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  • #386282

    Could someone please look into the dutch translation? I can’t (for example) choose a left or right sidebar because of a fault in the translation. This causes a layout messup when I edit or create a new post or page. When I delete the dutch translation in wp-content/themes/enfold/lang I can choose the layouts again. There are more wrong strings which causes a misbehaviour of the theme.



    For everyone whose having trouble with the theme options translation, please deactivate it with this on functions.php:

    	add_action('after_setup_theme', 'avia_lang_setup');
    	function avia_lang_setup()
    			$lang = apply_filters('ava_theme_textdomain_path', get_template_directory()  . '/lang');
    			load_theme_textdomain('avia_framework', $lang);




    Only after I found out it was a language specific problem I found this response right here. So, thanks for the quick fix, Ismael.

    Too bad I’d already spent 3 hours trying and searching, mainly the Enfold support forum. I’m guessing at least dozens Dutch Enfold-users are in the same position. And it’s not simply that clear that it concerns language issues. My issues were website-issues. Menu, layout, that stuff.

    Anyway: DUTCH PEEPS?! USE THE FIX ^^^ ISMAEL GAVE. It instantly gets rid of all the misery.

    Lastly: @Yigit / @Ismael >>> could you link me to a how-to to check/add/adjust/create a language po/mo/anything? I’d love to take on a recent version and complete it. I have clients who don’t read English too well, and I’m a helper and perfectionist. So I’m pretty much dying to help both Enfold and those clients, and many others, creating a seriously very okay Dutch Enfold-version. I’m as technically inclined as your average mother in law, so please gimme a push in the right direction: where, how. And yes, I had the translation files thingy in WordPress once, two words, can’t remember. And someone once helped me install a po/mo client/application… but I only want to do it the right way right away.


    Hi Guys!

    We have already uploaded version 3.08 which should finally fix the translation issues. if you still got problems please open a new thread and dont use this one, we would like to keep this one reserved for new translation files ;)

    Best regards,


    Italian translation for 3.0.8

    Best regards,
    Giuseppe Beghelli



    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by elmanisero.
    This reply has been marked as private.

    For the first next update :)

    Busted my ass off, never did this po/mo-thing before, here you go: the Dutch translation files. In which 97% has been translated. Checked, adjusted and added, from the bottom to the top and back. As compared to website and specific placeholders and such. Maybe containing 10 spelling and 3 grammar errors. But that should be about it.

    Hope to see it go live soon. And Cheers to all the Dutch peeps! I hope it all makes more sense now than it ever did.


    Added and corrected some russian translation


    Thanks a lot guys!

    And super bigs thanks to Remco for the full Dutch translation and the funny private post :)


    Thanks Remco for the great Dutch translation. I fixed one error which bugged me (voglende -> volgende).. the upload can be found here:

    Upload the translation to your wp-content/themes/enfold/lang folder.


    Lol @BartWit. Guess what I’ve just been doing! Exactly that. And thanks for the compliment!

    Yet! I’ve not only overlooked that one (weird, because it had been annoying me since forever, e.g. here). But check it out in the screen – these terms (‘volgende’ = 8 characters) will be a bit too lengthy, I’m affraid.

    How about we replace “vorige/voglende/volgende” by “eerder/later”? Then it’s surely going to fit into the designated grey areas. And it’s a key thing, this datepicker. It’s the customers reservations part of any website. So… yay!!

    I’m putting my money on you agreeing with me, Bart. And so, here, again, are the NEW Dutch translation files. And please know, older flaws (I just ran into a handfull) aren’t my fault :P :P And I’ll be re-updating it in some weeks. Cheers all!!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Remco Geelen.

    Entschuldigung, aber kein Eintrag erfüllt ihre Suchkriterien
    Entschuldigung, aber kein Eintrag erfüllt ihre Suchkriterien. Bitte starten Sie eine neue Suche

    Embarrassing error, fixed it already four months ago (along with other things), but you forgot to include my language file.

    Here again, newest version: de_DE formal 3.0.8

    Please, please please! :-D


    @BartWit and @RemcoGeelen



    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by ifranl.

    Anybody doing the Swedish translation at the moment?

    If NOT where can i find the latest Swedish version?



    My Dutch translation was completely broken again, this time it actually caused my header to in the wrong order. How on earth did it get screwed up so much lately? Had to download Remco Geelen’s one again. Please just implement his translation and pay the guy, he did an amazing job. Remember we’ve paid for this theme, don’t want to be rude but I’m at least expecting that the translation isn’t totally insane.



