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  • #1083695

    I have installed form scratch WP and all your component. After this I see that in the last article that I wrote, comment element is not visible.
    I enable correctly comment and check also several thinks. I deactivate wp-discuzz also. If I change theme in this article I see correcly the comment element. So the problem is ENFOLD….

    It is possible some particular option on the configuration theme or on the db… ?


    When you use the Avia Layout Builder for generating a blog post you take over the full control for the layout of that entry.
    As a result you have to add those elements manualy through the ALB-editor by placing “Comments” and “Social Share Buttons” in your content.

    Does that help?


    Yes, sure. This is that I do. But seem that also if I add manualy by drag “comment element” in my post, this element is not visible.


    Maybe you have the same problem as described in these threads … link to the temporary fix from Ismael:




    Ok, I read. But this is a solution before a new update of theme? I don’t understand where I insert this code

    //Remove a function from the parent theme
    function remove_parent_filters() {
    	remove_filter('comments_open', 'av_comments_on_builder_posts_required');
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'remove_parent_filters' );

    I folllow one of the sucggestion in the topic and I try this solution:

    I edit the includes > helper-assets.php file, code on line 397 and commenti the row below. This solution now comment work, but I don’t understand which is the probles. Will there be a theme update? I imagine that this is not the definitive solution also because the moment a new update is made, the change will be lost. Let me know, please.

    if( ! function_exists( 'av_comments_on_builder_posts' ) )
    	 * Checks the entries for the current page for comment list element
    	 * @since 4.3
    	 * @added_by Kriesi
    	 * @param boolean $open
    	 * @param int $post_id
    	==>>//add_filter( 'comments_open', 'av_comments_on_builder_posts_required', 10, 2 );
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by syynapse.


    You can add the filter in the functions.php file or remove the filter directly from the functions-enfold.php file as you described. They’re technically the same but we recommend using the filter.

    Best regards,


    Sorry, but what is the ‘FILTER’. I not understand which is the best options for solve the problem. Please, let me know whitch steps I must follow. Thank you very much.



    This is the filter.

    //Remove a function from the parent theme
    function remove_parent_filters() {
    	remove_filter('comments_open', 'av_comments_on_builder_posts_required');
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'remove_parent_filters' );

    You can insert that filter in the functions.php file. Don’t forget to revert the modifications in the functions-enfold.php file if you haven’t done so.

    Best regards,

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