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  • #984382


    ich habe das Plug-In eventespresso in meinem enfold child-theme installiert, Version 4. Ich möchte nun für das Plug-In ein paar Änderungen, vornehmen. Dies muss wohl über die functions.php Datei erfolgen. Wo kann ich diese finden bzw. wie kann ich diese aufrufen, um den Code, der für die Änderungen benötigt wird, dort einzugeben?

    Danke für die Hilfe!


    Hey dafaguru,

    If you could post your questions in english then you will get help faster on the forum :-)

    You are looking to make changes in a plugin? Did you try to reach out to the plugin developers to see if they can help you out?

    Best regards,


    Hey Rikard,

    thanks for your answer. I’m trying to write in english, forgive me for mistakes please ;-)

    Yes, i’m looking to make changes in the eventespresso plugin. I wanna change a price for a ticket to “free”. So the plugin developers said that i have to change/write a new the code into my functions.php data.
    This is what they said:

    We can see that we have a free ticket that has a pricing of zero (shown as 0.00). Do you host events that have free tickets? Wouldn’t it be great to be able to show the price as “free” instead of “0.00.”
    You can enable this on your own site with a filter.

    the code:

    function convert_zero_to_free( $amount, $return_raw ) {

    if ( ! $return_raw || ! is_admin() ) {

    $amount = $amount == 0 ? __( ‘free’, ‘event_espresso’ ) : $amount;

    return $amount;
    add_filter( ‘FHEE__EEH_Template__format_currency__amount’, ‘convert_zero_to_free’, 10, 2 );

    There are a couple ways to add the filter above to your site. The first is to add the code to your theme’s functions.php file. However, this edit may be lost if you update your theme and it removes and replaces the functions.php file. A safer method is to create a custom/site-specific plugin.

    And here is the link to their support site where i got this Information from:

    Thank you very much for helping me :-)

    Best regards,


    Hi DaFaguru,

    Thanks for that, so you are simply looking to add the code into functions.php of the theme? If so then you can find it under Appearance->Editor in the WordPress menu. If you are not running a child theme then I would advise to install one first: https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/how-to-install-enfold-theme/#why-child-theme

    Best regards,


    Hey, yes i’m simply looking to add the code into functions.php of theme!!
    I’m sorry, but i can’t find the “Editor” under Appearance in the WordPress Menu. There are only

    – Themes
    – Customise
    – Widgets
    – Menu

    How can i find it? Or do i have make any other Settings in den WordPress Menu to find the Editor?

    Thank you :-)


    Hi dafaguru,

    Here is how to enable it, it could be some plugin that disabled it.

    Best regards,

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