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  • #455021

    we would like to inform about the following translation bugs and suggestions regarding the Enfold Italian resources:


    • “Want to join the discussion?” => “Vuoi partecipare alla discussione?”
    • “Feel free to contribute!” => “Fornisci il tuo contributo!”

    PAGE 404

    • “Spiacenti, articolo che stai cercando non è disponibile. Vuoi provare ad effettuare una ricerca?” => “Spiacenti, l’articolo che stai cercando non è disponibile. Prova ad effettuare una ricerca”
    • “Controllare sempre l’ortografia.” => “Controlla sempre l’ortografia”
    • “Prova con termini simili o sinonimi.” => “Prova ad utilizzare sinonimi”
    • “Provare a utilizzare più di una parola chiave.” => “Prova ad utilizzare più parole chiave”.


    • “Se non siete soddisfatti dei risultati conseguiti per favore fare una nuova ricerca” => “Se non sei soddisfatto dei risultati, effettua una nuova ricerca”

    The Swedish language files is missing the “Share this entry” phrase. I have translated this phrase directly in the helper-social-media.php file for long time now, and get tired of this now, because after every upate for the Enfold theme, i have to translate it there for every client. Many of my clients use Enfold theme.

    How to add it in the language file?
    Regards, Charlie


    I have fixed it now. I imported the missing phrases from the Enfold Translation file.


    Hi all,

    Is there any github repo keeps or translations?

    I could not find it and everyone is doing adhoc translation. Can the team setup something for us to collaborate easier. I found Woocommerce is using Transifix. Might be a good option?




    Can the following Dutch translation be changed?

    Original EN: Please prove that you are human by solving the equation
    Current NL: Bewijs a.u.b. dat u een mens bent door de volgende vergelijking op te lossen.

    The translation is rather unprofessional and childish and none of my clients like it. Please change it to: “Vul het juiste antwoord in”



    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by elmanisero.

    Italian translation for 3.2.2
    Please update this translation as soon as possible because currently has 328 untranslated entries

    Best regards,
    Giuseppe Beghelli

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by elmanisero.

    Here is a fresh Russian translation for Enfold 3.2.2 theme (61% translated): (last update: July 6, 2015 at 10:33 pm)

    P.S.: Some things in Avia Framework couldn’t be translated:

    • [Theme Options tab] Specify a favicon for your site. Accepted formats: .ico, .png, .gif What is a favicon?
    • [General Layout tab] A rough preview of the frontend + and all that inside .avprev-layout-container box
    • [General Styling tab] Select a predefined color scheme + all color names + preview of the frontend box
    • [General Styling tab] Upload a BG image for your Body (Body background tab)
    • [Advanced Styling tab] If a value is left empty or set to default then it will not be changed from the value defined in your CSS files
    • [Advanced Styling tab] All Headings (H1-H6) label
    • [Header tab] A rough layout preview of the header area + Chose if you want to display a border between menu items


    • [all tabs] Buttons: ‘Show all Options’, ‘Reset all options’, ‘Save all changes’, ‘Upload’
    • [General Styling tab] Logo Area, Main Content, Alternate Content, Footer and Socket
    • [Import\Export tab] Font: and (Default Font)
    • [Social Profiles tab] Vk (name of social network – it’s better if it will be ‘VK (ВКонтакте)’ by default) or add function to create own social networks list.

    + Theme Update tab (all content)

    Known bugs:
    URL: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=avia#goto_styling (General Styling -> Fonts tab)

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Bogdan. Reason: Update date and formatting text

    I don’t translate more, You don’t update my translations by three months, no sense wasting time and effort
    Best regards,
    Giuseppe Beghelli



    I just have bought Enfold for use on a shop. I downloaded the demo (shop) and everything was perfect. I’m from Denmark – and have set woocommerce to danish. Suddenly Enfold change to danish and now I just a big problem. I can’t se the details of a product anymore. I delete the hold thing – and re installed – but I still have the same problem. Maybe some link hasn’t been translated – ? I would be very happy to get this fixed, so I can start making the shop again.
    If you look at the Shop Overwiev – you will se the problem – or if you look in the menu



    Here is Slovak translation for Enfold. Just a few strings which I need for my site, but I will update it later…


    Hi :)
    Is this ongoing project now?
    If you want any help to translate to Korean, I’m pleased to do it.


