Tagged: keyboard-navigation
April 18, 2013 at 12:33 pm #22197
UPDATE: Since this thread is growing too big to keep track of all the requests I have decided to try to use our feedback box again. You can submit new ideas and vote on existing ones here now: https://kriesi.at/support/enfold-feature-requests/
Hey guys! We are getting quite a few feature requests for the theme already and since I want to make the theme as complete as possible I will accept requests here and update the initial post on what is planned next.
So far requested and accepted:
- Magazine-like Elements for the Template Builder listing Posts from various categories
- Accordion Slider
- Newsletter Integration Element (probably Mailchimp or Campaign Monitor)
- One Column Portfolio Option
- Sortable rows in Table Builder
- Chart Element
Already added:
- Collapsible Menu in Mobile Mode
- Improved/Refined Header Options
- Theme Setting Import + Export
- Print CSS
- RTL Language Support
- Fullscreen Google Maps Element
- Better Video Support for Slideshows
- Improved Parallax options
- Make the template builder play nice with previews
- Masonry Element for Blog, Portfolio, Images, Products
- Better Font Icon Management
- Method of adding custom icon fonts to the template builder (which allows you to add custom icons like youtube, xing etc)
- Improved Default Iconfont with more social Icons
- One Click Updates from Backend
- Content Slider Element
- Client/Partner Element
- Offset for Blog Grid Element, so users can build creative Magazine Pages
- Google Maps widget Improvements (height settings)
- Datepicker for Form Generator
- Woocommerce Compatibility
- Theme now supports boxed and stretched version
- Section and other fullwidth elements now get a unique id so you can build one page portfolios
- Option to remove footer widgets
- Scroll to top button
- addition of new mobile dropdown menu
- addition of extra large responsive width
- Copyright can be edited with a form filed in your backend
- Added a sticky social header option
- Added option to add phone number to header
- Option to edit footer text in the backend
- Lightbox for Image element
- SEO updates like microformats for breadcrumbs, team elements, better heading structure etc
- Portfolio with Ajax Preview
- Add options for Portfolio overview to link to any target url
- Fullscreen Parallax Slideshow
- Add option to add a link for Titles of Elemens like Iconbox and Iconlist
There is no ETA for any of these but they will definitely come :)
Version 2.7 – Magazine Elements-
This topic was modified 11 years ago by
April 18, 2013 at 1:25 pm #114539REQUESTS ORGANIZED FROM BELOW ( A star is 1 person asking, a number is the number of people asking for feature)
Those of you who were asking for ability to use Layout Editor with Custom Post Types or Posts, please view this video tutorial which shows how to do just that -> https://vimeo.com/channels/aviathemes/64996057
*) Layout Builder Element – an element that is 100% wide, so that text media entered into it will be 100% wide from side to side.
*) Layout Builder Element – Special Heading Element – ability align right or center through a dropdown
*) Layout Builder Element – Option for Iconbox and Iconlist to chose whether you want Title , Icon and/or Entire Box to be the link
*) Layout Builder Element – Custom color for “Special Heading” element. Atm only “Default Color” and “Meta Color” are supported.
*) Layout Builder Element – Allow excerpt/pre-set number of characters to be added from a post or page via layout builder with a ”read more” link., instead of only being able to add the content of an entire page (inside a column for example)
*) Layout Builder Element – Ajax Search – Provide as a page builder element or/and as a widget to use in sidebar
*) Layout Builder Element – Lightbox-option for the image media-element would be perfect :-)
3) Post/Page Layout – integrate a javascript timeline component, such as the one from VeriteCo.
3) Post/Page Layout – Masonry Blog/Portfolio Layout – more layout options for Blog, possibly masonry/magazine type layout, etc.
*) Post/Page Layout – Ability to add Author Box to Every Post even when not multi-author blog format. (multi-author format has the page too narrow compared to single author format)
*) Post/Page Layout – wishlist functionality – some eight months before xmas ;-)
*) Post/Page Layout – easily add a button in the header (important for companies with 1 product / service http://www.getfanba.se)
*) Post/Page Layout – Ability to choose either pagination or infinite load on same page
3) Portfolio – Ajax Portfolio functionality
2) Portfolio – Masonry Layout option (free floating with different image sizes)
*) Portfolio – customize the Archive slug for portfolio items so if single slug set to “lesson”, the archives would be “lessons” (instead of portfolio-items/)?
*) Portfolio – Ability to set custom url when featured portfolio item is clicked in the portfolio grid to open a different page than the portfolio item page.
