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  • #978851

    I have two problems that seem very basic but none of the solutions I found seem to work. Granted, I played a lot with the site to get it all sorted and may have used several Quick CSS solutions. None worked and I have deleted them all. Could there be some snippets left that prevent solutions to work?

    On my site the header is not transparent although the option in page design is set to transparent header.

    Second, the content entered in all the color section is centred (100% browser window hight). I would like to have this top-aligned. Found many posts on this but non of the solutions seem to work. Sample:

    I have limited knowledge on CSS, hence if it help, attached please find logon info for my site.


    Hey ajgwnyc,

    I have enabled the debug mode and recreated the homepage and it works fine.

    Was there any custom code or plugin added to the site? before the issue started?

    Please set the test page as your homepage and let us know if that works for you :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Vinay,

    Thank you for your quick reply and the fix for the transparency issue.

    I still have the issue that the content in the color section is entered and not top-aligned i.e. when I select the page/link “Bio”, the text is entered and not aligned on top.

    When I attempted to fix the alignment issue, I tried various fixes that are mentioned in the forums. Non of the solutions worked, however, the constant changing and deleting of codes may have “corrupted” something.

    It would be great if you could also advise me on the alignment issue.

    Best regards,


    Hi Vinay,

    Unfortunately solution 1 is also gone again. As soon as I set your “_test” page as the homepage, the issue with the non-transparent header occurred again. I also created a new page and was able to make the header transparent again and as soon as I designated it as home-page the header was once again white and large(er).

    Any ideas?



    I checked your homepage and could not find any possible settings in the theme that can cause this issue. It may be due to other reasons like a corrupt script or a plugin conflict.

    To find which plugin is causing the conflict please follow these steps:

    1. Go to your plugins page > Deactivate all active Plugins
    2. Update WordPress and Enfold to the latest version if you have not.
    3. Make sure all the plugins are updated.
    4. If the problem does not persist when plugins are turned off, activate one plugin at a time and refresh until you find the plugin in conflict.

    We await the results of your plugin compatibility test.

    Thanks for your cooperation :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Vinay,

    Plugins: As you may have seen, the site does not use any plugins at all. All deleted before even starting the page
    WordPress: it was the latest version but reinstalled it again
    Enfold: it was the latest version but reinstalled it again

    I even reset all the theme theme options and set them anew but the two problems persist. The header is too large and not transparent when opening When I use the anchor-point #home, the header is smaller but still not transparent (although the smaller size is quite logical).

    There is also still the second issue that you have not addressed yet – having the text in the colour-section top aligned and not centred.

    Thank you for your help,



    There is a missing stylesheet error. Please try and re-upload the main theme and child theme using an FTP client this ensures that the old files are completely removed and a fresh copy of the files are uploaded.

    Try and replace the child theme files and check for the header transparency issue. If the issue does not persist, do not upload the main theme files.

    Download Child Theme

    How to Install Enfold Theme

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Vinay.

    Hi Vinay,

    I guess we are getting closer. I followed the above as follows:

    Try and replace the child theme files – Done, meaning there is no more child theme (actually deleted by ftp and the site’s main theme is now set to the normal “enfold-theme”.

    …and check for the header transparency issue – With the normal “enfold-theme” the issue does not occur :-)

    If the issue does not persist, do not upload the main theme files – Don’t understand that part…and maybe this is exactly where my issue occurs.

    I since created a new child-theme using the “Child Theme Wizard Plugin”. Everything works but as soon as I select/use the child theme the issue is back…although I just created everything from scratch :-(

    Can you please explain the above line in bold to me?,



    I just found a solution to the problem…although I am not sure why this occurred or why the solution works, anyway. After creating a child theme nothing seem to work, however, one I went to Child Theme (galiant) -> Import/Export -> Insert Parent Theme Settings, it worked!

    Now the 2nd/final issue: the content entered in all the color section is centred (100% browser window hight). I would like to have this top-aligned. Found many posts on this but non of the solutions seem to work. Sample:

    Best regards,



    Glad the header works, I’m suspecting the issue was caused by the child theme.

    Instead of using a plugin to create a child theme we recommend using the child theme provided by Kriesi.

    Go to WordPress > Appearance > Themes and try switching between the themes to make sure the themes are correctly installed by the plugin.

