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  • #254230


    i have the problem with the pagination from the blog page. I will go to the next page and the next blog entries.
    When i click the page 2 than he jump to the first page or to the last blog entrie of the first page. But i will jump to the second
    blog page.

    Is this a bug in the enfold template.

    I hope you understand me.

    Best regards



    yes, the same problem: http://netztaucher.com/blog
    please help us!

    no pagination

    bis dann, marco.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by netztaucher.

    same issue here: http://www.oshonow.net



    Please flush permalink settings in Settings > Permalink. If that does not work, please remove .htaccess file that is in WordPress root folder

    Best regards,



    i have still the problem.

    See http://www.grafix-art.com/wordpress_a/blog-multi-author/

    When i will go to page 2 or 3 or 4 or 5. I go not to the next page. WordPress go to the last Blog entry.

    I have remove the .htaccess an i have flush the permalinks. I have the same problem.

    I hope you can help me.

    Best regards



    :-( I hope you can help me.


    I’ve got the same problem: no pagination, every page still send me to first page…
    I’ve tried to delete .htaccess file, but nothing happens.
    My site is:


    Permalink setting is: http://thomasgraziani.com/%postname%/
    Reading settings is: static page – hoe page

    Can you post another solution, if there is? Is a bug in Enfold or in my wordpress installation?



    Thank you for the update!

    Please make sure that you’re running Enfold 2.7. There’s a workaround posted by another user, please try it. Refer to this link: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/blog-pagination-6/




    i had the same issue and tried everything. finally got a reply from Peter (DUDE) from support that ACTUALLY WORKED.

    may be that helps some of you also here…

    The pagination issue is caused by Yoast SEO – if I deactivate the plugin the pagination starts to work. Unfortunately I can’t reproduce the issue on my test server and I’m not sure why Yoast SEO breaks the pagination on your server. I recommend to use another SEO plugin or try to place the blog on a different page – maybe the front page main query conflicts with the blog query somehow and the seo plugin triggers this conflict.

    Best regards,

    best wishes…



    thanks for sharing and glad Peter could help!



    There is no solution for people (like me.. :-( ) who have the blog on the home page?
    There is any solution? Thank you, regards!

    ps: I wrote to Yoast for requesting a bug fix. They wrote me there is no support for freeware plugin users. Noone has a SEO Yoast pro plugin and wants to request support?



    Tbh I’m not sure why the Yoast SEO plugin interferes with the main query. I’ll mark it for Kriesi, maybe he knows a solution.

    Best regards,


    Es funktioniert noch immer nicht!

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