*) Portfolio – Add Portfolio grid as a widget.
*) Portfolio – Choices Theme style hover effect, where the hover overlay follows the cursor movement
2) Sidebar – Option for custom horizontal separator lines between widgets in sidebar etc. like the one as on gennis
*) Sidebar – Colored Section that works with side bar not just full width.
3) Widgets – Google Maps – ability to adjust height + more control / flexibility with aditional fields
*) Widgets – More title options for widgets
*) Widget – Social Media Widget for footer
4) Layout Builder – Add layout builder to Posts
4) Layout Builder – CPT Support – For Avia framework to recognize custom post types so that can use Pagebuilder on those pages, change sidebars at will, etc.
2) Text Editor – Option to have a link for both quick view and detail view. Some users may want the option to go directly to the detailed view.
*) Text Editor – Support for javascript in the text editor: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/script-code-in-avia-layout-builder
*) Shortcodes – for icons: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/icon-in-special-heading-section-or-icon-shortcodes
*) Shortcode – Breadcrumbs – as a short-code where it can be placed at top of the page above title. Difficult to find breadcrumbs when aligned to the far right.
*) Contact Form – additional field types to contact form (e.g. date picker, pick-list, drop-downs, etc.).
*) Contact Form – Have the contact form auto scroll to the top of the page or go to #top after submit
*) Images – Wide featured images in blog posts that are scaled to the entire available width, rather than pushed to the left of the text.
*) Images – Fullscreen background images / galleries with optional captions and/or minimal content boxes
*) Icons – Add YouTube to the social icon list
*) Icons – Option to have different hover icons and hover styles.
*) Menu – Control over main menu fonts/size/colour without using CSS
*) Menu – Ability to use Entypo icons within menu items
3) Headers – Small fixed header with social icons and menu. With the option to have just the header (logo + menu) part fixed and shrinking.
2) Sliders – Portfolio/Blog Slider Navigation Arrows only show up during hover so user may not know there is more unless they hover first. (arrows below slider)
*) Export Ability – ability to export Enfold “Styling” options. Too easy to click on one of the presets, and all of the custom changes you made are gone…
*) Newsletter – integration with newsletter (mail chimp) and integration with contact form + newsletter sign-up panels + login area.
*) Links – Ability to select if link should be opened in a new window or in same window for (example: social etc.)
*) CSS – Make sure that custom.css is the last css file in head
*) Audio Support – Like incarnation http://kriesi.at/themes/incarnation/event/sunday-prayers-2
*) Events Calendar – Like Incarnation http://kriesi.at/themes/incarnation/events
*) Bug – validation to work for additional fields (only seems to work if you use the default form fields)
*) Bug – Image alignment dropdown option to work in 1/3 column layout (doesn’t move the image at all, whichever alignment I choose; image is smaller than column width, so there is room to align)
up to Peter’s post on 4/28
April 18, 2013 at 2:18 pm #114540Hi!
1) Support for javascript in the text editor: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/script-code-in-avia-layout-builder
2) Shortcode for icons: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/icon-in-special-heading-section-or-icon-shortcodes
Best regards,
Custom color for “Special Heading” element. Atm only “Default Color” and “Meta Color” are supported.
Please add to “Avia Layout Builder -> Layout Elements” 100% Section, so the text and some media that I want to insert displays from side to side. Thanks.
Best regards,
Set different background images for entries (posts,pages, portfolio, etc.) https://kriesi.at/support/topic/can-each-page-have-its-own-unique-background-image
Best regards,
April 19, 2013 at 1:59 pm #114542I would like to see a “TIMELINE Function” and “BLANK WINDOW check box” for all links like social etc.
April 20, 2013 at 8:52 am #114545It’s great that we can add pages via the Layout Builder – but what would be great is for this to also have the option of showing just an extract of the pages (ideally configurable – so we can say 75 char, 100 char, 200 char etc – to create neat ‘break points’). This would allow us to tease content more easily.
When you create separate categories under a portfolio, pagination includes all categories instead of the category you are currently in.
Example, I am looking at a ‘Clients’ portfolio, clicking the left/right progress links, and will eventually browse into an ‘Apps’ portfolio. Fire, disaster, oh the humanity…
Any chance you can make it so the streams don’t cross?
April 20, 2013 at 5:31 pm #1145461) For Avia framework to recognize custom post types. That way, we could use the Pagebuilder on those pages, change sidebars at will, etc.
