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  • #1400975

    Hi guys,
    I am using the plug in ‘Secondary Title’ to add a secondary title to the blog title.
    I know from the plugin settings I need to add ‘<?php echo get_secondary_title(); ?>’ below wherever it appears in the blog post PHP, and also in the blog category PHP page. I am using the blog element in a page.

    Can you let me know the PHP pages to add it too?

    Thank you,



    Hey Iain,

    You can modify the /enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/postslider/postslider.php file on your child theme (, find the following line in the file and add your secondary title

    $output .=  "<{$heading} class='slide-entry-title entry-title {$css}' {$markup_title}><a href='{$link}' title='" . esc_attr( strip_tags( $title ) ) . "'>{$title}</a></{$heading}>";

    Best regards,


    Brilliant, thank you!


    I am afraid it is not working. There is a link to an image in the private content.



    After adding the avia_load_shortcodes filter from the documentation in your functions.php file, you have to create a folder called “shortcodes” inside the child theme directory and create a copy of the shortcodes or elements folder (ex. postslider, iconbox) inside the new folder. This should override the corresponding shortcode in the parent theme (config-templatebuilder > avia-shortcodes). You don’t need to copy the exact structure of the shortcodes directory in the parent theme.

    Best regards,

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