Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: Image Galleri Lightbox is not working (4.4) #967401

    Hi @Yigit

    I replaced my header.php with the updated one and it solved my problem :-)
    Thanks for the help!


    in reply to: Problems with fonts on mobile after adding new content. #859771

    Hey Victoria,

    Its no problem with the A la Carte menu but with the Lunch menu and on Mobile devices, so can you please take another look at the Lunch menu.
    Sending you links and screenshot in private.


    in reply to: Editor problems after last update. #574754


    Jag använder mig utav Visual när jag gör ändringar.
    Om jag nu tex ändrar ett pris i texten låt oss säga 149 till 179 så ser allt bra ut tills jag sparar då förlorade jag centeringen.
    Så då fick jag redigera texten igen och lägga tillbaka centeringen. Jäkligt konstigt?
    Provade nu och redigera i texten och problem verkar ha upphört fattar noll. :-P

    Tack för hjälpen och trevlig helg!

    in reply to: Editor problems after last update. #574092

    Hej @Rikard,

    1. Tack för hjälpen!

    2. Japp vill ha allt centerat på denna sidan problem är att när jag ändrar något i en text och sparar så tas centringen bort?
    Så jag behöver redigera om texten och ställa dit centringen igen, vilket är lite irriterande…

    in reply to: Editor problems after last update. #573293

    Skickar sidan i privatboxen.

    Problem 1 “Fördrinkar”
    Har en text som jag vill köra i header 5 och ha mellanrum mellan raderna går inte. Vet inte om det är jag som tänker fel och behöver göra det via css och att det inte ska gå när det gäller headings att göra enkla radbrytningar.

    Problem 2 “text” gäller hela siten.
    All min text är centerad nästan och så fort jag ändrar något i ett textblock och sparar blir texten vänsterställd?
    Vart så efter senaste uppdatering?

    in reply to: Editor problems after last update. #572012

    Hej @Rikard,

    Sjävklart skrev jag fel lösenord har uppdaterat det åt dig nu “kolla privat” :-)

    in reply to: Adding Google OnClick event to LayerSlider WP #560992

    Hi @Josue

    Really!!! Got damn mate fantastic! Going to get back on you on this right now to mutch celebrationss bobbs and beer! :-P
    Are you the Google Tag Manger / Analytics person to ask about this Q for the Enfold theme?

    If you marry Enfold and GTM toghter im ready to belive in santa :-D

    in reply to: Adding Google OnClick event to LayerSlider WP #560811

    Just a heads up Google Tag manager with Google analytics and Enfold works really great!
    You can add click listeners to execute your events and send it over Google Analytics.
    I have been able to track almost 90% of everything pretty easy.

    Have been asking before how I’m able to add unique identifiers to elements like sliders, Image galleries and submit buttons.
    Hope really someone at your awesome support team adds a ticket for this to your backlog so we really can enjoy Enfold with Google Tag Manger to 100% would be so fucking over the top!

    My best tip for you is to use Google Tag Manager and use the inbuild click listener to generate and event to Google Analytics.
    There are so many simple guides on the net how to make this happen for your site. :-)

    Did a fast search on google : google tag manager event tracking
    Maby this yt url can help you out “has not anything to do with me”

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by apower84.
    in reply to: Iconlist help #546316

    Hi @Ismael,

    I put a standalone icon there and as you will see the font-family and the text size are wrong.
    Want the font family and font size to be like my H3 style.

    Can you help me out here?


    in reply to: Iconlist help #543910

    Hi @andy

    My Q is about the element / shortcode: icon or standalone icon the font family is taken from the h1 atm. Am using custom fonts on the site and my h1 looks like shit when its so small and don´t want to use it for this want to use my h3 font family like the iconbox or iconlist.
    How can I make this happen?


    in reply to: Iconlist help #540120


    Thank you Dake! :-D

    Just one more thing the heading or text is an h1,h2 / font insted of an h3 / font as the icon list or icon box.
    How can I correct this?

