DB
Just insert the test server url into the option field and export the database. Then import it on your test server and configure Enfold. Afterwards export the database from your test server with WP MIGRATE DB but this time insert the url of your production website/url. At least upload all theme files and media files, etc. to your production server and import the right database. Obviously you should make a backup of your old website first.Regards,
Insert following code into the quick css field if you want to display the labels inline
#top .frm_forms label { display: inline; }
PeterHi Johan!
WordPress (and our theme) does not come with such a feature out of the box. There’re some plugins out there (like or ) which may help you or you can try to hire a freelancer who can help you to implement a custom solution.
PeterNovember 13, 2013 at 9:49 am in reply to: How can I set Enfold to swedish using Code Styling Localization? #187660Hi!
This text can be found in wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/contact.php on line 148 and in wp-content/themes/enfold/framework/php/class-form-generator.php on line 568. The original text is “New Message”.
Just to be sure that the post is set up right:
1) Select the post format on the right side of the post editor screen (“link” option):
2) Insert the link url at the very beginning of the post. I.e. the demo post here: links to and the post content looks like Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus.
– note that the featured url must be at the very beginning of the post entry.
Please try to insert following code into the quick css field
body .alignleft, .entry-content-wrapper a:hover .alignleft, body .alignright, .entry-content-wrapper a:hover .alignright, body .aligncenter, .entry-content-wrapper a:hover .aligncenter{position: relative;}
As far as I know it doesn’t matter if the element is used in combination with another element or as a standalone element – the editor code itself is always the same and should work with copy/paste data. I couldn’t reproduce it with any configuration though.
Best regards,
Yes, you can make a complete backup with: – it’s free and works great on all of my websites.
I’m not familiar with the photoswipe lightbox plugin and I don’t know how or if you can use it with the theme but personally I also don’t like the prettyphoto lightbox script and I replaced it with fancybox on my websites. You can use my child theme: as a starting point which deactivates the standard lightbox and loads the fancybox script instead.
PeterHey PPCHound!
Based on this article I guess the etag is part of the http protocol and has nothing to do with the theme files. You need to contact the hoster/server provider – maybe they can help you to configure the etag setting(s).
PeterHey tpagency!
Please make sure that you assigned the menus to the right theme locations (Appearance > Menus). WordPress resets the menu location setting when you switch the theme.
PeterNovember 12, 2013 at 2:19 pm in reply to: issue: 'simple share buttons' footer widget interacting with socket text #187236Hey!
Probably this option activates a function which uses the wp_footer hook to print some text and the output somehow conflicts with our theme code…
Best regards,
PeterNovember 12, 2013 at 2:16 pm in reply to: Search field or box in menu bar instead of search icon #187233Hi fsatechnology!
I didn’t test the modification but you should be able to replace the icon with the search form. In functions-enfold.php replace
if ((is_object($args) && $args->theme_location == 'avia') || (is_string($args) && $args = "fallback_menu")) { global $avia_config; ob_start(); get_search_form(); $form = htmlspecialchars(ob_get_clean()) ; $items .= '<li id="menu-item-search" class="noMobile menu-item menu-item-search-dropdown"><a href="?s=" data-avia-search-tooltip="'.$form.'" '.av_icon_string('search').'></a></li>'; } return $items;
if ((is_object($args) && $args->theme_location == 'avia') || (is_string($args) && $args = "fallback_menu")) { global $avia_config; ob_start(); get_search_form(); $form = htmlspecialchars(ob_get_clean()) ; $items .= '<li id="menu-item-search-form" class="noMobile menu-item">'.$form.'</li>'; } return $items;
However the function does not allow you to place the search form in anywhere you want to – you can only insert it at the very beginning or at the very end of the menu.
PeterNovember 12, 2013 at 2:09 pm in reply to: Lightbox problem – description / caption not displayed #187227Hey!
We’ll implement it in the next version – for now open up /wp-content/themes/enfold/includes/loop-index.php and replace
if(strpos($blog_style, 'big') !== false) { if($slider) $slider = '<a href="'.$link.'">'.$slider.'</a>'; if($slider) echo '<div class="big-preview '.$blog_style.'">'.$slider.'</div>'; }
if(strpos($blog_style, 'big') !== false) { $description = get_post_field( 'post_content', get_post_thumbnail_id()); $description = trim($description) ? esc_attr($description) : ""; if($slider) $slider = '<a href="'.$link.'" title="'.$description .'">'.$slider.'</a>'; if($slider) echo '<div class="big-preview '.$blog_style.'">'.$slider.'</div>'; }
I temporarily fixed it on your server with following workaround – I switched to the standard theme (TwentyThirteen), then went to Settings > Permalinks and clicked on the “Save” button and then I switched back to the Enfold theme. Note that you mustn’t go back to the Settings > Permalinks page – otherwise WP will rewrite the flush the rules again and you need to dothe workaround again.
It seems like WP will write and process all permalink rules in the database (I checked it with Rewrite Rules Inspector) if the standard theme is used but as soon as I try to save the permalinks with Enfold it does not process the permalinks properly because our theme adds new rewrite rules (for portfolio entries, etc.) and the higher number of rewrite rules then seems to break all permalinks on your server. I guess it’s a server configuration issue and probably you can change the number of accepted permalink rules somewhere but I’m not sure which php.ini, etc. values are affected. I marked the thread for Kriesi – maybe he knows which values need to be changed.
Best regards,
Use following code to extend the header height
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px){ #header_main { height: 188px; } .responsive #top .mobileMenu { margin: 50px 0 10px 0; } }
PeterNovember 12, 2013 at 12:50 pm in reply to: OnPageLayout – Header mit Navi verschwinden lassen #187193Hi!
Nein, eine solche Funktionm besteht derzeit nicht. Man könnte diese sicherlich einbauen, aber es würde einige Anpassungen an den Javascript Code des Themes benötigen. Ich empfehle dbzgl bei oder werkpress ( ) anzufragen.
Best regards,
Yes or WP didn’t save the post/page properly when the user first created the entry and the corrupt data in the database now causes weird side effects. If we can reproduce the issues on two or more pages we’ll look into it and hopefully we can find some similarities which help us to find the culprit.
PeterNovember 12, 2013 at 12:42 pm in reply to: Swedish theme translation does not work after reinstallation of WP #187189Hey!
We’ll merge all threads. If the issue still exists use this thread:
Peter -