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  • #1109654

    As a long time user of Enfold, all the sites we’ve created have always used the Caption field with the images to show in the image caption in the lightbox gallery.

    Now the lightbox shows the Title field and NOT the Caption field as we have used for so long. Did this change? If so, websites created with many image galleries must be changed retroactively now.

    Is there a function we can use to display the Caption field again? Can this be selected somewhere?

    I would also say that the Caption field allows for more text since it’s a text area, rather than the Title field which is only a text field and is not practical for longer captions. Wouldn’t it make more sense to pull from the Caption field?



    Hey fulanoinc,

    Please provide a link to the site/page in question so we can look into this issue further.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi Jordan,

    This captions issue continues on all our website. See the link to the screenshots. The example website has no plugins installed. It’s running WordPress 5.2.2 and the latest Enfold 4.5.7.

    The screenshots show how we added the detailed captions throughout this website, and now they don’t show.

    What happened? Is there a setting we are not seeing or missing included in the latest update?



    Please post us your login credentials (in the “private data” field), so we can take a look at your backend.

    1. Install and activate ” Temporary Login Without Password “.
    2. Go to ” Users > Temporary Logins ” on the left-side menu.
    3. Click ” Create New “.
    4. Add the email address for the account ( you can use (Email address hidden if logged out) ), as well as the ” Role ” making that the highest possible and the expiry about four days
      ( do be sure that we have enough time to debug ).
    5. Click ” Submit “.
    6. You’ll now have a temporary account. Please provide us here in the private section the URL, so we can login and help you out.

    When your issue is fixed, you can always remove the plugin!
    If you prefer to not use the plugin, you can manually create an admin user and post the login credentials in the “private data” field.

    Best regards,


    Here is the login. I didn’t use the plugin, I’ll remove it later.

    I look forward to seeing what the issue is so we can fix all our websites.



    Hi all,

    I received an alert from a comment from @Ismael on another thread stating that lightbox captions have ALWAYS displayed the image title and never the caption. I can verify that this is not the case.

    I can confirm that ALL my client websites we created using Enfold, and all were TESTED to make sure we could see the image caption in the lightbox. ALL these websites were APPROVED because everything was working fine.

    Now, ALL these websites no longer show the image caption in the lighbox and they all have to be fixed.

    Why would we launch ALL these websites without approval from the client confirming that the captions were correct? We would not.

    Now they all have this mistake. If you don’t know about this error, I’m letting you know. If you don’t have a solution then let me know so I can figure this out. However, you will get others who will have this issue.

    The Enfold team made function updates to how you registered the use of the Avia Builder in Custom Post Types. This change affected all my client websites in that the responsive columns were not working only for custom post types. Finally, I learned this was changed and we needed to update this code. We did, and all was fixed.

    I feel the same is happening with this.



    Have taged our devs on the topic, to see about this further

    Best regards,


    Hello @ismael and @Basilis,

    I have found addition supporting images on what is happening with the Image Galleries NOT displaying the Caption and instead of the Title of the images. As you will see in the new image, I added the CAPTIONS to the images using the input within your own Edit Gallery window. Then when I look at the Gallery on the front end, you do not see the CAPTION but instead, you get the TITLE.

    So even in your own editing inside the Avia Gallery component, you provide for the Caption but display the Title.

    This is huge in terms of using the Theme for past clients and future one too. What can we do?



    Hi Leyden,

    Please have a look at this thread for a possible solution

    Best regards,


    Hi @Victoria,

    Thank you but it didn’t work.

    As I document in my entries above, this is a feature in your current Avia Builder. When you use the ADD/EDIT GALLERY feature in your Masonry Gallery, you can see the caption or add a caption. This caption DOES NOT display in the Lightbox. This perfectly documents how it was once working correctly, before someone changed it. Has this been noted and is there a plan to fix it? Is there a function.php patch?

    Here is the CSS that governs this:
    div .mfp-title {
    line-height: 1.4em;
    font-size: 13px;

    Here is the section:
    <div class=”mfp-bottom-bar”>
    <div class=”mfp-title”>This is the title</div>
    <div class=”mfp-counter”>1 / 5</div>




    Thank you for the update.

    We set the gallery to display the title and the excerpt and applied the masonry content to the title attribute using the script provided by @guenni007.


