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  • #1429692


    I need the masonry blocks not to show H3 titles by default. I have consulted the forum and there is a script to insert on each page but I need to change all the masonrys on my site at once. How can I do it? Thanks


    Hey keep12,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Are you trying to replace h3 with another tag? Please try this script in the functions.php file.

    function ava_custom_script_c()
    		(function($) {
    			$(document).ready(function () {
                    // replace h3 with h2
                    $('h3.av-masonry-entry-title').replaceWith(function() {
                        return $('<h2>', { class: $(this).attr('class'), itemprop: $(this).attr('itemprop'), html: $(this).html() });
    add_action('wp_footer', 'ava_custom_script_c');

    This script will convert all elements with the class “av-masonry-entry-title” from < h3 > to < h2 >.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Thanks for your quick reply. Actually what I need is to change them to H6, so I will change that in the script you suggest.

    Best regards!


    Hi keep12,

    I’m glad that Ismael could help you :)
    Just let us know if you still need further assistance.

    Best regards,


    or – instead of replacing it afterwards – use the filter avf_customize_heading_settings to influence the generation of those headings:

    function my_customized_headings_for_masonry_titles( array $args, $context, array $extra_args = array() ) {
      if( $context == 'avia_masonry' ){
        $args['heading'] = 'h6';             
      return $args;
    add_filter( 'avf_customize_heading_settings', 'my_customized_headings_for_masonry_titles', 10, 3 );


    Thanks @Guenni007!

    Best regards,



    The file functions.php is the one that is in /public_html/wp-includes, right?




    Thank you very much for your contribution, @Guenni007! The problem has been finally solved.

    Best regards!


    The functions.php is located directly in the root directory of the theme. However, if you are working without a child theme, there are a few things to consider for the parent theme. That’s why I recommend always working with a child theme: changed settings / customizations will not be lost with the next update.


    Hi keep12,

    If you aren’t using a child theme yet you can download it here:
    Or you also have the option to use a plugin like WPCode

    Best regards,


    Hello guys,

    We are using enfold child theme. But i injected the script throw the function.php file.



    if you are using the child-theme from enfold download page there was an empty functions.php file included.
    on default you can reach the editor of that file via dashboard – Appearance – Theme File Editor
    on the right side you can see the files that are included in your child-theme folder. Click on functions.php and see.
    Do not erase that first line: <?php

    after this line you can insert the shortcode snippets.



    Thanks for helping out @guenni007 :-)

    Best regards,


    Thank you very much,

    We are going to inject the script code throw the ftp to the enfold child theme.

    Thanks :D


    Glad Guenni007 could help, thank you Guenni007, unless there is anything else we can assist with on this issue, shall we close this thread then?

    Best regards,

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