
Tagged: enfold, font weight, Fonts, google fonts
April 13, 2021 at 11:28 am #1294073
Hi Team,
I am adding Font Pre-Load to Enfold.
Can you help me understand the Logic Enfold applies to Websafe and Google fonts?
What font weights does Enfold use by default?
Is there a list somewhere – Not all fonts used have variable font weights.Thanks in advance.
April 14, 2021 at 9:07 am #1294282Hi thinkjarvis,
The default font weight is 400.
Best regards,
NikkoApril 14, 2021 at 9:18 am #1294285Thanks Nikko,
Is the logic below correct?
Open Sans comes in several variations:
https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Open+SansWhich does Enfold do?
1 – Does Enfold therefore only load the Regular 400 version – And apply weight changes to the 400 version using CSS.
2 – Or does it also pull through all other versions – And when the weight is changed in CSS it loads that version instead (bold, semi-bold, light, etc.)?April 14, 2021 at 10:27 am #1294317Hi thinkjarvis,
In the case of Open Sans it only fetches 400 and 600 weight.
You can see the list in wp-content > themes > enfold > framework > php > font-management > class-avia-type-fonts.php (line 727).Best regards,
NikkoApril 14, 2021 at 10:33 am #1294323Thanks Nikko,
Exactly what I needed.
For anyone else wondering the fonts on 14/04/2021 in the class-avia-type-fonts.php file are as below:
$fonts = array( 'Advent Pro' => 'Advent Pro:100,400,600', 'Alice' => 'Alice', 'Allerta' => 'Allerta', 'Arvo' => 'Arvo', 'Arimo' => 'Arimo:400,700', 'Antic' => 'Antic', 'Audiowide' => 'Audiowide', 'Bad Script' => 'Bad Script', 'Baumans' => 'Baumans', 'Bangers' => 'Bangers', 'Barlow' => 'Barlow:400,500,600,700', 'Bitter' => 'Bitter', 'Cabin' => 'Cabin', 'Cardo' => 'Cardo', 'Carme' => 'Carme', 'Caveat' => 'Caveat:400,700', 'Coda' => 'Coda', 'Codystar' => 'Codystar:300,400', 'Cormorant Garamond' => 'Cormorant Garamond:300,400,700', 'Comfortaa' => 'Comfortaa:300,400,700', 'Coustard' => 'Coustard', 'Gruppo' => 'Gruppo', 'Damion' => 'Damion', 'Dancing Script' => 'Dancing Script', 'Dosis' => 'Dosis:200,300,400,500,600,700,800', 'Droid Sans' => 'Droid Sans', 'Droid Serif' => 'Droid Serif', 'EB Garamond' => 'EB Garamond', 'Exo' => 'Exo:900,700,400,100', 'Finger Paint' => 'Finger Paint', 'Fira Sans' => 'Fira Sans:100,400,700', 'Fjord One' => 'Fjord One', 'Flamenco' => 'Flamenco:400,300', 'Great Vibes' => 'Great Vibes', 'Heebo' => 'Heebo:100,400,700', 'Herr Von Muellerhoff' => 'Herr Von Muellerhoff', 'IBM Plex Serif' => 'IBM Plex Serif:300,400,700', 'Inconsolata' => 'Inconsolata', 'Josefin Sans' => 'Josefin Sans', 'Josefin Slab' => 'Josefin Slab', 'Kameron' => 'Kameron', 'Karla' => 'Karla:400,700', 'Kreon' => 'Kreon', 'Lato' => 'Lato:300,400,700', 'Lobster' => 'Lobster', 'Lora' => 'Lora', 'League Script' => 'League Script', 'Mate SC' => 'Mate SC', 'Marck Script' => 'Marck Script', 'Mako' => 'Mako', 'Megrim' => 'Megrim', 'Merienda' => 'Merienda:400,700', 'Merriweather' => 'Merriweather:300,400,700', 'Metrophobic' => 'Metrophobic', 'Molengo' => 'Molengo', 'Montserrat' => 'Montserrat', 'Muli' => 'Muli', 'Nixie One' => 'Nixie One', 'Nobile' => 'Nobile', 'News Cycle' => 'News Cycle', 'Open Sans' => 'Open Sans:400,600', 'Open Sans Condensed' => 'Open Sans Condensed:300,700', 'Orbitron' => 'Orbitron', 'Oregano' => 