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  • #1166457

    In the Cookie Modal there is a tab called “Statistik mit Matomo”
    There is a Iframe for the opt-out but it does not show.



    Hey Flugtraeumer,

    Thank you for the update.

    Try to replace the protocol in the iframe src attribute from http to https.

    Blocked loading mixed active content “…anguage=de&backgroundColor=&fontColor=&fontSize=&fontFamily=”Blocked loading mixed active content “…anguage=de&backgroundColor=&fontColor=&fontSize=&fontFamily=”

    It doesn’t display because it’s being blocked as shown in the error above.

    Best regards,


    I updated it last week and the iframe is visible now,,,,BUT….
    It seems as if the cookie-modal blocks the tracking.
    Please see this….the date i setted up the cookie modal matches exactly with the date matomo stopped tracking:




    Thanks for the update. First off, could you try updating the theme to the latest version (4.7.2) to see if that helps please?

    Also, this might be related to the other problem you were having with replaced http/https strings in the database. I would suggest that you try to get that fixed first.

    Best regards,


    Like i alrady said in my other post:
    I dont want to be “supported” by you anymore.
    Please skip my threads in the future!

    for @yigit
    Although we use Auto-Update the Updater says:

    Theme Updates
    No Updates available. You are running the latest version! (

    So we found another issue?




    Could you please contact your hosting provider and ask them to whitelist They might be blocking it for security reasons.

    Another user who was having the same issue contacted their hosting provider and replied:

    our hoster has updated the Linux distribution of the server.
    The cause of the problem was probably the incompatibilities of the versions of OpenSSL with cURL.

    Now the token API works :-)

    This happens when there is connection issue between your host and Envato API. This is not related to Enfold, it is related to server settings.




    Thank you for the update.

    Another tab opens and closes automatically whenever we toggle the checkbox in the “Statistik mit Matomo” tab. Is that how it’s supposed to work? Is that the iframe ?

    Best regards,


    i dont understand what you mean. There is “no other” tab that “opens & closes” …at least not on my end.
    Can you show it via screencast please?

    There are more websites with the same problem: matomo is not tracking.
    So the problem gets more urgent


    OK, i will ask them

    kind regards



    A “piwik” tab opens whenever we tick the checkbox in the “Statistik mit Matomo” tab. Is that how it’s supposed to work?

    Best regards,


    There is NO TAB that opens when you tick!!
    Its an absolutely normal behaviour:
    [video src="" /]



    It is actually visible in your screencast as well. Please see my screenshot in private content field and note the link in address bar. You can see that it happens each time you check/uncheck the option.

    Also, it seems like your Matomo cookie was set with “SameSite=None” but missing “Secure” attribute. Please see –

    Best regards,


    Yes, its the URL that changes for a split of a second but there is NO ADDITIONAL TAB, like Ismael stated here:
    “A “piwik” tab opens whenever we tick the checkbox in the “Statistik mit Matomo” tab”

    However…i need to inform users that we track and i need to give users the opportunity to disable tracking prior they surf the site

    2: I dont set anything.
    The only thing i do is putting the code prevented from matomo in your cookie modal.
    The code is this:
    <iframe style="border: 0; height: 250px; width: 900px;" src=""></iframe>

    The tracking code does not set any cookies at all (by purpose) – see line 3:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    var _paq = _paq || []
    _paq.push(['disableCookies']); // Ab sofort verteilt Matomo keine Kekse (Cookies) mehr
    _paq.push(['enableHeartBeatTimer', 5]); // Matomo bekommt Herzrasen: Der "Herzschlag" von Matomo wird auf alle 5 Sekunden erhöht
    function embedTrackingCode() {
      var u = '//';
      _paq.push(['setTrackerUrl', u + 'matomo.php']);
      _paq.push(['setSiteId', '1']); // Bei "X" steht normalerweise die ID der Seite die getrackt werden soll
      var d = document,
        g = d.createElement('script'),
        s = d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]
      g.type = 'text/javascript';
      g.async = true;
      g.defer = true;
      g.src = u + 'matomo.js';
      s.parentNode.insertBefore(g, s);
    setTimeout(function () {
      embedTrackingCode(); // Die Matomo Tracking Funktion wird ausgeführt
    }, 5) // Die 5 steht für die Millisekunden anzahl in der die Funktion ausgeführt wird (kann man natürlich beliebig anpassen)

    3: If i remove the iframe from your cookie modal the tracking works normal, so the reason for not tracking is somehow connected with your cookie modal

    1: I removed the iframe from the cookie modal:
    No change, no tracking

    2: I edited the settings of the tracking code
    No change, no tracking

    3: I made a copy from my website, published it on a testarea, changed the theme:
    Tracking works

    For me it looks like the theme blocks the tracking.

    – I deleted the tracking code of the mataomo-Standalone-Installation
    – I installed the Matomo-Plugin
    The tracking seems to work – at least i see 3 visitors in the last minutes

    But like i said before……the trackingcode works if i install another theme.
    So please investigate that cause i dont want to use the plugin since it probably will have effect on our page speed

    I checked 5 different themes now and the tracking code works & Matomo tracks.
    If i activate Enfold it stops tracking.
    So there cant be any doubt that it the issue is theme related


    hint for:
    you can solve the samesite cookie message by adding this to your wp-config.php:

    define( 'WP_SAMESITE_COOKIE', 'Lax' );
    you can try strict or none – but for me lax is enough to get rid of that.
    and here is a good place for it:



    thanks for your help as always :)

    Best regards,

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