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  • in reply to: Alt for transparent header image #1192570

    Easy to recreate with every standard, fresh installation of Enfold:


    <span class="logo">
      <a href="" style="max-height: 88px;">
        <img src="" alt="Enfold Theme Demo" style="max-height: 88px;" width="300" height="100">
        <span class="subtext">
          <img src="" class="alternate" alt="" title="" style="max-height: 88px;">

    See alternate transparent logo “logo_trans.png” => alt=””

    I think this was never solved.

    Edit: In my opinion it shouldn’t use the info from the media library … you can use every other image-url and there won’t be that info if it’s not uploaded through the wp media library … the main logo also doesn’t use the info from the media library and that’s rational i think …

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by cg.
    in reply to: Problem with avia-font when deploying project online #1112281

    Make sure you adjusted the configurated Site URLs to match your live system.

    Delete/Refresh all Caches, Merging/Aggregation and File Compression/Minify (and deactivate them during the development and deployment process).

    Follow Step 5, 6 and 7:
    – Change the Site URL
    – Setup Your Live Site
    – Fix Images and Broken Links by Updating Paths

    in reply to: Enfold theme won't load in IE #1111641

    Regarding video-background in IE11 … spontanously I can think of two possible reasons for it not working … maybe you can check those without too much effort:

    1. Is it a mp4-video and does the video has the correct codec? => MS H.264

    2. Funny problem with IE and video: IE can’t show videos bigger than 1920×1088 pixels … if it’s bigger on one side, the video won’t work … stupid IE … :-)

    Edit: Ok …. you got the video working … i was too slow … :-)

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by cg.
    in reply to: Enfold theme won't load in IE #1111625

    You can disable “Page Preloading” in the Enfold theme options until there is a solution/fix (or til IE looses his last 3% market share in the next couple months).

    in reply to: Alt Text bei Bildern #1109850

    Sind es vielleicht Hintergrundbilder von denen du sprichst?
    Die haben kein alt-Attribut (bzw. die werden im HTML nicht gesetzt, gibt es nicht), weil sie nicht zum eigentlich “Inhalt” gehören, sondern rein gestalterisch aufgefasst werden. Das ist keine Eigenheit von Enfold, sondern grundsätzlich bei HTML/CSS so.
    Ansonsten (falls es sich doch nicht um Hintergrundbilder handelt) kann es auch davon abhängen, in welchem Browser und mit welchem Tool du die Bilder deaktivierst — vielleicht ignoriert das Tool ja die alt-Attribute. Wie ist es auf anderen Webseiten?

    in reply to: enfold button nofollow shortcode #1108256

    @guenni: It’s not in the source before javascript is executed. If you watch the code in the browser developer tools it will show … but not if you just ‘right klick > show html source’. And a bot (for link detection) will not run the javascript.
    Options i can think of at the moment:
    1. set the nofollow manually in text-mode of the editor
    2. parse the whole html-output with a function and reg-exp external links
    But i myself don’t search for a solution … in my opinion “nofollow-sculpting” isn’t something needed at all and doesn’t do anything … just some pseudo-seo from 10 years ago …

    in reply to: enfold button nofollow shortcode #1107998

    @guenni: A “nofollow” for pagerank sculpting set by javascript won’t work for searchengine-bots … and those are the only ones i can think of why you ‘could would want’ a “nofollow” …
    Google bot is able to interpret some javascript content, i know … but i doubt the bot will execute javascript to spider links.

    in reply to: Indexing problem 404 Error #1107575

    You are right, that selection should be deselected if someone chooses “No custom 404 page selected”.

    Regarding your question:
    Sure you can without a plugin … when you choose the Enfold 404 option “Redirect to selected page” it’s the same as with the plugin you mentioned.


    Short version:
    => You shouldn’t redirect all 404 error to the home page.
    Why would you do that? A visitor, who tries to open a page on your site, that doesn’t exist … and you just whop him to the front door? … Tell him what’s wrong on a dedicated error page and which possibilities are there (“sorry, we couldn’t find what you are looking for, maybe you wan’t go this way or search or something …”).

