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  • #1153748

    I’ve seen other messages regarding Gravity Forms not displaying on IOS (Safari) if Gravity Forms conditional logic is being used but it is not clear what the correction should be, or if an upcoming Enfold release is going to correct it?

    Can you please let me know? This is a serious issue for us.

    I am running Enfold version (

    Thanks…… Roger


    Hey Roger,

    Sorry for the problem. Could you try this fix out to see if you have any luck with it please?

    Best regards,


    Rikard, I’m sorry, I saw that post before and it contains so many links and so many responses about so many things that I can’t figure out exactly what I need to do. I am a very experienced Enfold developer, and it really confuses me.


    Hi Roger,

    Sorry for the confusion, I was referring only to the post by Günter which I linked directly to. He suggests replacing this file: /includes/helper-privacy.php, with this: Could you try that out please?

    Best regards,


    Having the same issue, I have replaced the file and still not working


    Hi awakeningwomen1,

    You mentioned that you have found a solution for this problem in another thread, please share the solution if you have one.

    Best regards,


    I think I am being stupid, but I am totally lost about how to get this fix. Is it going to be fixed in a future release – if so, I will just eliminate the conditional logic temporarily – which causes several issues – but I need our forms functional on IOS,

    Can you tell us when an Enfold fix will be coming?


    Hi Roger,

    I’m guessing that you didn’t try the fix out? If you want us to have a go at it then please include FTP and WordPress login details in private.

    Best regards,

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