    To align the contents of the color section please check the below link

    Color Section

    Best regards,


    Hi Vinay,

    We are almost there!

    The transparent header and the alignment works, however, the header is now causing another issue. When applying the last changes I use the header setting “sticky header”, the header will obviously use the top 150px (number is not relevant) but as it set set to “transparent” there is no issue. However, when I now select the next color section, the header will display the background of the previous page. See

    Secondly, this will cause the bottom of the page to be moved down by the same pixel size and therefore the scroll down arrow is now moved off the screen.

    I can fix this by unsticking the header, however, this will mean no header on the subsequent sections.

    Please advise. Thank you!



    I tried to troubleshoot your website and notice the child theme was created using a plugin. For testing purpose please try the following:

    1. Deactivate the child theme plugin.
    2. Backup theme settings.
    3. Delete the current child theme.
    4. Download and install a fresh copy of the Child Theme.

    Best regards,


    Did as you suggested but no change.



    Please provide FTP details and let us know if we have the permission to try and re-install the theme.



    Hi Vinay,

    I’m really stuck. Below please find the login details and yes, you can certainly access and make the necessary changes.

    Thank’s for your help,


    Hi Andreas,

    The header does not switch color because it does not get the proper classes, I would say that happens because some code is not working properly because the php version is low, but you have 5.6.3 and it should be working. However, I suggest upgrading your php tp php7.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    Ahhhh, there you go – something I would never have played with…as I do not understand it :-)

    I just talked to the hosting provider and all I need to change is a setting. However, they said that I should check with you what version I should use (7.0, 7.1 or 7.1) before making any changes.

    Best regards,


    Hi Andreas,

    Try the 7.1 , there are already some 7.2+ versions. But 7.1 should be fine.

    Let us know when you do.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    All done but unfortunately no success. In summary, the header (first 150px) shows the background of the previous section, in my case the clouds (see: and not the background that was actually used in the design (should be white). This mistake then cascades through the entire page, meaning that the arrow for scrolling to the next page is not visible as it now moved down by header margin of 150px and therefor no longer visible.

    Do you have any other suggestions?


    Hi Andreas,

    Is the code working properly with the parent theme enabled?

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    The error with the taking taking the first 150px and therefore the scroll arrow disappearing off the browser window all occurs with the parent theme. If you want to check, currently the parent theme is enable. The error with the background of section 1 showing on section 2 is OK.

    Best regards,


    Hi Andreas,

    Not sure what you mean by taking 150px, you section are too high to fit on the screen and so the scroll down button is below the visible area.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    That only partially the case. As I mentioned above, please have a look at or Here the text is not too long and does not fill the screen.

    FYI: During this entire case, one issue was the top-alignment of the text.This has been solved, however, as I am applying the parent theme for our current discussion, the text is centre aligned right now.

    Best regards,



    On both of the links you shared, I see everything just fine.
    Are you sure?

    Best regards,


    Hi Basilis,

    I think it may be a browser issue. As a Mac user I usually use Safari and I always have the error O described. I also checked the site under Firefox and the error does NOT exist.

    That said, attached please find a link to a pdf file that shows what exactly the problem is – when and how the error occurs.

    Best regards,



    Thank you for the clear explanation.
    Yes, we will do report to the development team, so they can review the issue and if possible to come with an issue.

    Can you please provide us with the version of the browser so we can try replicate?

    Best regards,


    Hi Basilis,

    Safari is Version 11.1.2 (13605.3.8).

    Best regards,


    Hi Andreas,

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    Thank you very much for your continuing support! As I am in no way an expert, I am just applying the suggestions given, sorry if I need to ask you once more to clarify.

    The example you mentioned first (#bio . container . content {vertical-align: top;) was based on Vinay’s recommendation above (July 3, 2018 at 1:52). I simply applied the code given on the krisi webpage (

    As to your solution, do I understand correctly that I should replace
    #bio . container . content {vertical-align: top;}
    with the line

    Sorry if my questions is so basic,


    Hi Andreas,

    Nothing wrong with the seemingly “basic” questions. Maybe you need to reduce the height of the section? What is the design for the page? You can have content aligned to the top, but then you see the huge whitespace at the bottom. Or you can set it to display in the middle and the whitespace will be on top and at the bottom.

    Best regards,

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