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  • in reply to: RESPONSIVE 2022 #1368334

    Hi Yigit,

    Thanks for all.
    Website 1
    1) I thought Ismael meant “Advanced Options: Customize Typography Settings” in the theme options. The screenshot helped and you can use it to control it. It’s cumbersome, since it’s only possible for one slide and not as a general setting, but it works. The only thing that’s still missing: in portrait mode it’s enough, but in landscape mode the space for the content is generally too small for the content. It has to be wider. Do you have a code snippet?

    Website 2
    1) Thanks. If you don’t want the logo to stick to the header, the control with the paddings is generally missing in the theme options. Hence the extra css code.
    2-4) Ok thank you very much.

    Here are the rest of the responsive optimizations/bugs.

    5) SIDEBAR
    The sidebar is still a big problem in smaller screens. Content unsightly and cropped. Although the item under Sidebar is not clicked in the theme options: “Do not show sidebar on smartphones” is displayed in landscape. For some pages I also need the sidebar to be mobile, but just below the content. How can this be achieved for both landscape and portrait.

    6) HEADER
    How is it possible to turn off the upper meta headers in landscape mode (smartphones) and the header itself smaller. Takes up too much space in case of sliders etc.


    in reply to: INSTAGRAM WIDGET DOESN´T WORK 2022 #1367672

    Many thanks for the quick response and solutions!

    For performance reasons, I don’t like another plugin just because of one place where the feed should be shown.

    The default Instagram widget has its limitation and might not work consistently:
    I think we should speak clearly: the built-in widget doesn’t work at all. I tested it with three accounts = always the same error. Just take it out of the widgets. => So I solved it with a simple linked picture.

    This statement is outdated:

    Enfold’s Instagram widget is the simplest way to display your feed. You can simply add Enfold Instagram Widget to any of your widget areas and insert your username, adjust couple of options such as column and item count and you are set!

    Best regards

    in reply to: RESPONSIVE 2022 #1367322


    What’s happening … 7 days on hold?
    I really need your support now and the answers to my questions so that I can move forward.


    in reply to: RESPONSIVE 2022 #1366399

    Website 2

    Error in portrait mode
    General: Logo in navigation system too small. Why? Solution.
    Page Geräte/Zubehör: Slider with text responsive. Either a functional patch for all (best solution) or CSS for the text in the slider.

    Careers page
    Cropped hero image. Why? Solution.

    Error in landscape mode
    Column design in the footer, in pages, especially in combination with sidebar look terrible. Lots of different examples and pages. Why? Solution.


    in reply to: RESPONSIVE 2022 #1366389

    I need concrete solutions for two websites.

    Website 1

    Error in portrait mode
    Home page
    Slider with text responsive. Either a functional patch for all (best solution) or CSS for the text in the slider.

    Error in landscape mode
    Subnavi goes with but is in the middle of the screen – why…Solution?
    [current solved with burger menu from 990px]


    in reply to: RESPONSIVE 2022 #1366381

    I answer in sections.

    1. I did – has no effect on the slider.
    2. I don’t need a solution for the pictures but for the text in them. It only goes on or off in Enfold with the responsive settings.
    3. I don’t want to use another slider plugin and start all over again. The built-in simple slider is basically fine for this job just not responsive. The Layer Slider is unwieldy, if that’s the case then I’d go with Revolution Slider if your built-in Theme Slider doesn’t work at all. And yet start everything from scratch.

    Ergo: in the end this means in summary: you should write your own CSS with media queries. You can’t really use some built-in features of the theme, because after many years and updates it’s still not responsive?

    in reply to: PAGESPEED 2022 #1359544


    – technical analysis, ongoing speed tests with relevant portals
    – Enfold Settings like in the reference below
    – HTML, JS, CSS minification, compression and merging via enfold
    – Staggered loading of scripts, plugins, content, lazy loading
    – Image optimizations via image editing, recalculate size and quality
    – Plugin to convert to WebP, handle batch processing
    – Install caching tool, incl. settings
    – Adaptation of the .htaccess file: caching and GZIP compression
    – Eliminate rendering blocking elements
    – Make settings in individual plugins (rev. slider)
    – Switch off unused features, tools, plugins
    – Load jQuery, CSS, JS in the footer via enfold
    – Hosting optimizations: PHP, Boost etc.

    With all optimizations – also the guides from enfold – you get up to about 70% performance (website tests 05.07.) The rest up to approx. 100% can only be achieved with fast hosting designed for WordPress. As a result, we easily cracked the 90%.
    Best for us, location germany:
    – Faster research hosting providers and coordinate settings
    – Migrate test site, make advanced settings
    – Mobile optimizations, testing until the final result
    – no CDN needed



    The theme by itself
    Default settings in 2022 at enfold = nothing to do
    Image optimization
    We opted for shortpixel with one-off costs
    Leverage browser caching
    Outdated content with shockwave flash etc. We have taken more recent and extensive code snippets
    Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content /Defer parsing of JavaScript
    Also, most of it is already set by default and I have selected the best performance.


