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  • #532257

    My enfold website does not display correctly on mobile devices.
    Here is a screenshot from iPhone 5s. The slider is missing and the responsive menu does not appear.
    Iphone6 users report that the site will not load at all on their device.
    Please advise. thank you.

    View post on imgur.com


    Hi AirstreamCoach,

    I can’t see those errors on iphone4/chrome but I’ve asked the rest of the team to have a look on iphone5/6. Please wait for their replies.




    I checked your website on my iphone 5s and it does load fine. Please see screenshots in private content field.
    Which version of IOS are you using?

    Best regards,


    Thank you for your reply. We are running iOS 9.1 on several devices.
    I think we have narrowed down the issue here:
    The theme does not display correctly when cookies are not allowed in safari.
    Most of us are set to “allow from websites I visit”.
    Therefore, for new visitors, or when we clear cache the site does not work.
    People cannot see our site because of this. Can you please fix this bug?
    It is causing a lot of problems out here in the field.
    Please advise.
    Thank you, kindly.


    Rikard, thanks for your reply. The problem does not occur in chrome. only safari with cookies on. thanks. jen


    Hey Jennifer!

    Can you please check if you can reproduce the issue on one of the demo sites?



    This site does not appear to be set to responsive/mobile format. Therefore, it does not show the same issues we’ve been having.

    When “responsive site” is selected on our site, and cookies are NOT allowed, the display problems occur. Menus and Layerslider and header problems appear and the site is not usable.

    If you wish to see this problem occur on your IOS device you can probably replicate it by clearing your safari browser history, turning OFF cookies so they are NEVER ALLOWED and then call up our site: Advanced-RV.rentals

    We have verified this problem over and over on iPhone 5s’s and 6’s running iOS 9.x

    The only way to get our site to display properly on mobile IOS devices is to “always allow cookies”.
    It is not practical to try and tell all of our visitors to disable cookies in their browser in order to view our site properly! I’m sure you understand. Please help.


    IMAGES: Here are new screenshots from this morning where I once again, turned cookies to “never allow” and tried to load the site. When I reset Safari to “Allow Cookies”, once again, the site displays fine.

    View post on imgur.com

    View post on imgur.com

    Thank you for your follow up on this matter. Please advise.



    I tried loading your site on an iPad to check the issue but the domain is returning:


    Is that the correct domain?



    i can’t see what i posted. sorry if there was a typo, here it is again below. thanks for your help!


    I have been getting the same issues as well – mobile menu displaying the same way. Specifically on ios6/safari.


    I can confirm this is in fact an issue for me too. Still waiting on an update form you guys. thanks.


    Icebox10. Thank you for confirming you have also experienced this issue. I have not heard anything back from Kriesi customer support since Mid November when we finally isolated the mobile problem to the Cookies issue. Are they responding to you at all? I thought Josue, Yigit and Co might appreciate what we learned about cookies, but they have not replied. It’s a bad situation. i hope they fix it soon. And… I hope they take a moment to acknowledge our concerns and let us know what is going on. best. jen


    Hi AirstreamCoach,

    No I am not getting any updates on this (they are normally really responsive). I agree, this is a bad situation. The site can’t function on mobile devices with the header looking the way it does. I am hoping this will be fixed ASAP!!



    Sorry for the late reply!

    We have reported the issue to our devs and the issue is currently being looked into. In the meantime, please keep login credentials the same.
    We will keep you updated.

    Best regards,


    Hey guys!

    Would you mind both posting your login credentials as a private reply with link wo tthe admin section, password and username.

    I think those are two different issues. I can reproduce the problem icebox has, and I also get a javascript error in the frontend that might be related to the problem.

    However the advanced-rv rentals site seems to work fine on my end as well (iPhone 6, iOS9.1). Please also let me know if its ok to temporary disable any plugins you are running for testing purpose



    Hi Kriesi,

    See below – Just want you to be aware that this has happened to more then one site. These sites are hosted on godaddy’s managed wordpress hosting (FYI).