    I feel flattered, Bas. Thank you for the kind words! Story of my life btw, doing stuff, committing myself, and not getting paid, or better yet, getting fired. Rest assured though: that’s not at all im Frage here. And no, Kriesi-team, we don’t know one another irl or anything. So it’s a pretty da** real flatterish feeling indeed :)

    First of all, I did the translation on my own initiative, in the spirit of ‘OpenSource’. Surely, driven by the insane translation, but the Kriesi-team isn’t to blame: they depend on ‘us’. And only so much of the Dutch version was actually translated, and at some point in the last series of incremental updates, many terms got mixed up. Which gave me the exact same problem you’re experiencing: header options and such went berzerk. And secondly, I strongly wanted to do the translation. For myself, for some clients (I happen to be dating the one whose English sucks the most, lol), and for the team. I didn’t really know anything about WP or building websites when I first purchased a copy of the theme. And let’s be honest, what a theme!! Fit even for n00bs like me. And third: the translation file couldn’t have been incorporated in 3.0.8. Simply because it wasn’t there yet. So it’ll be there in 3.0.9. most probably.

    Take care Bas! Guess we just gotta be patient for a week or so. They’ll take care of it. And again, my sincerest thank you :)


    How about the new versions of Enfold? Regarding the new strings in the theme, how can we update the files?

    I am currently 26 % with the danish translation.



    what happened to the included german language file? Seems to be corrupted – using different languages in the translation (turkish? swedish?).


    @ Oliver: Little attention here, unfortunately… even if you want to improve language files (for free). :-(



    The next release should fix all those messed up language strings. Unfortunately it seems that the fuzzy translation strings were added by the plugin we used to generate the latest set of files…



    Yigit Bey,

    türkçe tercümeyi tamamlayacağım bir link verebilir misin?

    Doğrudan indirebileceğim bir link olsun lütfen. #177453 nolu yazıdaki linki indiremiyorum.

    Zafer Eraslan


    Merhabalar Zafer Bey,

    Lutfen bu linkten indirmeyi deneyiniz –

    Best regards,


    Hello all!

    I’m going to translate the Dutch language pack some more…
    Great work so far on the Dutch translation, but sometimes I have some time to alter some strings or to add some strings.
    I would like it if we can get to 100%;)

    I’ve took the translation files from Enfold 3.1.1 and altered 3 strings who are in my opinion not correct translated.
    For example: i’ve translated Share this entry to Deel dit bericht.
    Deel dit stuk (what it was) is not a good word I think (stuk).

    So, here are the new versions. I will keep translating when I have some time left.

    Greets Jeen


    The danish language files are at 47 % (for those who are wondering).

    However, is it possible to merge 2 different pot files due to the new Enfold versions?



    You can go to Enfold/lang folder and replace the file with your version and update the content using PoEdit software –
    Thanks :)



    Har en site uppe med den senaste versionen av Enfold. Har lagt till pluginet : CodeStyling Localization. Hoppas på att det så här vi översätter themat. Bjuder in alla svenskar som vill hjälpa till att översätta låt oss samarbeta.

    Skicka mig ett mail : (Email address hidden if logged out)



    I fix some embarrassing errors in the german language file, again and again, and you don’t care! How often should I fix things like ihr/Ihr?

    We use Enfold for many client websites and are really tired of fixing it!

    Are you only interested in big new language files, but not in fixes of faulty translations and improvements?


    Hi @Groeier!

    I hope you haven’t gone and alter too much. I think I put a 40 hours in it in total. And even decided on that one you mentioned pretty deliberately. As I have with every single item. Why did I call this one ‘stuk’ or ‘piece’? -Because it doesn’t address an article per se. It could address any other item. Like, e.g., a portfolio item. Still, I appreciate it very much. And my opinion is just one, and I can tell you, after several hours (as several glasses of red wine) the mind tends to go trick itself sometimes. I just hope you don’t translate stuff from Dutch to English, regarding “I’ve took” :P :P

    I wish you all the best with the ‘band’. Looks splendid!! Nicely professional and all. And, trying to read your mind, unsolicited: Wil je in je footer niet die rechter van de drie kolommen wat meer naar rechts duwen? -Omdat het op het oog nu net een beetje de (breedte-)lijn uit je site weg trekt. Ik heb zo de code paraat die je permanent in QuickCSS kunt invoegen en waarmee je met die kolombreedtes kunt stoeien. Als jullie die-hard developers zijn en me nu uitlachen, dan heb ik het niet aangeboden ;)



    Italian translation for 3.1.3

    Best regards,
    Giuseppe Beghelli

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