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  • #744548


    We build many sites with Enfold. Most of the sites we are building are installed on an existing hosting account using a directory like DOMAIN.COM/new – We create a child theme so that we can customize the child and still get updates to Enfold without loosing our customization.

    The DOMAIN.COM stays as it is while we are building the new WP Site with Enfold in the /new directory.
    Once the client says the new site is ready to go live… we are having tons of issues successfully moving the site from /new to the root of the domain.

    The site once moved looks a lot different. Many of the custom selections we made in Advance Styling, General Styling – colors, fonts… selections made in the Header section like logo left menu right… the Footer chooses we made like the # of columns and colors are ALL GONE.

    I had our hosting company move this particular site and here is what they told me when I complained about the site not being correct after the move…

    See below… first the reply telling me what they did, second after having to restore the entire account…. can you tell me what may be the issue?

    Thank you for contacting us.
    I have renamed your public_html to public_html.out
    I have moved the /new folder and renamed it to public_html
    I have downloaded your database
    I have done a find and repalce to change any instance of to
    I have done a find and replace to change any instance of public_html/new to just public_html
    I have created a new database called ocproper_wp797new
    I have imported my adjusted copy of the database
    I have updated the wp-config.php to use the new database name.

    If you need anything further, please let us know.

    then later after restore – their explanation about the troubles we had…


    The way you are coding your sites, the theme and other content has actual hard coded references to directories. These do not self-resolve when you inquire the site be moved. I do not know the full scale of lines your developer may have coded such paths in to your site. I also cannot guarantee replacing all references to those paths will work or break the site once changed. Our team has attempted this logical method, and the site does not function simply by changing these paths to their new location.

    Since you are planning to utilize a site “offline” in development stage, then move its physical location and URL for accessing the site, you need your developers to not hard-code paths into the themes and other content. Moving a WordPress itself is quiet easy. Moving content with hard-coded paths can require hours of manipulations I simply do not have an estimate of time for. Unfortunately escalating the ticket doesn’t resolve any of these issues.

    While I understand you want the site live today and you have planned for it to go smoothly, the reality is this is not a simple task and is not going smoothly. I do not have an ETA to give you because I do not know how much content is hard-coded and if it will even function once moved. I cannot promise this at all.

    What may be less invasive to the WordPress, is simply setting the site up utilizing a /etc/hosts file on the developers local computer as they build the site. This allows the developer to resolve to the WordPress without DNS. If you are trying to develop the site on a live server, where the main domain is already hosting other live content, I don’t have a recommendation. The bottom line is having WordPress content hard-coded to another location simply complicates many functions of the site. The current method you are utilizing is simply not the right way to do it, although it has worked in some cases in the past.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions.


    Hey madisonstudios1,

    you will need to adjust some things after you’ve moved your website. We recommend to work with this plugin:
    Also export all your theme settings and import them into your new site (go to Enfold->Import/Export).

    Best regards,


    I am having a very similar issue where I’ve migrated an Enfold site with a child theme. The custom css wasn’t working, so I followed a tip from another support thread to delete the enfold_child.css from the dyanamic folder, then resave the Enfold Child settings to regenerate the css. However, that wiped out all the other settings, such as the background image I’d uploaded. I then discovered that I could not then select the background image option in General Styling. I’ve tried exporting the settings from the first location then import to the migrated location…but nothing happens. I’ve attached some screen shots. I could really use some help here. The screenshots in the private content show what the general stylings area looks like BEFORE migration and then AFTER migration…whereby it looks like Enfold can’t see the settings anymore. This is where I migrated the site to, the destination server.

    I’ve also discovered that the export/import settings feature does NOT work. I went back to my first server location and I exporting my settings. Then chose RESET ALL OPTIONS. When I imported the exported settings, it did not include my header background image, nor did it include other colors settings I’d specified. Yet, the settings shown in General Styling appear to be correct. See the third and fourth screen shot. Again, to be clear, this is the place from wehre I migrated.

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by milkrow. Reason: Further clarification to keep it straight as to which problem is occurring where

    I wonder if someone can please take a look at this? I need to complete the migration. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.



    I’ve also discovered that the export/import settings feature does NOT work. I went back to my first server location and I exporting my settings. Then chose RESET ALL OPTIONS.

    @milkrow: You should not reset all options after the import/export because this will erase all the imported settings and reset the theme options back to default. After importing the options, the theme will automatically save the changes, so you do not have to do anything else.

    Are the theme options still available in the old site? Please note that the theme options are saved in the database, so it is possible to bring back the theme options using a database backup or a restore point.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for your reply. Perhaps I wasn’t stating the issue clearly. I did not reset after importing, I reset before importing. Here’s what I did:

    Step 1. I EXPORTED my settings.
    So now I have a file that represents all the settings on the site. I should be able to import those to Enfold, and my settings would appear after IMPORT.

    Step 2. I RESET all options.

    Step 3. I IMPORTED the settings file.

    Step 4. It didn’t work. I cannot see those settings in the Enfold Child Theme. I should be able to see them.

    The theme options are, I would think, in the exported file. And that is the issue…I shouldn’t have to resort to the database to get the dashboard display of the Enfold Child Theme to show me the settings that I’ve chosen.

    So are you saying that the import feature only works on a fresh, untouched install? Is there anything else that might cause this issue in migration? The theme should allow the user to see the settings and clearly they cannot. I can’t even set the background image in the header. Please look at the screen shots above. Also, I’ve uploaded a video to show the problem. Let me know if this helps.

    Thanks again for taking a look at this. KC


    I tried to install enfold but unpacking did not work:

    Entpacken des Pakets …
    Die Datei konnte nicht kopiert werden. enfold/config-layerslider/LayerSlider/assets/init.php

    Eyerything else one the server works fine. The is enough place left for installation.



    So are you saying that the import feature only works on a fresh, untouched install?

    The import should work even on an old installation as long it has the latest version of the theme, and that the exported settings file is not corrupted or broken. Why do you have to reset the theme options and import it back? Are you just testing if importing works?

    : Please create a new post or thread and post the details in the private field so that we could check the issue further. For more info about the theme and the installation process, please check the documentation.


    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael, thanks for the reply.
    Correct. I was testing it on my install before I tried to do it on the client install. And ultimately, the issue is that I cannot manipulate my settings on the migrated site. Did you see the video? Is that odd? I can’t change any of the settings. What do you recommend I try next? Thanks in advance for any thoughts.



    I can’t change any of the settings.

    There is probably a script error in the dashboard. Have you checked the browser console? We might have to check the dashboard in order to inspect the issue properly. Please create a new thread and post the site details in the private field.

    Best regards,


    Here is the information. Let me know if you need anything else.



    : The site actually contains a very old version of the theme, 4.5.7. It has to be updated to version manually via FTP. Please update the theme and toggle the Performance > File Compression settings afterwards. Please do not hesitate to open a new thread again should you have further issues with the theme options after the update. We will close this one for now.


    Best regards,

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