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  • #806088

    I updated yesterday to the new version of Enfold and there is a bug in the layer slider.
    The url to a page is in a private message

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by ruthnis.

    Hi @ruthnis,

    Please open a new thread and include admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look at your installation.

    Best regards,


    June 11th, 2017 There is another update for Layerslider again, the current version in Enfold is 6.4.0
    The New Version from Layerslider is 6.5.0 and there is no way to update it. The theme developers must update the theme again. If possible, it would be nice to have an option for this plugin to remove it
    completely or else we will go through this problem over and over again. Thanks.


    There is no need to have an option to remove this plugin, if a user wishes to update Layerslider before the next theme update, they can simply purchase a copy of the layerslider on codecanyon, upload it as a plugin and activate it. It will then overwrite the bundled version, and then the user is in full control of LayerSlider updates.

    For those who are not sure how Layerslider works in Enfold:

    How LayerSlider Updates work in Enfold
    The bundled version of LayerSlider will be updated with theme updates, which we do depending on our own release cycle and depending on critical updates. The users cant update the bundled version of the layerslider, even if actived.
    However, if a user wishes to update before the next theme update, they can simply purchase a copy of the layerslider on codecanyon, upload it as a plugin and activate it. It will then overwrite the bundled version, and then the user is in full control of LayerSlider updates.
    There is no need to deactivate the bundled version, it automatically detects if the plugin version is active and disables itself.

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,


    Hello Mike:

    I do not want, need or use the plugin Layer Slider. Therefore the response is of no use, I thought my comment made that clear by asking “to have the option to remove it completely”. Waiting for updates to fix this problem cause Kriesi’s staff and his customers a lot of headaches which can be avoided.


    @photoviews7 To remove layerslider create childtheme and but the add_theme_support('deactivate_layerslider'); in it’s functions.php file.



    Thanks for sharing @mensmaximus.

    Best regards,


    Photoviews7 posts make sense to me. I don’t care when the Layerslider updates come out as long as their is no security risk, and no issues with the theme (other than the annoying update nags). But obviously from all the posts in this thread there was issues with the Layerslider version and the theme. I’d rather just not have it enabled than deal with those issues.


    June 12, 2017
    dear memsmaximus: I don’t wish to have to create a child theme, nor add any code to solve this problem. Its not up to customers to fix issues with 3rd party plugin updates.

    Thank you torndownunit -you are right, security is a problem with a missing update of the plugin exposing enfold to that risk is not acceptable. If my security plugin indicates its needs an update-
    then it needs an update. Waiting a month or more for an update is not acceptable.

    The last time this happened, even the paid Layerslider customers on their forum were having issues with their own update. So the suggestion that we purchase Layerslider to receive their
    updates, that’s not a solution either.

    I see the solution as this:
    1) Kriesi – when we download the theme make it optional to download the Layerslider plugin, don’t wire it into the theme code. Thanks for listening.


    Photoviews7, to be fair when it’s a major security update issue, Kriesi will update. A security plugin just notifies you when any plugin is out of date generally. It doesn’t mean there is a major security issue with the plugin. So I haven’t seen an issue there. But there was clearly an issue with the plugin and theme updates in this case which this thread shows. And that is not good. If this is a bundled plugin, make sure everything is compatible with the theme.

    I am not trying to be overly critical of Kriesi, but I do find them much slower updating bundled plugins than any other premium theme framework I use. And I have never had an issue with a bundled plugin incompatibility that lasted as long. It’s very understandable why people are upset.


    Jun 12, 2017
    Dear torndownunit, I’ve been working with wordpress themes since 2007, many themes and many plugins and have never run into this situation on a theme especially a paid theme. I respect your point of view on security, but in this day and age of hacking attempts (millions per day) I don’t like any risks if they can be avoided, hence I use a very good security plugin. I don’t use plugins that developers don’t update period. I don’t even use Layerslider at all.

    I am not being critical either, I am looking for solutions to this problem but you are correct – the updates are slow in coming and frustrating when people are told to create child themes, or mess with php or coding ourselves. We shouldn’t have to code anything in my humble opinion, I’ve got work and better things to do than that.

    I have also had issues with the contact form on this theme, so I had to remove it completely which is not desirable either.


    Photoviews have you seen a major Layer Slider security issue that Kreisi hasn’t addressed? I am not disagreeing and I’d like to see updates more frequently, especially when other theme frameworks I use seem to be able to update within a week of a new LayerSlider version. But, in the time I have been using Enfold I haven’t run into an issue with them not addressing a security issue.

    I personally have no problem adding a single function to my Child Theme. Every developer should be using child themes anyway, this is essential. I have to do these kind of modifications on every theme framework/site I work on. I respect your view though. And we can agree that a solution that allows people not to depend on LayerSlider would probably be better.

    Kreisi has offered some of the best support of any theme I’ve used over the years though. This is the first big issue I had, and the first one that I don’t agree with their response or response time on.




    Hi, I am very much in agreement with @torndownunit and currently I am moving to another solution for my theme creations, embarking LayerSlider without the possibility of disabling it easily is a brake, I have to manage more than 25 Sites under Enfold and alerts invade my mailbox.

    Other aspects of Enfold’s evolution mean that I have been interested in Open Sources solutions that are much more effective than a Premium theme (OceanWp + Elementor).

    Avia Page Builder becomes old, like Fusion Builder (Avada), Elementor is much more user friendly and productive.