2) Ability to export Enfold “Styling” options. Too easy to click on one of the presets, and all of the custom changes you made are gone…
April 21, 2013 at 9:42 am #114548The theme is near perfect, but I would like to see:
1) Add additional field types to contact form (e.g. date picker).
2) Ability to easily add phone/contact details somewhere in the header
3) Menu option to change/remove copyright message and link
4) Image alignment dropdown option to work in 1/3 column layout (doesn’t move the image at all, whichever alignment I choose; image is smaller than column width, so there is room to align)
5) Contact form validation to work for additional fields (only seems to work if you use the default form fields)
April 22, 2013 at 12:24 am #114552Please add the AUTHOR BOX to EVERY POST, even when not using the multi-author blog. That would be FANTASTIC!
The multi-author blog version is way too narrow for many of us using the template as a magazine style. So I need to keep the width of the posts from the regular single author template. But with the single author template, there is no author box abt the end of the post.
I ended up carving up the PHP a bit and copying it from the author.php file into the single.php file and then adding the code for the author box.
April 22, 2013 at 12:26 pm #114553Have the contact form auto scroll to the top of the page or go to #top after submit.
April 22, 2013 at 2:51 pm #114555(from 10+ posts)
Here is my wish list so far. Thanks!
1. Ajax Portfolio. Please also consider an option to have a link for both quick view and detail view. Some users may want the option to go directly to the detailed view. How about the option to have different hover icons and hover styles.
2. Portfolio/Blog Slider. Please consider improving the navigation arrows. Difficult for user to know there is more to scroll without hovering over the image.
3. Masonry Blog Layout. Please consider more layout options for Blog, possibly masonry/magazine type layout, etc.
4. Timeline Component. Would be great to integrate a javascript timeline component, such as the one from VeriteCo.
5. Small header with menu and icons, with header piece being fixed, possibly shrinking also.
A few more suggestions…
1. Portfolio – Please consider a Load More button function as an option instead of of the page based pagination. Load More provides better dynamic user experience with the ability to see more items on the same page.
2. Ajax Search – Please provide a way to use the Ajax Search in the side bar and/or on a page as a page builder element.
3. Breadcrumbs – Please consider adding Breadcrumbs as a short-code where it can be placed at top of the page above title. Difficult for some users to find the breadcrumbs when it’s aligned to the far right.
4. Contact Form – Definitely need more fields like pick-list, drop-downs, etc. Also need more flexibility when using Google maps like height adjustments, etc.
5. Newsletter – Please consider integration with newsletter like mail chimp and integration with contact form. Also would be nice to see login area and newsletter sign-up panels.
6. Theme Support – Please consider a different forum area for support. Seems like you can’t add attachments or screen shots, edit existing posts, etc. Seems very outdated as compared to other CMS forums.
1. Small fixed header with social icons and menu. With the option to have just the header (logo + menu) part fixed and shrinking.
2. Better mobile menu, like others have mentioned. Perhaps off canvas style.
3. Colored Section that works with side bar not just full width.
4. Masonry option style for both portfolio and blog items.
Please consider an option to have a separator line style between sidebar items, like between categories and latest posts, etc. Would also be nice to apply a colored section for sidebar sections and maybe more title options for sidebar modules. Thanks.
By the way, I hope the Ajax Portfolio is implemented like the Choices template, where the item is shown on the same page as the portfolio.
I also really love the hover effect, where the hover overlay follows the cursor movement on the Choices portfolio. Please consider adding this as an option.
Would really like to see the Breadcrumbs as a short-code. I often you use a header background image with the page title. This does not seem to be an option with the current design. I would like to be able to place the Breadcrumbs above my articles, not to the far right. Thanks.
Would really like to see a Load More function as an option to the portfolio, instead of pagination. This would create a much better user experience and is more in line with current design patterns. And please consider different hover overlays. I like the portfolio item overlay from the Choices theme much better. Thanks.
Breadcrumbs Shortcode – Please consider an option to include “breadcrumbs” as shortcode. I would like to use my own Heading text with background image and then add the breadcrumbs to that image. It would also be nice to place the breadcrumbs in a different position, for example, above the article title. Current design is not very flexible. Thanks.
Blog Layout – Please include an option for an author block on every post. Seems odd that the blog doesn’t support this. Would also like to see a masonry blog layout. Current grid layout is not useful for images with different sizes and looks kind of bland. Also, why is there a light-box hover on every post image. Should be an option to turn this off.
And please-please consider a “Load More” option for both Portfolio and Blog instead of just next-page pagination. Load More is being used more and more and has a better user experience.