    I do not think it is a plugin issue :)

    Thanks for getting on this issue early Monday!! Hope we can figure out a solution soon.


    Hey icebox!

    I think I was able to solve your problem. The google analytics id you had entered had a bunch of invisible characters added that messed with the themes javascript. I fixed that.

    However, iPhone caching might not show the results right now. you will either need to wait a few hours or delete your mobile safari cache.



    Hi Kriesi!

    Thanks for the update. Can you explain a little more – I don’t even have a tracking ID in there yet. Where exactly was this?

    Thank you!


    I just want to make sure my other site does not have this as well – so if it’s an easy fix I would like to take care of it asap :)


    Kriesi. Thank you for your reply. The problem still exists on Advanced-RV.Rentals and can be reproduced if you:

    2) SETTINGS turn cookies off “ALWAYS ALLOW”.

    Reopen Safari and call up the site.

    The header and menu is all messed up, but the slider is now displaying (on my iPhone5). Please check on your iPhone 6. thanks.

    I don’t believe it is a plug in, either. we did tons of troubleshooting on various devices. can only fix this by allowing cookies.

    please help. thanks. jen


    Hey Icebox!

    I am talking about the google tracking id “UA-66206908-1” which should be visible in your Enfold settings in the analytics textarea once again now. (added it right now after checking everything again)

    You probably copied the id from google and also added a bunch of whitespace and a line break behind the id, which messed up the javascript. I have added a fix to the theme as well to remove those by default so with the next update this error should be fixed, even if there is an invisible line break ;)




    Thanks for the detailed instructions. I was able to somehow reproduce an issue. for me the slider and the menu always load correctly but the colors do not. However, checking my own theme demo at


    it displays just fine. (Would you mind checking with your iPhone as well just to confirm that. the site is also set to display responsive on a phone)

    Since we don’t have a ton of other users complaining about this my only idea would be that there is either a plugin causing this or that there is a server setting that is causing problems. So if you try to disable all plugins and it still doesnt work there is a good chance its got something to do with the server that hosts the site.

    Not sure if I can fix it if thats the case, but in order to even try to find a solution it would be good to check everything up to this point ;)



    Hi Airtstream Coach,

    Where is your site hosted, if you don’t mind me asking..?


    Hosting at Godaddy. am using the theme also with Airstreamcoach.com site which is also on godaddy under a different account. both sites have had the problem. thanks.


    is my google tracking code on the Advanced-RV.rentals site ok?


    Is it godaddy’s managed wordpress hosting?



    Are you confident that you the tracking code fixed the error? Just asking because we are about to start marketing for this site – we’ve just been waiting on this fix.

    I’ve been testing my site – with and without cookies – cleared cache. I don’t see the menu issue coming up anymore… hope it stays this way.

    Thank you so much!


    Hi Icebox,
    Yes, i use go daddy’s managed wordpress accounts for both of my enfold sites. Is that what you use?
    I can call godaddy, if that will help… but I am generally wary when a theme developer points me back to the hosting server as a cause of the problem. It’s the beginning of a ping pong game where we get bounced back and forth…. ;-)

    One of my sites has been up and running for over a year and a half on godaddy managed wp hosting without this mobile display problem. The other site was recently moved to managed wordpress hosting on a separate account about 2 months ago. This problem (tho I’m not sure exactly how long it was going on before my client discovered it on his iphone6) seemed to have started in the past few months.

    thanks for your concerns & help. i hope the google tracking id fix solves your problem!
    keep me posted and i’ll do the same.



    Yes! the sites with these issues are on godaddys managed wordpress hosting.

    *** Kriesi, do you have any insight on this? Godaddy is obviously a huge hosting provider, and lots of people are switching to managed wordpress hosting – so you may want to look into this :) ***

    I originally called them over a month ago and they said they cannot help me…basically. But you seem to have more details on this issue so I would give it a shot!

    Please keep me posted and I will do that same :)



    Can we get an update on our last messages? :) THank you!

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