    We also added this code in the Quick CSS field to hide the content and retain the previous gallery layout.

    .av-inner-masonry-content {
        display: none !important;

    The caption is now set as the title attribute and displays in the lightbox.



    Where did you add @guenni007 script? I had added it to the fuctions.php. Did you add it somewhere else?



    Also, is this something that needs to be done to all the galleries individually?



    The code Ismael provided would work for all the mansory galleries.

    Best regards,


    That’s great but there is one step above that leads me to believe that it has to be done for all galleries.

    “We set the gallery to display the title and the excerpt and applied the masonry content to the title attribute using the script provided”

    This suggests that all galleries must be set this way.




    Yes, you have to switch to that option for every gallery because the script relies on the masonry content or excerpt. It applies the value of the content to the title attribute of the masonry link. The new value of the title attribute is then used by the lightbox script.

    Best regards,


    Okay, thanks.

    Do you all see how this is a major issue? The documentation I provided show’s it doesn’t work with the current Avia page builder Gallery Editor. So when you are entering captions in the gallery editor, they don’t work because of the use of the title instead.

    So new users will add captions and see they don’t work, and old users (like us) with many websites using Enfold have to go back through hundreds of galleries clients created to make these changes?

    This puts us in a really bad spot. Who decided that Titles should be Caption? Even if you look at the WordPress media fields, you can see the Title field is only one line and the Caption field is multi-line. It’s even called Caption! If you’re a photographer or any other person, you’re going to understand what a caption is. They normally go with photos. This is why WordPress uses captions for images.

    Since we now have hundreds of galleries that are not functioning correctly, and clients are voicing their displeasure, which makes us look pretty bad. Is there any interest in fixing this, or should we get someone to fixed your mistake?

    Thank you,


    In order to fix this across the board, how can I disable the Enfold lightbox feature and use another lightbox? This seems like the only way.



    Well, I added a new Lightbox plugin: Lightbox with PhotoSwipe, and deactivated the Enfold default Lightbox. It still doesn’t get the captions.

    This new plugin literally has a feature to get the Captions field in the WordPress Media section from the database: “Get the image captions from the database (this may cause delays on slower servers).”

    It doesn’t work.

    What interesting is this plugin is being used elsewhere and it pulls the Captions just fine.



    Thank you for the update.

    The lightbox script is not configured to look for the caption of the masonry content, only the title attribute. This is how the lightbox works ever since. If you want to confirm it, edit the js > avia-snippet-lightbox.js file and look for this code around line 43.

    			image: {
    			    titleSrc: function(item){
    				    var title = item.el.attr('title');
    				    if(!title) title = item.el.find('img').attr('title');
    				    if(!title) title = item.el.parent().next('.wp-caption-text').html();
    				    if(typeof title == "undefined") return "";
    				    return title;

    That script looks for the title attribute, which is usually in the link tag. If it doesn’t find it in the link tag, it will look for the title in the img tag, then in “wp-caption-text” container content. This caption container is not present in the masonry gallery, so I don’t really know how you made it work before.

    Most lightbox script relies on the title attribute, so if you want to make this work without any modification, you have to put the caption in the title attribute or retain the previous modification.

    Best regards,


    I understand this new change and that it’s coming from the title. But I have shown you in the linked documentation that the caption field in the Edit Gallery pop-up for the Masonry Gallery DOES NOT WORK. So please do not say that this was always like this. It was not. People using this and adding the captions will be confused since it doesn’t work! Why do you still have a caption field that doesn’t work? Will this be fixed?

    This linked image shows that it was set-up as I describe it. This linked image is a Masonry Gallery from 2016! It has been working fine since 2016. Checked and double-checked by the client and us before we launch the website. Only recently, it has changed. You can see the caption field with a real caption in it and then you can see the Title displaying in the Lightbox. This is a huge mistake!

    Now I’m trying another Lightbox plugin on a different website to fix this problem, and you’re telling me it will not work with anything?

    See Image:


    Copied the file to a js folder in the Child Theme, changed “Title” to “Caption” and nothing. It does not work.


    Can anyone help fix this across all Masonry Galleries by adjusting the js above?

