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  • #624065

    Hey GoldenGate,
    Try renaming your .user.ini to .php.ini
    That’s the last solution I have in pocket.
    Good luck.


    Thanks… that did not help…

    Go Daddy documentation:

    “Managed WordPress accounts currently cannot end their Web or PHP processes. Because of this, you cannot easily refresh your PHP settings if you use php.ini, which drives our recommendation to use .user.ini files.”

    There is a lot of great info in this thread… Enfold? Any ideas?



    it is very difficult for us moderators if so many people are posting into this thread, because it takes a huge amount of time to read everything. It would be best if the thread’s creator is focusing on this thread only. Open your own thread if you need help as well with this kind of issue.

    Have you got the same issue when using a default WordPress theme as well?

    Best regards,



    But here’s the deal:

    This issue keeps being raised in threads every day… so perhaps create a master sticky with the latest on the solution to the HTTP error as it continues to evolve. Josue had a workaround that worked for a while (smile) and then stopped…. now this latest mod to the functions.php seems to be working… for now.

    In the case of this thread, Wildwood began helping us as the mods were busy elsewhere. His proposal for the user.ini file was part of the solution as far as working with Enfold and Go Daddy.

    But noted, it is your forum so of course I will of course respect your request.

    Many thanks for all the help!

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