    Na zdorovje!

    in reply to: Enfold – full documentation CSS ? #538281

    Awesome thank you!


    in reply to: Themeforest and Enfold 4 month of acess for support left? #538280

    Thank you @Yigit!


    in reply to: Iconlist help #538277

    Thanks @Ismael,

    I choose to add an icon insted of an iconlist or iconbox to slove my Q1 problem. Is there a way to have icon to look like and icon from the iconlist? Tryied to finde the elements and change backgrounds and so on but dident get it right.

    in reply to: H1 with borders on the sides #538263

    Hi @Ismael,
    Thank you for your support!


    in reply to: Custom fonts / Font Size #538259


    Thank you!

    in reply to: Enfold – full documentation CSS ? #538245

    Thanks @Basillis,

    Have been using Chrome build in tool and firebug. Going to try out this CSS Hero :-) Is there any other dev CSS tools you can recommend find the rigth elements?


    in reply to: Social icon in content #538240

    Thanks @Elliott

    Going add this links manually then with use of icon element then,
    You can close this support ticket.


    in reply to: Themeforest and Enfold 4 month of acess for support left? #536259

    So how long time an are price is there future support set to per update and site?
    I love the Enfold them all the effort, energi and fantasic support you give!

    I recomment so many and help em with the sites using Efold theme and they all buy it.
    Can you maby have leveles of to the use the support? Like distributor or something?


    in reply to: Social icon in content #535922

    Hi @Elliot,

    Sorry but that function dont have the instagram button.
    Its not about social share but is about social links.
    Would like to add the once I have in my header to my contact page.
    Does enfold have that element / shortcode :-)

    Have a look on the site / page and you will see what I mean. “I hope” :-P

    in reply to: Custom fonts / Font Size #535876

    Hi @Rikard,

    Yeah had to change it all with CSS now. :-)

    How can I do in the CSS like if standard text is bold use this css settings insted, and if standad text is kursiv use this css settings insted?

    Have done this now for standard text.

    body, p {
        font-family: 'GoudyOldStyleBT-Roman', sans-serif !important;
        font-size: 18px;
    in reply to: Custom fonts in Chrome is not smooth #535875

    I have change to custom fonts and this no longer an issue :-)


    in reply to: Original icons! #535874

    Sweet thank you Ismael!


    in reply to: Forum username change! #498091

    Fantasic @Yigit

    Thank you for your quick respons :-)

    in reply to: Forum username change! #498086

    Hi @Yigit

    Oh great will do it now thnx man and delete this post from enfold forum :-)

    in reply to: Forum username change! #498076

    Hi @yigit my man!
    Hope all is well with you :-)

    Sorry that this is off topic its not a presale Q was more that I have tried to find and email or form to send to you guys for this Q.
    So this was my last resort option is there an email adress that i can send my Q to that adress this issue?

    in reply to: Images size for 3 columns? #454766

    Hi @Ismael

    Why im started this Q was that Google Page speed complained to served the right scale of my images and same with gmetrix.
    But the best size for 2 or more column is 495x400px. Dont know how mutch impact this small stuff do but when u compete with a hard market.

    If you got any thoughts on this please write back and then u can close this ticket :-)
    Thank you for the help @Ismael


    in reply to: Change the sort order of Portfolio Elements #454760

    Hi @Yigit

    Thank you so mutch!

    It just came to me today if you just add the solution you posted and then u set the portfolio grid to sort by date. :-D
    Then u go to your portfolios and then just pick the one u want to show first in the grid. Set that one to the earliest date and then you can go from there.

    Problem solved :-D

    You are the man @Yigit


    @Yigit you can close this ticket!

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by apower84.
    in reply to: Change the sort order of Portfolio Elements #451488

    Hi @Yigit

    Do you have something up yourslev to help me out here? Do you understand what i mean maby i can add someplugin or some function to get the and page number value fucntion on my portfolios also? Some custome field i can use :-)


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by apower84.
    in reply to: Original icons! #451289

    Hi @Ismael,

    Facebook and Twitter is easy just one color ;-) thnx for the input but what about like Instagram colors?
    Maby there are some way or icons i can use to get the orignal layout, coloring and so on?

    What do you rekommend?


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