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    My site is just too slow, and I’ve already switched to a premium hosting company + had a speed audit done. There are one or two things I can still do on my end, but I need to know how to make this theme faster.

    For reference, here’s my site: https://www.frugalconfessions.com, and https://www.moneyprodigy.com

    When I run a google speed report for Frugal Confessions, it takes the theme 3.5 seconds to render. Here are the theme speed issues:

    Ensure text remains visible during webfont load
    Avoid an excessive DOM size — 2,172 elements
    Minimize main-thread work — 3.2 s
    Serve static assets with an efficient cache policy — 24 resources found
    Reduce JavaScript execution time — 1.7 s
    Minimize Critical Requests Depth — 7 chains found
    User Timing marks and measures — 6 user timings
    Keep request counts low and transfer sizes small — 395 requests • 1,238 KB

    Are there any things I can do with this theme to fix these issues, before buying a faster theme instead?

    Thanks so much for your help,


    Hey Amanda,

    Your site is loading in 1.1 seconds in the test in private, I would call that a very good result considering the amount of requests your site is making. You can follow the suggestions in the test in order to improve your load times even more.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for taking a look! That’s great news — because in my Google Analytics, it says three of my top posts are loading between 9 seconds and 12.8 seconds.



    Did you need additional help, or shall we close this topic?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi Jordan!

    Did you see where I said in my Google Analytics some of my posts take over 10 secs to load? Are there things we can do within this theme to make it faster? I’m all ears.




    Have you followed the suggestions in the test? Here is also something to reference:


    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    It´s a mess – the best Therme has too much DOM objects. Please reduce the amount of tags in the future.


    Hi Hunter,

    Thanks for responding. What do you mean it’s a mess? And how do I reduce the amount of tags?



    The amount of tags can’t be reduced without breaking the theme.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    What solved my problem was a premium plugin called wp-rocket. My clients site was loading really slow and had bad score on the Google Page Speed test for mobile and desktop. Once I installed wp-rocket and configured it, it’s getting a lot better score. Almost 100.
    Hope this helps.


    Hey smsutton,

    Thank you for the insight to this!

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Thanks for that! I bought WP Rocket, and unfortunately, it did nothing to speed up my site. They ended up refunding my money because they saw that it was not helping. But I do know that many others have seen success with WPRocket, so I think it’s a good product.



    Thanks for the update. I tested one of your sites again, and considering the amount of requests it’s making, I would say it’s fast. Please see private. There is a lot of room for improvements though, the first step would be to bring down the amount of requests.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Thanks so much for taking a look. I’m not sure how to cut down on requests (and hired someone to up my speed about 5 months ago) — but good to know my speed is not terrible.


    Hi algkent,

    You can install and configure a caching plugin and use assets merging. This way you can get fewer requests.

    Here is an article for you:

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,



    I’ve install and configure Hummingbird Pro and still I have a bad not at Page speed insight (like less than 20 on mobile and a not so good one at GTMetrix mainly cause by and excessive size of the DOM and too much work for my main thread. Can you do something about that ? It seems that the theme load too much element even if I check the laod only used element field into theme option > performance.

    Best regards,



    You may need to do more optimization procedures aside from installing a cache or speed plugin, such as image compression, browser caching and resource minification. Please check the following article to you help you further with the site optimization.

    // https://kriesi.at/archives/scoring-100-100-in-google-pagespeed-insights-gtmetrix-pagespeed-and-yslow

    Best regards,


    Thnaks for your answer but I’ve already done all of that. As I said my mains issues are :
    1. excessive size of the DOM
    2. too much work for my main thread

    Both of them directly link to enfold theme.

    Can you help me with that ?
    Best regards,



    1.) The only solution for this is to decrease the content in the page because we will not be able to trim down the current html or markup of the elements without losing styling or functionality.

    2.) Did you minify the js and css files, and install a caching plugin? This should help in minimizing the time needed to completely load the page and to allocate more resources to other workload.

    If you require more help with the optimization, please consider hiring a freelance developer or contact an agency specializing in site optimization. We will close this thread for now.

    Best regards,

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