    Long version:

    “Sometimes I encounter new “SEO hacks” that people apply, that are actually anti-patterns. One of these new anti-patterns I noticed is the pattern of 301 redirecting all your 404 pages to your homepage. Let me explain why this is a lot like cleaning up your room by throwing everything into a drawer and what the better solution would be.”

    in reply to: Alt for transparent header image #1107529

    Setting an alt-altribut with javascript is not a solution. Because then it won’t be in the source HTML send to the client — it will be attached afterwards from the client itself.
    So adding it with javascript does not solve any possible situation where you would need an alt-attribut (SEO, Screenreader).

    Btw. the solution with javascript does work on the page from tglawe … but obviously it is still not visible when you go ‘right klick > show source’ … reason as described before. When you look at the “generated” source code after javascript is executed it is there.

    So i agree with peterolle that this has to be solved from Enfold and should use the same alt-attribut like the main logo does: [blogname]. But don’t load the alt from the media-info, because it can also be a different image not uploaded through WP.

    in reply to: Smooth One page #1107147

    That’s because you use a different domain on the “about”-link … the one without “www” … :-)
    So the browser “leaves” the domain and gets redirected back — and can’t stay on the site for simple scrolling.
    Just add “www.” to that anchor-link-domain in the custom menu (or set it without any domain, just the anchor “#about”) and you’re good.

    in reply to: Burger menu always starts below #1107144

    Die deutschsprachige Community ist recht zahlreich vertreten hier bei Enfold. … :-)

    in reply to: Indexing problem 404 Error #1106957

    And double-check your htaccess rewrite-rule.
    You have a space between “^” and “https“.
    Maybe it’s just a copy&paste thing or it happened when you removed your actual domain … but it can not hurt to check it.

    In this line:

    RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

    Sorry … my fault … looks like the “^” is there to define the source url.
    But i think it looks unusual … i would write it without that … or this way to grab the request_uri:


    Above can be ignored … your rewrite-rule is ok … sorry … :-)

    in reply to: Indexing problem 404 Error #1106952

    I’d suggest to try this again … just to make sure … maybe your browser cached the 404 inbetween:

    I have turned “Display selected page without redirect” on and select my Main Page. When i turn off the custom 404 Page this have no effect for the Indexing problem.

    Adjust this Enfold setting to “No custom 404 page selected”.
    Clear all WP Caches.

    Then check the HTTP response with an external tool, for example:

    You can export and import the theme settings. You can also import the settings from the parent theme.


    in reply to: Burger menu always starts below #1106659

    Sorry … now i tested it on a standard Enfold installation … please try again with this modified CSS selector:

    #top .av-burger-overlay #av-burger-menu-ul {
        vertical-align: top;

    Regarding the page “Kempe Schwimmbadtechnik”: It uses an old version of Enfold (4.4.1). Maybe there was something different with the menu.

    Looks like you now use the same CSS snippet like on the Kempe-site and it works.
    This is solved then, i think.

    in reply to: Burger menu always starts below #1106645

    Try this CSS:

    .av-burger-overlay #av-burger-menu-ul {
        vertical-align: top;

    Info about adding custom CSS to Enfold:

    in reply to: Icons #1106639

    Add your custom icons as an icon-font to Enfold.
    Enfold > Import/Export > Iconfont Manager


    in reply to: internal menu link #1105096

    But it _should_ work, also if you are on a portfolio page.
    So rather than building a second menu solution, it’d recommend to investigate why that’s not working.

    Is the site online to see and test that behaviour?
    Did you look at the source code of the menu to check if the correct absolute path is set?

    Ah … wait … so … .if your are on a portfolio page you _don’t_ want to go to the home page anchor? You want a relative navigation inside the portfolio page too?
    Sorry if i misunderstood the problem.

    in reply to: internal menu link #1105092

    You can define absolute URLs in the menu.
    Instead of “#about” insert the whole path “;.

    in reply to: Falsche Übersetzung / wrong translation #1104925

    Meinetwegen kann man das ändern … ich persönlich würde der Argumentation, dass “aktuell” nicht steigerbar wäre, allerdings widersprechen. Da zum Beispiel ein Ereignis aktueller als ein anderes sein kann, gibt es damit ja schon mal einen Komperativ. Dabei verstehe ich schon, dass jemand dann dem ersteren Ereignis die Aktualität absprechen will, weil es ja ein neueres Ereignis gibt.

