Forum Replies Created
Hello Günther,
Q1 2024 is already a bit over, do you know when ACF support will be available?
Kind regards, ChristianHello Ismael,
thank you very much for your instructions!
I downloaded the Tripadvisor icon from (labeled “Tripadvisor”) and uploaded it to the webhost as with just the .SVG and the .WOFF2. Now it works :-)
Best regards, ChristianHi Mike,
try rolling back to version 3.8.2 of OMFG.
ChristianHi JoeSurf,
with the “SVG Support” plugin you can include an SVG instead of a PNG or JPG as a logo in the theme options.
Best regards
ChristianApril 23, 2021 at 11:57 am in reply to: Menu carte with deactivated shopping cart function and no link to detail page #1296310Hi Nikko,
simple & perfect, just what I was looking for!
Best regards
ChristianMarch 4, 2021 at 12:22 pm in reply to: Silbentrennung / Zeilenumbruch – bitte Hilfe in Deutsch #1285363Empfehlen kann ich auch das Plugin wp-Typography:
Hello Yigit,
Layerslider should be PHP 8 compatible as of version 6.11.3 from January 25.
I would like to use the new Enfold version for a new project and would like to test the beta version now. Is it possible to get the current beta?
Kind regards
ChristianVersuche folgendes:
“Theme Optionen” > “Leistung” > “CSS-Datei-Zusammenführung und -Komprimierung” auf “Deaktivieren – keine …” ändern.
Danach “Alle Änderungen speichern”.July 14, 2020 at 11:26 am in reply to: Woocommerce Bilder in Enfold Produkt Raster teilweiße unscharf #1230261Hallo Martin,
das Problem ist, dass zu kleine Bilder geladen werden (kannst du mit Rechtsklick > “Bilder speichern unter” sehen). Obwohl das angezeigte Bild z.B. 230×230 Pixel groß ist, wird nicht das 300×300 Bild geladen, sondern das 180×180 Pixel große.
Ich habe deshalb in meinem Fall mit dem Plugin “Image Regenerate & Select Crop” die Bildgröße “square” mit 180×180 Pixel mittels “global ignore” deaktiviert und danach alle Caches gelöscht. Das ist zwar nicht die optimale Lösung, bei meinem Shop funktioniert es aber.
Da deine Bilder aber größer sind, könntest du versuchen, das Bildformat “medium” von 300×300 auf z.B. 450×450 Pixel zu ändern. Danach musst du die alten Bilder löschen und diese Größe neu generieren lassen.
LG Christian
In Layout Architect in “Options Toggles In Modal Popup”Hi Rikard,
please send me an access to Beta Enfold 4.6.4 too.
ChristianThe lines for WhatsApp:
.social_bookmarks_whatsapp a::before, .av-social-link-whatsapp a::before {
font-family: ‘entypo-fontello’;
content: ‘\f232’;
}Hi Hank,
you load some external JS from Google and Hubspot, as well as images from Hubspot. Maybe you can replace the Google Recaptcha with another solution.Try also to combine the JS and CSS files in Autoptimize and integrate them into inline. This usually works better than compressing and combining it in Enfold.
Best regards
ChristianI have the same problems as jacqueschoquette: no charts, no graphs on the site kit dashboard
Thanks Ismael, perfect :-)
Can I place the avia.js in the child theme directory?
Best regards
ChristianHello Ismael, hello Jordan!
The use of Ismael’s filter function in the function.php of the child theme did nothing.
The test with Chrome-Devtool as laptop is fine, when testing as Responsive, Mobile or Tablet (after reloading) the header overlaps the Content.
I used the Craetive demo as base.
Best regards
This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by
Hallo Andreas,
du kannst mehrere Google-Maps Elemente auf einer Seite platzieren. Z.B. erstes Element anlagen, dann kopieren und anpassen, dann wieder kopieren etc.
Du kannst sowohl die Standorte als auch Darstellung (Farbe, Zoom) bei jedem Element einstellen.
Den Google API-Key kannst du für die ganze Domain (auch inkl. Subdomains) registrieren.
LG aus Wien
ChristianThis reply has been marked as private.Is there a way to somehow extend the logos with ALT and TITLE?
Hi Guenni, I changed TITLE and ALT like you do it in the post, but no TITLE and ALT appears in the html.
This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by