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  • #1359553

    I notice that the avia website builder is already doing its job when rebuilding the pages, but the websites are always suboptimal in some parts. Example: the in-house enfold slider filled with text does not work responsively as it should.

    In other common builders such as element0r or avada, it is now common practice to edit everything directly in the browser live and above all in the different screen sizes (which element is placed where and in what size). I only know from avia that elements are switched off.

    I had already written a few lines of code so that the images of the slider are displayed properly, but it is not enough and you would have to go over it again so that the inserted headlines & text are displayed properly, e.g. on smartphones in portrait mode.

    Will it still be necessary to write all this via CSS in 2022?
    Or is there another setting that we don’t know?

    /***** HOMESLIDER MQ 481 > 777px *****/ 
    @media only screen and (max-width : 777px) {
    	.avia-slideshow-inner li {
    	background-size: 100%!important;
    	background-position: 50% 0!important;
    /***** HOMESLIDER MQ < 480px *****/ 
    @media only screen and (max-width : 480px) {
    	.avia-slideshow-inner li {
    	background-size: 300%!important;

    Hey AWZ,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    You can now adjust the font size of the caption title and content for different screen sizes using the responsive font size settings. Please edit one of the slides, then go to the Styling > Font Sizes panel. You will see icon toggles or switcher for different devices (mobile, tablets etc) where you can manually specify a font size value for a specific screen size.

    For the slider images, you can keep using css code that you added to adjust the size of the slide background for different screen sizes. Or as you already know, use the visibility options and create dedicated sliders for different screens or devices.

    You can also check and try the layer slider plugin which is included in the theme by default. The plugin offers a lot more in terms of option and customization. There are also pre-made templates from the plugin library which should be responsive by default.

    Best regards,


    I answer in sections.

    1. I did – has no effect on the slider.
    2. I don’t need a solution for the pictures but for the text in them. It only goes on or off in Enfold with the responsive settings.
    3. I don’t want to use another slider plugin and start all over again. The built-in simple slider is basically fine for this job just not responsive. The Layer Slider is unwieldy, if that’s the case then I’d go with Revolution Slider if your built-in Theme Slider doesn’t work at all. And yet start everything from scratch.

    Ergo: in the end this means in summary: you should write your own CSS with media queries. You can’t really use some built-in features of the theme, because after many years and updates it’s still not responsive?


    I need concrete solutions for two websites.

    Website 1

    Error in portrait mode
    Home page
    Slider with text responsive. Either a functional patch for all (best solution) or CSS for the text in the slider.

    Error in landscape mode
    Subnavi goes with but is in the middle of the screen – why…Solution?
    [current solved with burger menu from 990px]



    Website 2

    Error in portrait mode
    General: Logo in navigation system too small. Why? Solution.
    Page Geräte/Zubehör: Slider with text responsive. Either a functional patch for all (best solution) or CSS for the text in the slider.

    Careers page
    Cropped hero image. Why? Solution.

    Error in landscape mode
    Column design in the footer, in pages, especially in combination with sidebar look terrible. Lots of different examples and pages. Why? Solution.




    What’s happening … 7 days on hold?
    I really need your support now and the answers to my questions so that I can move forward.




    We are sorry for the late reply!

    Website 1
    1- Ismael’s suggestion should have fixed this. To make sure that we are on the same page, you can edit your slide and go to Styling > Font Sizes and then click on the icons to set different font size for different screen sizes – If this is not working for you, could you please create temporary admin logins and post them here privately so we can look into it?
    2- Glad you figured it out!

    Website 2
    1- That is because of the following custom CSS code

    .logo img {
      padding: 25px 0;

    Please add following code to Quick CSS field in Enfold theme options > General Styling tab to override it on smaller screens

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { 
    .logo img {
      padding: 5px 0;

    2- Ismael’s suggestion should work here as well. If it does not, please post WP admin logins for this website privately as well.
    3- You have couple of custom CSS code to adjust the top padding on #main. If the issue is only on Careers page, please add following code to Quick CSS

    @media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {
    .responsive #wrap_all #main {
      padding-top: 121px !important;

    If it is on all pages in portrait mode, please use the code as following instead

    .responsive #wrap_all #main {
      padding-top: 121px !important;

    4- There is not enough space in your 3rd custom HTML widget area. You can either use following code to display cut off part

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { 
    #footer .widget {
      overflow: visible;

    Or use following one to switch column to fullwidth on screens below 820px

    @media only screen and (max-width: 820px) { 
    #footer .flex_column {
      width: 100%;
      margin-left: 0;

    For the pages with sidebar, please go to Enfold theme options > General Layout > Dimensions and adjust “Content | Sidebar Ratio”

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,

    Thanks for all.
    Website 1
    1) I thought Ismael meant “Advanced Options: Customize Typography Settings” in the theme options. The screenshot helped and you can use it to control it. It’s cumbersome, since it’s only possible for one slide and not as a general setting, but it works. The only thing that’s still missing: in portrait mode it’s enough, but in landscape mode the space for the content is generally too small for the content. It has to be wider. Do you have a code snippet?

    Website 2
    1) Thanks. If you don’t want the logo to stick to the header, the control with the paddings is generally missing in the theme options. Hence the extra css code.
    2-4) Ok thank you very much.

    Here are the rest of the responsive optimizations/bugs.

    5) SIDEBAR
    The sidebar is still a big problem in smaller screens. Content unsightly and cropped. Although the item under Sidebar is not clicked in the theme options: “Do not show sidebar on smartphones” is displayed in landscape. For some pages I also need the sidebar to be mobile, but just below the content. How can this be achieved for both landscape and portrait.

    6) HEADER
    How is it possible to turn off the upper meta headers in landscape mode (smartphones) and the header itself smaller. Takes up too much space in case of sliders etc.




    Website 1
    I checked your website on my iphone in landscape mode but it looks fine to me. Title font size is big however if you decrease it by referring to our previous replies, it should look great.

    If I did not understand the issue, could you please post a screenshot and show the changes you would like to make? You can upload your screenshots on and post the links here.

    Website 2
    5) Sidebar
    It seems like “Do not show sidebar on smartphones” option not enabled in theme options. Could you please confirm that? If it is not enabled, then please check your custom CSS for following code

      @media only screen and (max-width: 767px)
    .responsive #top #main .sidebar {
      display: none;

    You can add following code to Quick CSS and change page ID (“page-id-6968” in example below) to display sidebar on mobile on specific pages

     @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { 
    .responsive #main .sidebar {
      display: block;

    6) Header
    Please add following code to Quick CSS field in Enfold theme options > General Styling tab

    @media only screen and (max-width: 990px) { 
    #header_meta {
      display: none;

    Best regards,

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