Premium WordPress Theme: Cubit


Its been a whils since I last posted something useful, been really busy the last months but yesterday I was able to complete a theme I was working on for some time now.

Cubit is a clean and flexible wordpress theme with 6 different cholor schemes, which is best used for portfolio and business sites.

Main Features of the Theme are:

  • The theme uses a javascript image transition at the mainpage only seen in flash before, which suports an unlimted number of images. Take a look at the starting page and wait a few seconds to see the transition.
  • Highly flexible admin area, you are able to edit every content from the wordpress backend
  • 6 different cholor schemes
  • Multilevel Dorpdown menu, Breadcrumb Navigation, Post Pagination
  • jQuery Lavalamp for main menu
  • Advanced comments with reply function
  • Ajax Contact Form
  • Unobtrusive Javascript, Fallback scenarios if Javascript is turned of by the user
  • Psd Files for every Skin, if you want to edit an existing Cubit Skin or create your own
  • Valid html/css, works in all major browsers (IE6,7,8. FF, Opera, Safari, Chrome)

As always the theme is available at for a low fee.

19 replies
  1. aibon
    aibon says:

    this doesn’t work with wp2.8. jquery error.
    you should always indicate for which wp version this is.
    god i hate wp…
    going to hunt the bug now…

  2. aibon
    aibon says:

    in functions.php remove or comment out:

    $my_jquery = get_bloginfo(‘template_url’). “/js/jquery-1.3.1.min.js”;
    wp_deregister_script( ‘jquery’ );
    wp_register_script( ‘jquery’, $my_jquery, false, ” );

    all seems to work with the jquery version included in wp2.8

  3. Kevin Sprague
    Kevin Sprague says:

    love the cubit theme. Just bought it from themeforest.

    I’m having trouble understanding how to code the header.php so I have the slider on all my pages and posts. saaw the code here and read up on conditional tags, but I don’t quite get wher I should be editing this:

    // if you want to display the image slider on each page you have to either remove the if statement and always define the $frontpage variable or add aditional sites with wordpress conditional tags: (google it if you dont know what that means, its really simple ;) )

    $frontpage = ” id=’frontpage’ “;

  4. Nick Milo
    Nick Milo says:


    I’m a new WP guy, and I am having the most difficult time installing the Cubit theme into WP 2.8.2.

    Does anyone have some quick advice or guidance?


  5. M
    M says:


    I bought your template from Themeforest. Here are some queries i had on the template-

    When i upload images to the site, they are published with a grey border around them. How do I fix this?

    How do I move the image on this page to its own left column?

    I wanted to add additional fields to the form page. How may i do this?



  6. CG
    CG says:

    i purchased your template and installed it on my website, but i am having trouble getting the comments to show up. on a couple posts there is 1 comment, but the post header shows 0 comments. for example, if you go to my blog page and watch the ehader of the first post carefully, you will see it start out saying “1 comment” and then it will quickly change to “0 comments”…anyideas about what to do?

  7. Neil / takkischitt
    Neil / takkischitt says:

    Hi, I recently purchased this template from but I am having trouble reordering the menu items (top right)… I have tried deleting and re-entering the ones I want moved to the end, but it is putting the items back in the same place

    How can I reorder the menu items successfully…? This is a wonderful template and this is pretty much the only problem I’ve had with it…

    thank you, hope to hear from you soon!

  8. Stephen
    Stephen says:

    I bought the Cubit theme and love it. I have some experience with WordPress. But I can not figure out how to add a search field to the top right in the header. Where is the search form?

  9. Bill
    Bill says:

    I recently bought your theme. But I am having extreme problems in loading images to the main slide. PLEASE HELP.

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