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  • #1323334

    Hi there
    Where do I place bug reports? I mean… I don’t need support for the slide-show (volle Breite)-Element, I need a bugfix (and probably all costumers using Enfold) :-) Since my support license has expired I cannot post anything in the forum. That’s okay for me, but I can’t imagine that I need a valid support key to report a bug in the theme. That would be weird to make me pay for a bug report :-).

    So… here’s the bug:
    In the element “Slide-Show (volle Breite) are elements (slides) and you can add a description to the slide. But it doesn’t accept spaces in that field “Beschreibung” – means you can only add one word as a “description” per slide. Guess that’s not how it’s supposed to work?

    I am working on a Mac Big Sur 11.6 with Chrome 92.


    Hi Michelle,

    Which version of the theme are you running? If it’s not, then please update to that: If that doesn’t fix the problem, then please include admin WordPress login details in private.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thanks for the update! Glad it was just a weekend break your notebook took :)

    Let us know if you have any other questions and enjoy the rest of your day!

    Best regards,

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