    Can anyone make the change to the Masonry Gallery feature so it works with your own caption field inside the Edit Gallery popup?



    Thank you for the update.

    Now I’m trying another Lightbox plugin on a different website to fix this problem, and you’re telling me it will not work with anything?

    We’re just trying to inform you where or how the lightbox gets its caption. By default, it’s from the title attribute. If you’re using the default Gallery, this is going to work without any intervention because the gallery items have the “wp-caption-text” container. That container is not present in the masonry gallery.

    Can anyone make the change to the Masonry Gallery feature so it works with your own caption field inside the Edit Gallery popup?

    That’s a default WordPress caption feature and is not something added by the theme.

    Can anyone help fix this across all Masonry Galleries by adjusting the js above?

    You can replace the code in the JS file with the following snippet to set the lightbox to look for the masonry content first instead of the title attribute.

    image: {
    			    titleSrc: function(item){
    					var title = item.el.find('.av-masonry-entry-content').html();
    					if(!title) title = item.el.attr('title');
    				    if(!title) title = item.el.find('img').attr('title');
    					if(!title) title = item.el.parent().next('.wp-caption-text').html();
    				    if(typeof title == "undefined") return "";
    				    return title;

    Best regards,


    The js has been updated with this. It doesn’t work.

    Again, you should look at fixing the Gallery Edit section in the Masonry Gallery that doesn’t work since the captions enter there don’t show:

    Can anyone provide the js fix for this issue? We really need to pull the captions from the WordPress Media section for each image.

    Is there another fill we need to edit to pull this info?



    I added the Enfold Gallery element under the current Enfold Masonry Gallery element. The structure is the same, but one imports the Caption and the other does not. The Gallery element works fine. How can I have the Masonry Gallery get the Caption like the Gallery element is doing?

    Gallery (notice the long Caption field being used):

    <div class=”mfp-bottom-bar”>
    <div class=”mfp-title”>Leyden Rodriguez-Casanova. A Fragmented Casba, 2016. Wood, foam, fiberglass, metal, concrete, marble. Site specific installation at Vizcaya Museum & Gardens for Lost Spaces centennial exhibition, dimensions variable.</div>
    <div class=”mfp-counter”>1 / 7</div>

    Masonry Gallery (only title field being used):

    <div class=”mfp-bottom-bar”>
    <div class=”mfp-title”>Leyden Rodriguez-Casanova. A Fragmented Casba, 2016.</div>
    <div class=”mfp-counter”>7 / 56</div>



    Thank you for the update.

    This modification works properly on our end. We just tested it again. Did you enable the file compression? Please note that you have to enable or display the masonry title and excerpt. This will allow the script to look for the caption text inside the “.av-masonry-entry-content” container. You can add some css code to hide those elements if you don’t want them to be visible.

    Best regards,


    I understand it works by enabling the masonry title and excerpt and adding the code. The problem is that I have hundreds of galleries across many clients websites. Going to every single gallery and enabling the title and excerpt is rediculous and not feasible. I need to be able to do one of three things:

    1. Install a new Lightbox plugin to display the caption taken from the WP caption media field like this used to do (which I’ve tried and doesn’t work).
    2. Add a function to make the Masonry Gallery use the WP caption media field WITHOUT enabling something in every single gallery.
    3. You all fix this for future releases.



    I’m sorry, but I’m having a really hard time understanding the team’s logic in making changes to the Avia builder that your users will need to change on every single post. After creating hundreds of posts, this is super upsetting.

    For example, you added a feature to the masonry gallery to disable the animation. But you didn’t include it to disable the animations across the entire website or for ALL masonry animations. Now all your users who helped make Enfold a success after purchasing the theme and using it are FORCED to go back to everything one-by-one and make adjustments. Or continue to rely on hacking the theme’s functions or CSS.

    If you are interested only in new users, you can create a yearly subscription to fix these short-sided decisions. This way, you think of your new users as well as your current users who have been using the theme for a long time—like us.

    Again, we have a major problem and you want us to go one-by-one across so many websites to fix it. How can you seriously propose this when I have said over and over how many masonry galleries exist? Not a single programmer out there would consider this a good solution.



    We understand the frustration – we have to look a little bit further if there is an other solution but what Ismael provided does seems to work as should.

    Best regards,

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