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  • #1135732

    Previously, I was using Coherence and since I’ve moved to Enfold I can’t use the simple shortcode on a page that I used as the front page to display an image slider and a few of the most recent blog posts as news. However, the following no longer works after the move to Enfold:
    [widget widget_name="avia_newsbox" widget_class_name="newsbox" title="Latest News" count="3" excerpt="display title and excerpt"]

    Is there an equal shortcode within Enfold, a plugin that will allow me to re-enable or near-duplicate this functionality? Please advise ASAP!


    Hey SchwalbEntertainment,

    Well, you can use blog post element, content slider or magazine, whichever suits your design.
    Here are the docs for you: And of course there is the Latest news widget.

    Best regards,


    I don’t see how any of these options are going to allow me to recreate a home page that would look like this, could you please advise?

    Example, this was my previous homepage:!As4sR7wBTwFFkGkTNB-gxa-t1ti2?e=99rpJ4


    Hi SchwalbEntertainment, The magazine element has a similar layout, you can have a slider on top of the page and the magazine element below.

    Best regards,

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