Portfolio Layout – Assuming that the ajax portfolio is coming, please consider the preview panel above the portfolio grid on the same page, or even better, in between (above or below) the item that was selected. Also nice to have a link for preview or full view. For my case, a light-box link is not necessary. And it would be awesome if there were more hover overlay options. Really like the one from Choices theme.
Please improve the page builder so we can edit the code that is produced for each page. This would allow us to enter custom classes for images, for example, custom overlays, etc. Doesn’t seem very open right now and restricts creativity. Thank you. :)
Please add an option to disable the hover lightbox for selected Post / Portfolio images. At least for my case, my sites are based on content and I have no need to use the lightbox on my images. The hover effect is very distracting when trying to read an article. Having an option to selectively set this for each article would be great. Thanks.
Regarding the “Load More” function for Portfolio showcase and Blog, have you considered an “Infinite Scroller”? I believe that some of them also offer a manual setting, which would be similar to a “Load More” button. Thanks.
Regarding the theme icons, I hope the icon list get’s updated. I definitely prefer font awesome, which I feel has a much better selection of icons, especially for my business. It would also be nice to have the icons as short-codes, so they can be used within the page builder. Of course, it would be nice to select the icon size. I have seen this feature with many of the other themes. Thanks.
Would love to see the breadcrumbs as a short-code, where I can insert into my desired location. Having it in the upper right header, forces me to use the page header. And it’s not the desired location for our users. I prefer to use my own header using the layer slider and hen I can place the breadcrumbs above my articles or anywhere in my header. Thanks..
April 22, 2013 at 5:52 pm #114556Hey Kriesi,
regarding the NAVIGATION what about an additional option in the backend to give customers of the theme the choice to use a off-canvas navigation instead of the dropdown Navigation?
not sure if you saw that article but its worth to give it a try ;)
and i do like joe88 list ;)
1. Ajax Portfolio. Please also consider an option to have a link for both quick view and detail view. Some users may want the option to go directly to the detailed view. How about the option to have different hover icons and hover styles.
2. Portfolio/Blog Slider. Please consider improving the navigation arrows. Difficult for user to know there is more to scroll without hovering over the image.
3. Masonry Blog Layout. Please consider more layout options for Blog, possibly masonry/magazine type layout, etc.
4. Timeline Component. Would be great to integrate a javascript timeline component, such as the one from VeriteCo.
5. Small header with menu and icons, with header piece being fixed, possibly shrinking also.
April 22, 2013 at 9:01 pm #114558Wide featured images in blog posts that are scaled to the entire available width, rather than pushed to the left of the text.
April 22, 2013 at 9:14 pm #114559Request:
1) Lightbox-option for the image media-element would be perfect :-)
2) Option to set the height of the google map widget would be nice :-)
April 23, 2013 at 1:23 pm #114561wishlist – some eight months before xmas ;-)
Fullscreen background images / galleries with optional captions and/or minimal content boxes
Regards, Katharina
April 24, 2013 at 12:39 pm #114562Lots of feature requests coming in! Thanks for all the ideas and suggestions everyone. I know Kriesi is already adding in some and working on others so keep an eye on his Twitter/Facebook for update notices and check the version.txt file in the download from themeforest to see what has been updated in each version :)
April 24, 2013 at 12:47 pm #114563I hope there are more styles for the seperator, I really like the one as on gennis, thanks!
April 25, 2013 at 8:13 am #114566Hi
Great theme.
1. Agree with Sebastian’s suggestions for small fixed header WITH social icons?
2. Control over main menu fonts/size/colour [can’t see how to do this without CSS, correct me if it’s already there]
April 25, 2013 at 4:54 pm #114570(from 3 posts)
Layout Builder on Custom Post Types would be a dream come true!
I’ve been using some of the leading Frameworks for a few years now (Thesis, Genesis, Headway) and after five minutes with Enfold/Avia I was able to do more, and have more fun doing it – than with any of those.
The only let-down is that all of this incredible Layout Builder is limited to only pages and portfolio items.
I imagine it would be allot more complex to attempt to make this work on custom post types, or posts.
But if I could see anything added to this theme, that would be it.
And while I’m at it – my sincere compliments to the development team – this is really an awesome theme!
Allow to customize the Archive slug for portfolio items.
In the General Settings you have given the option to customize the single-portfolio slug.
That’s very helpful.
But it would make more sense if you also had the option of making the Archive pages reflect the plural form of that slug.