    Step 1 -2
    is clear

    3. Remove any Unwanted or Unused Plugins
    Definitely important

    4. Optimize images
    In any case, that brings a hell of a lot, especially conversion to WebP

    5. Cache your WordPress installation
    Super important! Best: Rocket Cache

    6. Selectively Load Scripts
    I made these settings in the slider plugin, the rest was too time-consuming for us

    7. Perform Server Optimizations
    php version set, boost enabled. Host changed.

    Good luck :)

    in reply to: PAGESPEED 2022 #1359538


    I have completely gone through the website page speed optimization. With success. However, the enfold reference was of relatively little help to me as it is outdated and not updated since over 4 years.

    Website Tests 26.06.
    – Charging time up to 6.7s (16.5s mobile)
    – Rating Desktop: 74% / Ranking Mobile: 26%
    GT METRIX: Ranking E
    – Charging time up to 6.8s
    – Performance: 49% / Website Structure: 65%

    Website Tests 05.07.
    – Charging time up to 2.5s (11.4s mobile)
    – Rating Desktop: 83% / Ranking Mobile: 57%
    GT METRIX: Ranking C
    – Charging time up to 4.3s
    – Performance: 69% / Structure website: 78%

    Website Tests Optimum 06.07.
    – Charging time up to 0.3s (1.4s mobile)
    – Rating Desktop: 100% / Ranking Mobile: 97%
    GT METRIX: Ranking A
    – Charging time up to 0.27s
    – Performance: 100% / structure website: 97%

    In the next post I will outline the way.

    in reply to: PAGESPEED 2022 #1356066

    Hello Ismael,

    thanks – the article seems good and there’s nothing wrong with references on topics that come up again and again and are important to everyone.

    1) You write that the article is current. The post is from 2018 – four years old. Enfold 4.3 is used, we have 5.0. What has changed in this regard in the settings and in enfold, what could still be added?

    2) There are some pagespeed measurements (GT Metrix, pingdom…) I’m most interested in the pagespeed insights, because the customers know it and are interested in it. Are there differences in optimization? Google also tests “mobile” and experience has shown that this is extra work. (pagespeed: Website desktop = 95%, mobile = 35%)

    3) Mobile: Apart from switching off elements in enfold, are there any alternative settings in enfold for smaller displays such as smartphones? Or plugins that optimize mobile faster? Example: Images that are loaded optimized: Desktop: Image is used as uploaded. Mobile: Image is used in much smaller resolution…etc.


    in reply to: ENFOLD UPDATE FATAL ERROR to #1250802

    Solved it manually. But this is not the way …

    Hi Georg,

    steht alles detailiert in den letzten zwei Threads oben drüber. Einfach lesen, anpassen und die Links anschauen.
    Ich finde mittlerweile die enfold Vorgabe zu überladen. Das muss kürzer und leichter zu handhaben sein.

    VG Sven

    in reply to: Page update failed. No JSON… #1188489

    Everything solved.

    1) Copy the page and delete it.
    2) Edit the new page and it works.
    3) Additional question: if you use captions with overlay color … it overwrites the theme option with image overlay color.


    in reply to: Page update failed. No JSON… #1188455

    PS. It´ not possible to set the image overlay with a color there… why? It´s set in theme options.

    in reply to: Page update failed. No JSON… #1188450

    Hi Rikard,

    Done and no it doesn´t work!

    This is a bug of an enfold update. In another website with a similar page and an older version of enfold = no problem!

    There is a simple page with 2 columns of 4 images (catalogue titles). The images link to the manufacturer catalogue PDFs. If you only use the image, everything works. If you insert a manually link to the image you get the issue and following error message:

    Aktualisierung fehlgeschlagen. Fehlermeldung: Die Antwort ist keine gültige JSON-Antwort.

    If you deactivate the (any!!) link or delete the link, everything works again.

    Details private. Please need a fast fix / patch!
    Thanks Sven

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by AWZ.
    in reply to: Enfold Fullscreenslider Element #1186394

    Working work around. Could have come from you, but nothing came.

    /***** 481 > 777px *****/ 
    @media only screen and (max-width : 777px) {
    	.avia-slideshow-inner li {
    	background-size: 100%!important;
    	background-position: 50% 0!important;
    /***** < 480px *****/ 
    @media only screen and (max-width : 480px) {
    	.avia-slideshow-inner li {
    	background-size: 300%!important;
    	background-position: 50% 50%!important;
    in reply to: Enfold Fullscreenslider Element #1185579

    Sorry … but we need a quick and good solution!
    The slider is direct on the startpage and we get no approval to that website.

