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  • #1305027

    We would like to set a custom order for the filtering categories in the porfolio grid. Right now it’s always alphabetical.

    Could you add a filter so the order can be changed?


    Hey appixag,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    This is possible but you have to modify the enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/portfolio/portfolio.php directly. Look for this code around line 1159.

    //get all categories that are actually listed on the page
    			$categories = get_categories( array(
    								'taxonomy'		=> $params['taxonomy'],
    								'hide_empty'	=> 0
    							) );

    The get_categories function accepts more arguments including a parameter to change the order of the terms or categories.


    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael
    Thanks for the response.

    Is there any way to do it without editing the theme files, e.g. in a child theme? I assume these changes would get overwritten with each Enfold update.

    I thought you could just add a new filter so we could either edit the $categories array or the argument for get_categories but I’m no WordPress expert.




    You can refer to this post – and apply the changes on your child theme.

    Best regards,

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