So, if I change the single slug to “lesson”, the archives would be “lessons” (instead of portfolio-items/)
April 25, 2013 at 7:21 pm #114573Extra suggestions:
1. Audio like in Incarnation http://kriesi.at/themes/incarnation/sermons
2. Events/Calendar/Count Down Header like in Incarnation
* http://kriesi.at/themes/incarnation/event/sunday-prayers-2
* http://kriesi.at/themes/incarnation/events
* We just purchased the Incarnation Theme as we need an event calendar for one of our other sites, but would really like to see this feature with Enfold as the new framework is far more advanced then the old one, so it would be great to have it :)
* Another request is to be able to save few custom skins under Styling, as once we pick one of the preset skins we loose what we have built before.
April 26, 2013 at 9:01 am #114574Hi, I have a problem custom.css, if I use a slider extenstion (Cute 3D) and I changed up styles of it in custom.css they are not applied), presumably because the styles extension are loaded after custom.css.
It should place the call to the file at the end of <head>, but if you update the theme all these settings are lost?
For now I included my style file of child-theme at the end of <head>.
April 26, 2013 at 2:37 pm #114575I would love the ability to easily add a button in the header so it looks like;
http://www.automatic.com or http://www.getfanba.se
This is important for companies (like ours) that have a single service offering that requires fixed “Sign Up” button or similar.
April 27, 2013 at 6:40 am #114577Hi
I would like to use the portfolio grid as a visual index to my content. Think of the image as the cover of a book [or in this case a newsletter].
When you click on the portfolio item I would like to go to another page [not the portfolio item]. Potentially a page somewhere else eg MailChimp.
In fact the suggestion I made would work just like the “Latest Themes” grid in the footer to this page! Except it woudln’t be a widget it would be functionality of the portfolio grid.
Otherwise I am loving the theme.
April 27, 2013 at 2:35 pm #114579Hi,
as you accepted to “Add option to add a link for Titles of Elemens like Iconbox and Iconlist” I would appreciate if the icon is linked as well.
Would be optimal if I could select Icon and/or Titel and/or whole box (Iconbox) to be linked…
Thank you,
April 27, 2013 at 3:13 pm #114580I would like to have an options to put the social media icons into the footer and perhaps a widget. Another nice feature would be an options to adjust the height of the google map.
April 27, 2013 at 10:35 pm #114581Hey! Brilliant theme, just a couple of requests:
1. Ability to use Entypo icons within menu items
2. Add YouTube to the social icon list
April 28, 2013 at 7:14 pm #1145831) I’d love to see masonry added to the portfolio. This way I don’t have to make sure all my pictures have the same size, which in some cases doesn’t work well. It would also enhance the layout as it breaks the grid in a nice way. Hopefully others agree.
2) As I saw someone else request in a different topic for this theme, I would also like to request the ability to edit CSS from within WordPress (not just PHP) so there’s no need for Dreamweaver (or such tools). It’s easy for many reasons:
– No DW license needed, especially for clients expecting to edit the site themselves.
– Able to edit much of the site solely within WordPress, allowing to modify nearly the entire site even on mobile devices (again without extra tools).
– Quick access without having to change applications.
and so on …
April 29, 2013 at 5:14 pm #114584Hey DavyE,
You can add your own CSS write from within wordpress using the Quick CSS option. There shouldn’t be any reason to edit the theme’s actual CSS files (except custom.css) as then you wouldn’t be able to easily update the theme as new features and bug fixes are released.
April 29, 2013 at 7:26 pm #114585Dear Santa,
I’d really like the ability to add a ‘CUSTOM CODE ELEMENT’ to a page using the Avia Layout Builder. This would enable people like me to quickly and easily add any custom element, such as an animation, to a page.
If you can deliver it before Christmas, that would be a bonus.
April 30, 2013 at 7:30 pm #114587I’d like to have another option added to the header type:
Fixed Header with Social Icons and Bottom Navigation
I like the new gallery option to not add a link. Thank you!!!
Would it be possible to have the gallery sliding or rotating to display further items on the list? i.e. have company logos scrolling on the bottom of a page for example. Personally I’d rather see the icons gently scrolling across rather than a full list 1×6 or whatever scrolling at once.
Contact Form: 25% / 75% column widths to go with the 50% / 100%
Attachments for forms with file-type / size restrictions. I think most people would want to be have this available to round off the form capability.
May 1, 2013 at 8:30 am #114588Is it possible that you add something like this plugin http://codecanyon.net/item/dynamic-step-process-panels-for-wordpress/125748
I can of course use the tabs, but it doesn’t have the same feel and not color options
- The topic ‘Enfold Feature Requests’ is closed to new replies.