    You have detailed infos to that issue: desription, issue limitation, screenshots.
    => Your avia fullscreen slider doesn´t work responsive on iOS devices (market share 25%).

    • Testet with different iOS devices and all mobile browsers.
    • Testet for free on BrowserStack
    • => same result: the slider on iOS devices doesn´t work (Screenshots)

    Thanks for a fix / solution


    in reply to: Enfold Fullscreenslider Element #1182961

    PS. The issue concerns iOS. Did your developers consider safari (iOS) in the avia css for responsive display of the slider too?

    in reply to: Enfold Fullscreenslider Element #1182566

    Hi Rikard,

    please post such datas in private mode. Thanks!

    Here are all smartphone screenshots from us to the slider issue. Testet in iOS devices (iPhone 8-10) with the same result. Not responsive! Background images doesn´t fit and display responsive in landscape and portrait mode. You see nothing from the images.

    PS. We work over 5 years responsive. I know, what is possible and not. For example, if you use slider plugins, you have full control over the display in different breakpoints (desktop, laptop, tablet, smartphone). In your build-in full slider of avia, you have no such preferences.

    So again: I need a proper code (beacuse it´s in your avia css) or a workaround to fix this.

    Thanks Sven

    in reply to: Enfold Fullscreenslider Element #1182370

    Hi Rikard,

    inspectors in responsive mode (google chrome etc) doesn´t work and doesn´t show the result in this case.
    It´s not responsive! You have to look with a real smartphone.

    The images doesn´t become smaller on smartphones. The background images in all slides doesn´t work in landscape and portrait mode. You see nothing from the images there. Only a weired pixeled part of it.

    Please fix it in your code or show me a way to fix it.

    Thanks Sven

    in reply to: Child Theme #1178601


    thanks. Sounds pretty complicated. As far as I know the child theme installation, it was easy: install the child theme. Finished. And work with it.

    Best regards Sven

    in reply to: Child Theme #1178015


    What does this mean?

    Are you importing the parent theme options after activating the child theme?


    in reply to: Child Theme #1176610


    no deleted the child theme because it doesn´t work. Send you the datas to look at website. Normally I work with child themes.

    Thanks Sven

    in reply to: Child Theme #1176221


    Ok. It didn´t work in this case. I´ve done this often before.
    Please look the credentials.


    in reply to: Child Theme #1175442

    d) And why is it not possible to deactivate the child-theme without issues? Never had this before.

    After the deactivation and deinstallation of the child theme via backend everything that was set (the whole look) disappered!
    The styling and content of the classic enfold is now in frontend visible.
    But not what is really set in backend…

    d) UPDATE = Solved!
    Enfold theme optons: delete old CSS- und JS-files? => check
    And delete content in widgets.

    in reply to: Google Maps API Error message #1174775


    it’s crazy. The error message in the console is currently no longer traceable. At least not here on the pc/browser.
    I might get in touch, otherwise close this case.

    Thanks Sven

    in reply to: SOCIAL MEDIA HEADER #1173902

    Hi Victoria,

    Thanks & Solved!

    Theme Updates: No Updates available. You are running the latest version! (
    Attention: The old Envato API is deprecated and will be shut down soon. In order to be able to use automated theme updates please generate a new valid API token and enter it above. Your themeforest username and your old API key will then be removed from your installation since they are no longer required.

    Best regards

    in reply to: DEMOS #1173827

    Hi Victoria,

    you are currently among the top 3 envato best seller themes. But pretty much at the end of all the themes I know with the updates of the demos. There is everything from once a month to several times a year. It’s been over three years with your demo content update.

    Think about it, the relationship is not right.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Google Maps API Error message #1173263

    Hi Ismael,

    I´ve done the usual way in the backend of enfold (Screenshot). If the coordinates are set in a wrong way, maybe there is something incompatible between Google Maps and your code there…?


    in reply to: DEMOS #1173183

    Hi Basilis,

    A) I’m very excited about that …
    B) it would also be conceivable that new demos come out at least every year

    Best regards Sven

    in reply to: SOCIAL MEDIA HEADER #1173171

    I specify. I was able to isolate the problem/bug. It doesn’t just affect Facebook. It affects all social media icons.

    Enfold theme options:

    1) Header
    Set there a social media menue above here
    – Headers social symbols
    – Header secondary menu

    2) Social media profiles
    As soon as you have a link set for the
    – Social Symbol (Facebook …) in the
    – Social Symbol URL
    => the symbol / icon disappears. If you delete the link, the icon is there as espected.

    This can be seen in every current / latest enfold installation. Please check that and fix it.


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