'Oregano', 'Oswald' => 'Oswald', 'Pacifico' => 'Pacifico', 'Parisienne' => 'Parisienne', 'Petit Formal Script' => 'Petit Formal Script', 'Pinyon Script' => 'Pinyon Script', 'Playfair Display' => 'Playfair Display:400,700', 'Podkova' => 'Podkova', 'Poiret One' => 'Poiret One', 'Poly' => 'Poly', 'Press Start 2P (Retro Pixelfont)' => 'Press Start 2P', 'PT Sans' => 'PT Sans', 'Quattrocento' => 'Quattrocento', 'Questrial' => 'Questrial', 'Quicksand' => 'Quicksand:400,600', 'Raleway' => 'Raleway', 'Righteous' => 'Righteous', 'Roboto' => 'Roboto:100,400,700', 'Sacramento' => 'Sacramento', 'Salsa' => 'Salsa', 'Signika Negative' => 'Signika Negative', 'Source Serif Pro' => 'Source Serif Pro:400,600,700', 'Sunshiney' => 'Sunshiney', 'Special Elite' => 'Special Elite', 'Tangerine' => 'Tangerine', 'Tenor Sans' => 'Tenor Sans', 'Varela Round' => 'Varela Round', 'Work Sans' => 'Work Sans:700,400,100', 'Yellowtail' => 'Yellowtail', );
WEB SAFE FONTS – Do not require preload
$fonts = array( 'Arial' => 'Arial', 'Arial Black' => 'Arial-Black', 'Arial Narrow' => 'Arial-Narrow', 'Helvetica' => 'Helvetica', 'Helvetica Neue' => 'Helvetica-Neue,Helvetica', 'Lucida Sans' => 'Lucida-Sans,Lucida-Grande,Lucida-Sans-Unicode', 'Tahoma' => 'Tahoma', 'Trebuchet MS' => 'Trebuchet-MS', 'Verdana' => 'Verdana', 'Georgia' => 'Georgia', 'Lucida Bright' => 'Lucida-Bright', 'Palatino' => 'Palatino', 'Times New Roman' => 'Times-New-Roman', 'Courier New' => 'Courier-New', 'Lucida Sans Typewriter' => 'Lucida-Sans-Typewriter', 'Copperplate' => 'Copperplate', 'Papyrus' => 'Papyrus', 'Brush Script MT' => 'Brush-Script-MT' );
April 14, 2021 at 10:45 am #1294327you can see here the Enfold Font List on Google
type in everything you like – maybe a pangram to see all letters.
on the end of the list you can see a preview – one click on those squares – you come to the site for the single font and on bottom – very nice – popular font pairings.April 14, 2021 at 10:55 am #1294332Hi,
Thanks @guenni007 – https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/typography/#list-of-available-google-fonts :)
Best regards,
YigitApril 14, 2021 at 11:39 am #1294354Thanks @guenni007
I’ll be rolling this out to all of the sites on my server very soon – Along with a version of your image quality and optimisation settings from one of the other posts on the forum.The only element I have yet to create a solution for (I am working on this at the moment) is all ALB colour elements with background images. When used above the fold – Scores fall massively. I have a solution using media queries to implement but it will be on a case by case basis which will take time to implement.
I have several sites passing web vitals already but generally speaking I have to remove the ALB colour sections with background images from above the fold to achieve this.
Last things on my list are:
Adding media queries to alb background images to serve different sizes depending on screen size.
Adding Webp
Adding a a CDN with Railgun – This should solve the webp issue as well.
Loading a local copy of Google analytics – But making sure it still works with Enfolds Cookie control/privacy popupThen we have Enfold passing web vitals no matter how the site is configured.
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