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  • #897645

    I would like to know if rolling back to the previous version will temporarily resolve the slider video issue in Safari. Client needs to have this issue resolved and is unable to wait indefinitely. We would like to try the downgrade version. Do you have an estimate for when this issue will be resolved with an update?



    Hi Kyle,

    Sorry about the problem, please see private for the download link.



    Is there any conservative estimate you could give us on when the fix or the next update will be available? Are we looking at days, weeks? Any info that you could provide on this would be great.



    Hi Kyle,

    We will try to put out an update each week from now on, hopefully on Mondays, so the fix should be included in the next release – 4.2.2. I can’t say for sure that it will happen exactly like that, but that is what we are aiming for.

    And again, sorry for the problems.

    Best regards,


    This issue is already for two months now. In other treats, a solution was promised in weeks as well. And then it was promised in 4.2.1.
    So now it’s promised in 4.2.2 which will come in a week. Is this realistic, or should we start creating a fix ourselves?


    I have to agree with Trender’s sentiment. I’ll hold my breath over the weekend, but if there is not a release on Monday with a fix then Enfold support has officially lost the edge it has held for years.



    We appreciate your patience on that.

    Thank you

    Best regards,


    It is Wednesday…did a new release come out with our long awaited fix???


    Hi kylerollins,

    It is in the final testing step. Thank you for your patience.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Well, we hear that for almost 3 months now. And every week, the update doesn’t come.

    Edit: I’ve now hired a 3th party developer to fix it. I’ll share the fix here.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Trender.

    Thank you Kyle, adding onto this thread so I get an email update if you share the solution.

    I now realize by clicking “jobs” above that our beloved mods are independent contractors from around the world. I had always thought they were sitting in the same office in Europe sharing information with each other (Rikard: “Hey Yigit, can you get me a cup of coffee when you go out??”haha) but from the disparate information from the mods on this issue in multiple threads that is not the case.

    Kriesi, if you’re watching this thread, you can do better. My suggestion is a sticky post for any KNOWN ISSUE with a release “Subject: KNOWN ISSUE Enfold V4.2.1” with the latest status there that everyone can see including mods. It should not allow posting from users as then it just turns into a support thread. We’ve seen other sticky threads go “off the rails” due to that. That would save mod time because fewer threads would be opened discussing the same, known issue.

    The patch that someone from Enfold (Gunter?) installed on my staging site did fix the full screen video bug but broke the video element in ALB completely. I hope that is not the fix that is coming in 4.2.2 or else the poor mods are going to have a LOT of threads to respond to. And Yigit, Rikard will really need his coffee then! :)



    Today’s release of 4.2.2 today paired with the fact the issue is not fully resolved should send us all a clear message:

    Enfold team has been beat by Safari and is not willing to manage their slider solution, they have defaulted to another slider as a workaround and basically abandoned theirs.

    I’m ok with this because it works…I just wish we had gotten here faster with better comms from Enfold and less ‘lies’ (reference to another thread about this issue which made me LOL) about future release schedules and fixes.


    Something has really changed with Enfold. I have been a user for years now and pay the $50 every 6 months to be a member of this forum and take advantage of what is often great help. But the cadence of improvements has slowed down, and now just maintenance fixes cause all sorts of other issues….. and when they do, it now takes MONTHS to address them vs in the past we would see another release in a couple of days. A few months back I posted asking if Kriesi had a new little baby at home, just got married, was sick, and they said no everything is the same… but the blog is less active and it feels like Enfold has gone into auto pilot to an extent, which is sad because I still love this theme.

    4.2.2 isn’t just a Safari issue… it breaks on iPad pro view on Windows chrome in development mode too. To take months to push out another fix, which still isn’t a fix, is just not acceptable by any measure.




    You will be happy to know that we have updated our team with a designer and a developer so we can boost our production!
    We are also pushing many more updates, which will make a more stable and more featured based product!

    Best regards,


    No offense Basilis, but talk is cheap at this point. Only way back now is rock solid results.


    I am sad to say I must agree. As one of the top 5 themes, Enfold should never have gotten to this stage. But I love the theme and really appreciate the help of the mods. I hope the development quality dramatically improves. The focus has been too much on creating new demos instead of improving functionality and stability of the current product. The former sells the first license, the latter sells licenses 2-100+.

    Something really needs to change for me to continue trusting my sites to Enfold.


    Hi Rob,

    We hear you and we feel your pain. There has been an addition to our team and we hope we get on to the challenges real soon.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Victoria, you’ve been a great addition to the moderator group in the last year or so. We just need about 10 more Victorias!




    First of all, thank you all for your patience. We are aware how unpleasant this issues can be. We are sorry for the inconvenience this issues have caused.

    We have spent final half of 2017 making future plans, discussing about ideas. We have invested so much time into thinking and now we have started applying those changes and plans. While this may take a little while to be effective, we are hoping to have everything in right order soon. I agree, talk is cheap but please allows a little more time to prove :)

    Even though our goal is to release updates every week during this series of small updates, depending on the progress, we might skip a week. To keep you guys updated, we placed “NEXT UPDATE” section to forum sidebar. ETA for Enfold 4.2.3 is first week of February.

    Rob, yes, we all work remotely to keep the forum running to help all users, no matter what time zone they are in :)

    We made a detailed report regarding video slider issues for our devs yesterday. We will go through open threads and check if there is anything we have missed and come back with rock solid results :)



    Yigit – what do you consider ‘a little more time’ when this has been a known issue for ages while the Enfold team was taking half a year to discuss plans…

    No offense, but the people who have supported you and rely on you don’t have months to mess around with this. While your team was talking and planning, we were sinking and swimming. At first, I told my customers what Enfold told me…wait. Then they stopped caring…and we had to respond with more than ‘a little more time’…

    Now I’ve been more than loyal for years, but when it comes down to loyalty, I feel betrayed by Enfold on this. And when it comes down to loyalty to Enfold and keeping my customers, well that is a no brainer….Enfold got cut every time across the board.

    I still have customers using Enfold, but many have left because of how this was (and still is) mishandled.

    We don’t need more moderators or better comms (although comms is always wanted and helpful), we NEED effective results, and so far we STILL have problems with videos in Safari on Enfold. And the story does NOT change…wait on what so far has been false hope.

    I wish the team would face reality, admit defeat on this issue and stop kicking this dead body down the street as if some magic solution will arrive ‘in a little more time’… if the team had faced reality sooner and communicated an effective workaround earlier, we might not have been forced into this position.

    Support 101 – if you cannot fix it immediately, give a workaround ASAP so EVERYONE can buy ‘a little more time’…


    Exactly kylerollins. It’s not only the video background. There are structural problems which are not addressed. And we only get false promises.

    We lost complete trust in Enfold and are no longer recommending it to our clients (for new websites). The problem now is all the clients who are already using Enfold (on our recommendation). Sooner or later we will have to inform them that Kriesi abandoned ship.



    Are you still having this issues in Enfold 4.2.3? They should be fixed in the latest version. Please post FTP and WP admin logins so we can look into it. Also, please see Kriesi’s post here –



    When we upgraded to 4.2.3 the video started playing, but many of the elements below the video got all messed up (overlaying the videos) so we had to roll back, push to staging and figure out a fix for them one by one.

    Hope y’all have fixed your internal issues and are on path to win us back. I’m a skeptic for now.



    Yes, we have and videos should be working fine in Enfold 4.2.3. You may notice that some video heights are limited to 30px. If that happens to be the case, please refer to this post – That fix will be included in Enfold 4.2.4 :)

    Best regards,

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