    Can somebody please send me a file with untranslated english strings? I have started the hungarian translation of Enfold about a year ago. I made progress, but I need to merge the new catalog with my translations. Thanks


    Hey guys.. i don’t know if someone uploaded Brazilian Portuguese translation.. but when i tried to use.. it don’t look like it is tranlated.. so here is for 100% translated brazilian portuguese


    Hi guy’s, I sends you a partial French version, I mainly reviewed the time counter party and several other points but is not yet translated (365 translations to do yet). I work on it when I have a little time, the rest comes.



    how could we make sure that we are not working in duplicate?
    I will help with pleasure, as I regularly do it for several plug-ins, but would not like to work uselessly should we be several of us working on the same file.

    Enfold: Wouldn’t it be possible to put it on GlotPress which precisely avoid that?

    PS : Bonjour Jean :-)


    Hi JMDP, I actually well advanced translation, I have a hundred texts to be translated, here’s the current version of the po-mo:


    Ps pour JMDP : tu peux finir la traduction je suis occupé les jours qui viennent.


    @ Jean: you talk about 365 translations left. But I see 550+ in Poedit. Are you sure that you have posted your latest release of the file?
    It says 2.431 translated on 2976 (80%), or are you sure of your 365 left? let me know. Thanks.
    Merci :-)


    Hi, sorry I use codestyling-localization plug-in in local website. Now I have 128 lines translations to do (this corresponds to 355 words to translate.). :-)
    My last upload is correct.


    see in private section


    Good afternoon,

    Is there maybe Slovenian translation for Enfold? I saw on other posts, that someone made it to 82% but it’s missing on mediafire.

    Best regards,


    Hi, my last french translation is not present in the last release… :-((

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by freepixelweb.

    I updated the German informal translation with enfold.pot from enfold 3.4.1 (not 100% translated).


    I’m working again on the formal translation for german.

    Found some problems i couldn’t fix …

    Think that Kriesi has to change some lines…

    headline_rotator.php does not translate

    "subtype" => array(
    "Top to bottom"=>'',
    "Bottom to top"=>'reverse',
    "Fade only" => 'fade'

    And in numbers.php:
    “Click here to add your own text” does not translate. Same with the Word “Default”
    Text is set but it doesn’t work …

    Can you fix it?

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by docperi.

    German formal language-file was updatet too (3.4.1)

    You can download the zip here:

    Only Enfold theme options and LayerSliderWP are not completed.
    I added some missing elements to the translations file.
    In order to use all translations you have to add a bit of php to some phpfiles.


    change line 72 
    "std" => "Click me"),
    "std" => __("Click me", 'avia_framework' )),  

    Read the txt inside my zip. There are a lot of more like this …
    No worry … ;-)

    @ Team enfold: Would be great to have it in the nextupdate. :-)


    Hi, I updated the Italian translation for Enfold v3.4.1 (100% translated).
    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by axdil.

    Good morning,

    what about Slovenian translation? Does someone have it? I will be grateful if someone has it and is willing to share.

    Best regards,


    File ENFOLD/FRAMEWORK/PHP/class-breadcrumb.php
    ‘<span class=”breadcrumb-title”>’ . __( ‘You are here:’, ‘avia_framework’ ) . ‘</span>’,
    Must say “Estás aquí”
    Instead of “Tu estás aquí”
    Present translarion looks so bad that needs to be edited by hand. As bad as placing “You here” :)
    ¡Thank you!


    Hi Guys!

    Thanks for all the translation tips. If you want to make sure they make it into the next release please don’t forget to upload your modified translation file somewhere for us to download ;)

    Best regards,



    Hi, I updated the Italian translation for Enfold v3.4.5 (100% translated).
    The zip file contains several updated files to the correct and complete working of the translation.

    ———— Enfold v3.4.5 Changes translate ————–

    config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/contentslider.php ———> change line 102
    config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/google_maps.php ———> change line 77
    config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/grid_row.php ————-> change lines 91, 92, 100
    config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/promobox.php ————> change line 72
    config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/slideshow_fullscreen.php —> change lines 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248
    config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/slideshow_fullsize.php ——> change lines 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241
    config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/tabs.php ——————> change line 130
    config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/testimonials.php ———–> change lines 81, 88, 103, 110
    config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/toggles.php —————> change line 83

    framework/php/class-framework-widgets.php —> change all widgets label and description. Add a JS code for translate Facebook Widget.

    includes/helper-main-menu.php —> change line 119 –> add a generic alt=” and title=” to img for SEO.

    lang/ —> update the file enfold.pot and the files, it_IT.po. Add a new file FacebookLocales.xml for translate Facebook Widget with WPML.

    functions.php —> change line 372
    Best regards,

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