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  • #498067


    This support ticket does not belong here but i have tried to find a way to contact thru presale form “that dont work to submit in chrome”
    and i think the theme Q form goes directly to CODEABLE and dident find any form or email adress to get help on my topic

    See my Q in privat Content.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by apower84. Reason: offtopic, support


    You can post pre-sale questions here –
    We have notified Kriesi about the changes you would like to make. Please kindly wait to hear from him :)



    Hi @yigit my man!
    Hope all is well with you :-)

    Sorry that this is off topic its not a presale Q was more that I have tried to find and email or form to send to you guys for this Q.
    So this was my last resort option is there an email adress that i can send my Q to that adress this issue?


    Oh hi! :)
    Thanks! Hope all is well with you too! :)

    You could post it under General questions but to be honest, it is not a big deal :)

    If you happen to have similar question in future, you can ask under General Questions or as a pre-sale question. We will be receiving it and will try to help you either way :)

    Best regards,


    Hi @Yigit

    Oh great will do it now thnx man and delete this post from enfold forum :-)



    Since i have already notified Kriesi about this one, i closed the other one. Please kindly wait to hear from us :)

    Best regards,


    Fantasic @Yigit

    Thank you for your quick respons :-)

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