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  • #887509

    Hi, I am trying to make a Portfolio Grid. I watched the video but my Portfolio settings seem to mis the possibility to add photo’s. When I have added a Portfolio Grid in a page, I click on the Portfolio Grid and the Portfolio Grid options page opens. But at the top, about ‘which categories should be used’, the space where you should make a choice is empty. How can I solve this?


    Hey Judith,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    Best regards,


    Dear Victoria,
    Thanks for your answer.
    Username: bR-sprD g.@K
    Password: aAi54ba!lA-

    I found out how to add categories to the portfolio grid. But I still don’t know if this is the right way to imitate our old homepage.
    This is what we would like to make:
    This is where I am testing:
    You should be able to click on pictures and texts beneath the pictures. Every picture with text should link to a corresponding project page. This should eventually become our homepage. Is ‘portfolio grid’ the right way, or not? And if so, how do we make white spaces between the pictures?

    Some other questions:
    -We tried some options on the pages we made. We see that in the photo gallery, there is a fade effect when you hover over the photo’s. Can we remove the fade effect? (see for instance

    -‘Heading 1’ transforms our words automatically in capital letters. We would like this to be our choice. How can we remove this, or should we choose another ‘heading’ type?

    Best wishes, Judith


    Hi Victoria,
    The ‘fade’ problem is already solved!
    The rest of the questions stay :)


    Hi Judith,

    What is the login link? I an getting a 404 trying to log in.
    Also, I do not see any headings in capital letters, can you please give me a link to the page with such an issue?

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    This is the login link, sorry.
    We changed some of the headings, an example of the capital letters is ‘contact’:

    Best regards, Judith


    Hi Judith,

    Here is the code you can put in Enfold > General Styling > Quick Css,  if it does not work, put into themes/enfold/css/custom.css

    .template-page .entry-content-wrapper h1, .template-page .entry-content-wrapper h2 {
      text-transform: none;

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,


    Dear Victoria,

    Thanks, we will try that.
    And if we are going to update Enfold in the future, will those codes still be there after the update?
    (we are new to WordPress so we don’t know these things)

    Best regards, Judith


    Hi Judith,

    No, the css code in Quick css will stay.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,
    That’s great! We have some more questions, we could not find clear answers elsewhere.

    -We bought the Enfold theme to rebuild our website We called the temporary site, the one we are working on now, When we are finished making it, how can we replace the old site by the new site?
    -Sub-question to the one above: Every image at the site we are building gets a name with ‘’, and we eventually want without the ‘nieuw’. When we moved, do we have to change the names of the images, or re-import? Or is there an easy way? Until now, we tried out some things but now we want to move on and do it right at once.

    -What is the recommended dpi for images? And what is a good size in pixels? We are used to 72 and 630 x 470 / 470 x 630. Images are very important to us, but we also have a lot of them, so the website should not get too heavy. Our new website will have 3 times more images than the old one. Eventually, we would like our images to be somewhat bigger than on the old website; the lying images should have the same width as the text blocks. The standing images should use this width as height size.
    -Sub-question to the one about image size: I have a retina screen and see that some of the images on our old website are not very sharp. Compare the image at the top of these 2 pages. OLD: to NEW: The old size is 630 x 470 and 72 dpi. In ‘nieuw’ I used 300 dpi and doubled the size, this image is imported as 1260 x 960. After that, in Enfold, I set the image at ‘middle size’, 630 x 470) Should we do that with every image? Or…I read somewhere that there is a possibility to upload a bigger size, and to tell Enfold to make it smaller when a screen is not retina. Can we do that? (in a few years, we guess almost everyone will have a retina screen so better be prepared)

    -We made a few image galleries. When we hover over a thumbnail, the thumbnail opens. We would prefer it like this: you click on a thumbnail and then the image opens. How can we adjust that?

    -How can we organise our image-library? We would like to make folders with different names.

    Best regards, Judith


    Hi Victoria,
    Thanks for the links and answers. You asked for an example of a gallery that we want to change.
    See for example the galleries at this page: When we hover over a thumbnail, the thumbnail opens directly into the bigger image area. We would prefer it like this: you click on a thumbnail and then the image opens. Like on this website: How can we adjust that?
    Best regards,



    This is possible but you have to disable the lightbox feature and edit the js > shortcodes.js file. Look for this code around line 2608:

    gallery.on('mouseenter','.avia-gallery-thumb a', function()

    Replace it with:

    gallery.on('click','.avia-gallery-thumb a', function(e)

    Best regards,


    I have 2 questions about our website.

    We chose a boxed lay-out. Can we choose to keep the boxed layout, but add 1 wide image that has the full width of the screen? See our homepage: , the ‘circels’ image at the lowest part of the page. On each page we would like to add an image-strip like this one (slightly different on different pages) at the lowest part of the page, and we would love to have it in the full width. Is that possible?

    Another wish would be to be able to click the circles. Maybe by making each circle an image, so it would be a row of images instead of 1 wide image-strip? I guess that would be very hard, no problem if it is not possible. The above question is more important.
    Best, Judith



    If you have any additional questions at this time we kindly ask that you open them up in a separate thread. The longer threads get in the forum, they become more difficult to support as they tend to drift off topic and they also make it troublesome for users trying to search for solutions. Keeping threads relevant to their original inquiry ensures that we can keep better track of what has been resolved and that users can more effectively find answers to similar issues they might be experiencing.


    Best regards,

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