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  • #1092949

    Hi Peter

    Well I would sign in to your hosting panel and get your FTP details from there.
    After you have assigned a FTP user, I recommend using FileZilla in order to update your theme.

    Did you try my step-by-step tutorial?



    Hi Peter Panflöte,

    Like @michaelH pointed out, the update has to be done manually if you are running version 4.4.1 or earlier. If you need help updating then please open a new thread and include WordPress admin and FTP login details in private, along with a confirmation that you have backups of the site in case something should go wrong.

    Best regards,


    The issue seems resolved. Thank you.

    Hi. I am trying to install the new Enfold update. It is not working for me. I’m getting “theme installation failed” every time.
    Is there any way you could help me resolve this?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by HEF2015.

    Hi HEF2015,

    I get a 404 error on the page you linked to, please check.

    Best regards,


    After trying to update my previous enfold theme (4.4.1 I believe) my site crashed and I was getting an HTTP 500 error. I had to go through cpanel and delete the old enfold theme and now I can view my admin dashboard. I purchased and downloaded 4.5.6 through cpanel and now every time I try to activate it or see a live preview I get the same HTTP 500 error. I am going to activate the new enfold theme so it breaks again and no one can see the site because the default theme doesn’t look good. Could someone please help me by accessing my cpanel and figuring out what’s going on? Thank you!

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by henrysebesta.

    Hi henrysebesta,

    Thanks for the login details. Your problems are likely due to an outdated version of PHP. Could you try to update to 7.1 or higher please? If you don’t know how to do that then your hosting provider should be able to help you out with it.

    Best regards,


    Using this method…will it overwrite any CSS written in the “Quick CSS” area under “General Styling”


    Hi UTMachine,

    No it should not, but please make sure that have backups of the site in case something should go wrong.

    Best regards,


    Hi All
    Just wanted to know what everyone else is doing with the new Envato Key Token thing for your clients?
    Are you just using your own personal key token – so clients can update? and how do you then control access to updates?
    Or do you crate a Envato account for them and control that yourself – or let them?

    I can’t really crack this issue … And I don’t want to manually log in via FTP on all our clients and update every time Enfold releases a new version?
    (And do the “Slider Nagging Fix”? ;-)

    Any ideas or how to thoughts?


    Hi Netzie,

    It depends on what kind of agreement you have with your clients. It is better to create the Envato account for them and hand it over to them with the finished website.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Tried to follow your instructions but it keeps saying:

    “The link you followed has expired.

    Please try again.”

    We are on wordpress 5.2 and running enfold version 4.1.2

    Any suggestions?


    Hi lowklick,

    The update to 4.5.x has to be done manually from the version you are running, please refer to my replies in this thread:

    You can either update manually via FTP:, or use a plugin to upload the theme zip file:

    If that doesn’t work then please try to delete the whole theme folder, then replace it with the new version. Make sure that you have backups of the site before starting updating.

    After you have updated then try to activate the Classic Editor in the main page of the theme options.

    Also please read this after you have updated:

    Best regards,


    Hi flyworxatl,

    Please open a new thread and include admin login details and FTP details in private so that we can help you out with updating. Also please include a verification that you have backups of the site.

    Best regards,


    I seen quite a few validation methods of premium plugins in my time with wordpress.

    This right here with the personal token from envatos themeforest has got to be the worst of them all :(

    Never mind that you get a purchase code with each purchase. But no, because that is used only for registration on kriesi.


    How do I get this Envato Personal Token??? There is a description missing how to get it and set it – please let me know asap as the link you provide isn’t working and gives no further informations. Thankx


    Hi martinafuchs,

    Please refer to the documentation here:

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi jkhatri427,

    The update to 4.5.x has to be done manually from the version you are running, please refer to my replies in this thread:

    You can either update manually via FTP:, or use a plugin to upload the theme zip file:

    If that doesn’t work then please try to delete the whole theme folder, then replace it with the new version. Make sure that you have backups of the site before starting updating.

    After you have updated then try to activate the Classic Editor in the main page of the theme options.

    Also please read this after you have updated:

    Best regards,


    When I follow the link to ‘How to generate a Envato Personal Token’ it doesn’t have anything about a personal token.

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi ruffidea,

    Please try following solutions posted here

    Best regards,


    Hy there

    I have the same problem as cagraphicdesign had:

    Hi Yigit
    I installed the plugin, then went to my envato account and downloaded the enfold theme, but when I try to upload it I am getting this message:
    The link you followed has expired. I tried several time. I tried two ways
    1. I downloaded just the the theme (
    2. I tried again this time downloading “all files and documentation”, unzipped it and tried uploading just “”

    Could it be that they want me to buy another license? I am using the theme on more than one site and purchased it quite a while ago. I currently have 4.41 installed on this site.

    Expect that I have the version 3.1.2 running currently and only use this license for this website.

    Could you help me figure out how to still update?

    Kind regards,
    Joel Berger

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Joel Berger.
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi ruffidea,

    Are you using godaddy?
    Please refer to the solution posted on godaddy’s community:
    Hope it helps.

    Best regards,


    No I am not using godaddy….


    Hi ruffidea,

    I see, please open up a new thread and please provide us with admin access in private content, so we can check further on the issue.

    Best regards,


    Hi all,

    Upgrading is fine, but there is a big issue with the upgrades below.

    Today I have found that ALL but two of my client websites are NOT responsive to mobile! The COLUMNS are not responsive but the grid of posts is fine.

    Enfold 4.5.2 is fine
    Enfold 4.5.5 is fine
    Enfold 4.5.6 is the PROBLEM
    Enfold 4.5.7. still a PROBLEM


    The anchor link in the original post that uses the link text “How to generate a Envato Personal Token?” does not seem to be working. When I go to that article it doesn’t jump down to an anchor link but instead stays at the top of the post. I have scanned the text multiple times and searched the article for the text “How to generate a Envato Personal Token?” and nothing comes up. Am I missing it? Is there information on this page on how to generate the personal token?


    I have tried to update the them but with no success
    could you please help me?

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