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  • #773427

    @flowerjova three ppossible issues:
    1. wrong encoding of the functions.php file if transferd by FTP (must be UTF-8 without BOM and transfer mode have to be binary)
    2. invalid characters from copy and paste (most commonly with MACs) if you use the wordpress editor (bad bad bad idea at all)
    3. old php version in combination with a closing php tag (?> in functions.php) and pasting the code below that tag

    I usually don’t offer free help one-to-one. But lets make ONE exception from the rule. Contact me via Skype to get this sorted.


    Thank you @mensmaximus, I am waiting for the host to get the site up again and I will contact you.


    Hey mensmaximus, great community support. Works very well for me. thanks a lot.


    Hi, mensmaximus,

    Thanks so much for your generous support. I followed your steps…et voila! Problem solved. So easy. Much appreciated!

    Thanks again.


    Solution: Looks like Wooomerce 3.0.1 solves the problem. I just updated the shop demo and it works fine.



    Yes, a patch is included in latest version of the plugin. :)


    Best regards,


    I’ve updated everything and still had image issues, mensmaximus’ code worked perfectly. Thank you!



    Its strange because this problem was solved by the Woo team, so, you can check if its a cache problem, try to clearing your cache.

    If it didn`t work, add the following custom CSS code at Enfold Theme Options > General Styling > Quick CSS

    .woocommerce-product-gallery {
    opacity: 1 !important;

    And check this link:

    Best regards,
    John Torvik


    Hi – I have just updated woo commerce 3.0.1 and its cleared the problems – I would like to thank all those who tried to help me and WOO for a quick fix. Thank you


    @ismael, @john please forget about the CSS. This is NOT the problem and it does not solve the main issue. I have described the problem in detail here and recommended a solution for your developers here.

    If you need more information just tell Kriesi to contact me. Again: the core issue for the missing image in enfold will not be fixed with any woocommerce update (at least according to my conversation with Mike Jolley) because the filter hook used in Enfold to display the image does not exist anymore.


    Hold the Phone – not cured entirely but workable – when I edit a product and view it before publishing the image is still out of focus. Also when adjusting the shop view in Enfold I have to use Default or Default without Buttons or Minimal – Minimal Overlay without text only shows very dark small titles across the image. But I can live with this.


    @georgecornelius it is not cured at all. See my post above yours. The fix in Woo 3.0.1 does NOT address the issue in enfold. It is just an coincidence. Simple test: Create a variable product with two or more variations. Give each variation its own image. Now open the product in the single view in the shop and select the different variations. The image will not change. Apply my fix and the images will change. Enfold needs to fix this for them selves – WooCommerce won’t.



    I see there is a new woocommerce 3.0.1. update now – is it safe to update? – too scared now as my website working correctly now

    I only added the CCS code to quick edit and my website is all working correctly (didn’t use the child theme option)

    Everything else is updated or should i wait for the enfold update

    Thanks so much

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 12 months ago by RFD1988.

    Another small update to Woocommerce 3.0.1 which causes the same error, so doing the same steps as @mensmaximus explained before worked again.

    are you guys working on a fix?



    Hi, I am in Enfold 4.0.5 + VC in 3.0.1 this morning, the images appear well in the product pages but they are in vignettes 80x120px in very large and pixelated.
    There is a zoom function in Woocommerce now?
    This is a big problem currently on this shop.


    Conform all the problems stated above on my sites also.

    Note of advice to anyone having this problem on live sites:
    NEVER UPDATE A LIVE SITE WITHOUT TESTING IT FIRST!, on local using WAMP/MAMP/LAMP software or by installing a clone of the site on a test subdomain hidden from search engines.


    thank you @mensmaximus!


    @mensmaximus haha I have loaded the child them as per your excellent links and instructions so thank you for showing me that I am wiser for it – however I am struggling now to create a directory I have no idea where I can find it or add it – I apologise I am not at all technical, so if at all possible an idiots guide on how to do this would be very helpful – thank you


    @georgecornelius if you followed this instructions and you had no child theme before you would not need to create any directory at all. If you already have a child theme you would only add the code as described. So I am not sure where you want to create a directory and for what reason.


    Nice it works very fine!


    @mensmaximus – Sorry I must have missed something – I am following your instructions here – I have a child theme which has a woo 3.0.1 plugin – I have found the 2.6.14 Template PHP for single product – but do not have or now how to create a single file directory

    As a temporary fix for the product image issue on single pages do the following:
    1. Create a child theme for Enfold (if not already done)
    2. Create a directory within the child theme directory named ‘woocommerce’ (if not already exist)
    3. Create a directory within this woocommerce directory named ‘single-product’ (if not already exist)
    4. Download woocommerce 2.4.16 from
    5. Unzip the file and copy the file /woocommerce/templates/single-product/product-image.php to single-product directory created in step 3 above
    You have now successfully overloaded the new product-image.php with the former version. Enfold is currently not aware of the changes in product-image.php within woocommerce version 3.0. Until Enfold can deal with the extra classes and styles added to the ‘image’ container in woocommerce 3.0 overloading is the most effective way.

    Thanks again


    @georgecornelius simply follow the instructions I have linked to in my last reply. The one you used is outdated and was just the first fix until I found the reason for the problems.


    @mensmaximus – Hi OK I have done everything as suggested entered the fix into the functions on the child theme and now crashed the site Error 500 – now I am in deep s… – how about I just leave it as was until a new update comes – in the interim period any ideas how to get me site back please ? Thank you
    Woocommerce 3.0.0 Compatibility Fix
    Remove Enfold’s custom functions that conflict with the new image display in WooCommerce 3.0.0
    global $woocommerce;
    if( version_compare( $woocommerce->version, ‘3.0.0’, “>=” ) ) {
    function avia_woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail_description($img, $attachment_id, $post_id, $image_class ) {
    return $img;
    function avia_woocommerce_post_thumbnail_description($img, $post_id){
    return $img;


    @georgecornelius contact me via skype


    @mensmaximus – I would like to say thanks for the Theme child zip and instructions. I downloaded it and was just about to try and follow your instructions today, but after the woo 3.0.1 update the single product images are partially restored – blurred but better than nothing.

    So you are right, we still need an update from Enfold.
    Also the main shop page still displays the categories in gigantic letters – enfold team please release an update to fix these issues!

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 12 months ago by BotaniCa.

    Thank you mensmaximus. I am using mensmaximus child theme and instructions here:

    and it is working for me at our fashion label and online store at:

    I’m keen to see the magnification feature on products from the new woocommerce. I hope an official update from the enfold team comes along soon.


    I have everything including variable images working by just using:

    function avia_woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail_description($img, $attachment_id, $post_id, $image_class ) {
        return $img;
    function avia_woocommerce_post_thumbnail_description($img, $post_id){
        return $img;

    in my functions.php file.

    I am not using a woocommerce folder in my child theme.


    @wdrow81 as long as you do not intend to switch back to WC 2.4.16 this stripped down version of my solution is ok.


    Would there be a reason to Maximus?

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