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  • #1220023

    Hi there,
    I found several threads about the Instagram widget, that does not want to work. But none of them has an acceptable solution.
    Having the same Issue I tried several instagram Accounts – none of them worked.
    I tried the same accounts on a local test installation of Enfold. This works.
    So maybe it has something to do with this shared server thing, mentoned here: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/instagram-not-loading/#post-1204630
    But I also found that this very simple plugin works. https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-my-instagram/
    Just having the Instagram Name. No Token, no Authorisation – Nothing like that.
    If this plugin is able to catch some content from an Instagram Account, Enfold should be able as well.
    I hope so! Cause I such an gorgeous Theme!

    Kepp up the good work.


    Hey zarquon,

    Glad you found a plugin that works for you. Enfold also integrated another plugin to be used with the theme. We will not be rolling out a native solution though.

    Happy exploring Enfold! :)

    Best regards,

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