    Die Diskussion kann man schön lange führen … hier wäre wohl der falsche Platz dafür.
    Aber so eindeutig wie im Ursprungs-Post angenommen, ist das jedenfalls nicht. :-)

    Haha … hier eine seeeehr lange Diskussion dazu … kann sich jeder raussuchen, was passt … wurde alles gesagt/geschrieben … brauchen wir das hier also nicht mehr … :-)


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by cg.
    in reply to: Alt Text bei Bildern #1104868

    In der WordPress-Mediathek hast du eine Übersicht der Bilder/Medien.

    Dort kannst du auch das “alt”-Attribut eines zuvor hochgeladenen Bildes ändern, ohne es erneut einzufügen:
    – WordPress-Backend > Medien
    – Bild anklicken, um zur Detailansicht des Media-Eintrags zu gelangen
    – dort das Feld ‘Alternativer Text’ bearbeiten
    – rechts oben “Aktualisieren”-Button betätigen

    in reply to: Website not working properly with IE 11 #1104842

    Nebenbemerkung: Nicht “Gallerie” sondern “Galerie”, also in der Hauptnavigation => “Fotogalerie”.

    Edit, on topic:
    Personally i gave up to support IE11 … too many headaches … :-)
    I checked the market share of that browser in Google Analytics for a page with more than 50 thousand visits per month: It’s below 3% and decreasing.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by cg.
    in reply to: letter spacing #1104841

    You have a blank space between the exclamation mark and ‘important’ in your CSS.

    12px! important => 12px !important

    try this:

    av-special-heading-tag .tithome h1 {
        text-transform: uppercase;
        letter-spacing: 12px !important;
    in reply to: Menu jumping slightly… #1104567

    I can’t see that screencast from you …
    … but maybe you mean the “jumping” because sometimes a short page does not need a scrollbar and then switching to a page with more content inserts the browser-scrollbar on the right side, so the whole page “jumps” a bit to the left.

    If that really bothers you, a possible solution would be to always activate the scrollbar with this CSS even when scrolling is not needed:

    html {
        overflow-y: scroll;

    Is that what you mean?
    Does this solve it?

    Info about adding custom CSS to Enfold:

    Ok … as i can’t see the private content i can’t help you any further.

    If you want help, you need to be more specific about what you tried, what’s not working. Or at least share a link to your current site.
    There are now three working examples which are tested and proofed on an Enfold-installation and you just write “does not work” …

    Then you can just change the CSS declaration to tables with ‘Alternate Content’ styling:

    .alternate_color tr.avia-heading-row th:nth-child(1) {
        background: red;
    .alternate_color tr.avia-heading-row th:nth-child(2) {
        background: yellow;
    .alternate_color tr.avia-heading-row th:nth-child(3) {
        background: green;

    or use a more general declaration for all tables:

    tr.avia-heading-row th:nth-child(1) {
        background: red;
    tr.avia-heading-row th:nth-child(2) {
        background: yellow;
    tr.avia-heading-row th:nth-child(3) {
        background: green;

    if you want to change it only in a specific area of the site add a custom CSS class to the mother layout element:

    .my-special-area tr.avia-heading-row th:nth-child(1) {
        background: red;
    .my-special-area tr.avia-heading-row th:nth-child(2) {
        background: yellow;
    .my-special-area tr.avia-heading-row th:nth-child(3) {
        background: green;

    I just tested it … and it works.


    You can use the CSS nth-child selector to achive this:

    .main_color tr.avia-heading-row th:nth-child(1) {
        background: red;
    .main_color tr.avia-heading-row th:nth-child(2) {
        background: yellow;
    .main_color tr.avia-heading-row th:nth-child(3) {
        background: green;
    in reply to: Using a static background on fullscreen slider #1103701

    That’s possible with CSS.
    You can try the following custom CSS. It changes the arrows of the Content Slider to a similar style like the arrows of the Image sliders. Maybe you have to make some CSS-changes to the Contents also, because the arrows may overlay the texts this way.

    #top .avia-smallarrow-slider .avia-slideshow-arrows a {
        width: 60px;
        height: 60px;
        font-size: 25px;
        top: 50%;
        margin: -30px 15px 0;
    #top .avia-smallarrow-slider-heading > div {
        display: block;
    #top .avia-smallarrow-slider .avia-slideshow-arrows a::before {
        line-height: 62px;

    Info about adding custom CSS to Enfold:

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