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  • #1230024

    Hi ,as masonry gallery not support alt text (which is essential for me), I decided to use horizontal gallery.
    However I’m struggle to keep properly filled page (desktop ).
    I would like achieve 4 images line up perfectly , without cutting last one or having white space or right side.

    Is there a Custom CSS Class code that allow me change % height to for example 12%

    Thank you


    Hey digaluk,

    Could you please give us a link to your website, we need more context to be able to help you.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria ,

    Have a look at this page on desktop :

    All images on right side are slightly cut . If I will be able to set them 14% or 12% then probably that will resolved this.

    Perfect would be auto scaling with same option like masonry gallery , with availability to adjust how many rows and columns .
    I do not use masonry gallery and perfect grid as this is not support alt text , which is important for me.
    Flexible masonry is support alt text but render mobile friendly issue Clickable elements too close together
    Thank you


    The dev team has asked me to help you try our latest beta to address this issue, this other thread was not yours so you would not see the link in the Private Content area, so I’m posting it to this thread instead of asking you to start a new thread.
    So please download the file and use the password to extract the new “/enfold/” directory to your desktop. An easy and safe way to test the beta, or any update, is to use FTP or your webhost online “file manager”, and go to your WordPress Theme directory \wp-content\themes\ and rename your Enfold directory from “/enfold/” to “/enfold-old/”, and then upload the new “/enfold/” directory from your desktop, once completed, please clear your browser cache and check your site.
    If you wish to roll back to your current version, simply delete the “/enfold/” directory via ftp and rename your “/enfold-old/” directory back to “/enfold/”
    Please don’t try to overwrite the theme folder with the new version, as this will leave old files behind and cause errors.
    Please give this a try and see if it helps with the issue.

    Best regards,

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