    June 12, 2017

    Dear torndownunit:

    I never stated Kreisi hasn’t addressed a security issue other than the Contact Form, but then again its only been 3 years using this theme and I don’t scour the forum for issues.

    Your needs may be different than mine, so lets agree to disagree on child themes, not everyone
    needs them.

    The key is the solution to either remove or allow an option to use Layerslider. Many people don’t use it, don’t use Woo Commerce etc. Subjecting all users to the same LS issue is just not productive.

    YOUR opinion of support is yours. End of discussion.

    Freepixelweb: I am searching for other solutions elsewhere also. I’m outta here.


    I updated Enfold to correct the layer slider issue with needing a plugin update and the theme updated fine but layer slider didn’t which seems I’m not the only one. The full error is posted in private. The path seems to be duplicated.

    Warning: fopen(/home/****/****/wp-content/plugins/home/****/****/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-layerslider/LayerSlider/layerslider.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/****/****/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4785


    Photoviews, sorry but Child Themes should be for everyone. That is not an issue to agree or disagree on, it’s proper site setup and there isn’t a theme developer or site wp developer out there that won’t recommend using a child theme. And, there is a child theme provided so it’s not that big of a deal. Upload it, activate it. Or plugins for creating a child theme can be run. This is not something that is a preference or opinion of mine, it’s wordpress basics, and anyone working with WordPress will tell you the same thing. It’s not a difficult thing to implement, and you are making a big deal out of nothing in that regard. What is being suggested may be implemented by Kreisi in the future. But in the meantime, a simple fix was provided if you really want to use it. And I stress simple. I am only trying to be helpful, and your replies are very harsh.

    freepixeweb, Fusion Builder has come a LONG way in the time I have been using Avada. I would categorize the current version of it as one of the better in theme builders. And their Patch and update manager system prevents these exact issues we are having with LayerSlider. You don’t have to update their whole theme to update a plugin or do a patch. But back to builders, Enfold’s builder is incredibly easy to use for users without much technical knowledge so there is a trade off. I personally have really been enjoying SiteOrigin’s Builder. It’s fully functional free, and the Premium version adds some cool addon for very reasonable license fees. I find it the best of both worlds.

    I do agree this is a bigger issue than support seems to acknowledge. When a client logs into a site and sees these errors, it does not look good. At this point I only have 2 sites using Enfold, and one is my own site. The other is a client that I do updates for and they never access the site. But if I was in your case, with that many licenses and clients, it would be a deal breaker for sure.

    PS and thanks, I will give the options you mention a good look later. At a glance OceanWP plus SiteOrigin Builder seems like a good combo.



    Thank you all for your kind words and the feedback.
    We will do take it all in consideration.

    Best regards,


    Hi Basilis,

    Do you all have an ETA for an update that will take care of the plugin slider update warning?




    Kriesi is working hard to publish the release as soon as possible

    Best regards,


    Thank you!



    Thanks for the patience and sorry for the trouble, we should hopefully have a new release out as soon as possible.

    Best regards,


    Today I received another warning from Wordfence.
    Not the standard update warning but a “critical” one:

    Critical Problems:
    * The Plugin “” needs an upgrade ( -> 6.5.1).
    Update includes security-related fixes.

    Is this the same false positive or is it a real security issue?

    Thank you


    June 23, 2017 I got the same warning from Wordfence Security – also. Still waiting for this update which was released June 11th by Layerslider.


    Hi mu_ri and Photoviews7,

    I would say that it’s not an actual security risk, WordFence only seems to detect that LayerSlider is not the latest version and listing that as a security risk. LayerSlider has been putting out a lot of updates lately and it’s difficult for us to keep up with them all.

    Best regards,


    I’m receving lots of time this kind of message from one of my server providers, Can Someone help me to say if this has something to do with the Layerslider problem??

    I use enfold in diferent servers providers, some off them send this message, others don’t.. Don’t know what to do…

    “Your easytex.pt web hosting account exceeded one or more of its resources within the last 12 hours.
    You reached limit of 100.0 of total server CPU usage 4 times. Your website was forced to load slower to reduce its CPU usage.”

    I already deactivate the layerslider with the “add_theme_support(‘deactivate_layerslider’);” in the functions.php of the theme…

    Waiting for the update… Is anything wrong? Kriesi always was very fast to fix whatever, and this time… :/

    Is it the end of enfold???
    Hope not, still loving to work with it but, iff thats the way things go I really apreciated that you guys say something…



    Hi nunop,

    Please start a new thread and include admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look.

    Best regards,


    Hello Support,

    I’m just checking in regarding LayerSlider support with Enfold, as it’s been some time since the last communication and the issue is still unresolved in my experience.

    Here is one current set of warnings from a site with Enfold:

    Warning: fopen(/home/hfs/public_html/wp-content/plugins/home/hfs/public_html/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-layerslider/LayerSlider/layerslider.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/hfs/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4785

    Warning: fread() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/hfs/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4788

    Warning: fclose() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/hfs/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4791

    Is there still effort to resolve integration of LayerSlider with Enfold Theme?



    I agree, Greg, I have the same Wordfence warnings on my site and this plugin Layerslider should be removed entirely from the theme code, for a true fix. It should be an option to the buyer, to install it or not. I am looking at another theme that has plugins as an “Option” which is not coded into the theme. It’s been over a month and a half for a fix for this.


    Hi Photoviews7,

    If you don’t want to use the LayerSlider then you can deactivate it using this in your functions.php file:


    Best regards,

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