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  • #772718

    I have the same problem and it is done according to the instructions of @mensmaximus. Now the pictures on the article page are working again. Enfold should fix this problem as soon as possible.
    Ich habe das gleiche Problem und es nach den Anweisungen von @mensmaximus erledigt. Jetzt funktionieren die Bilder auf der Artikel-Seite wieder. Enfold sollte dieses Problem schnellstens beheben
    Meine Seite:


    I had this behavior in case of thumbnails. First I had set product image size in listings in woocommerce to 450×450 px but not cropped. In shop category listings image showed correct in 450×150 px, because original uploaded image has dimensions of 1500×500 px.

    On single product page image was shown as 120×40 px and scaled up to 450 px width and highly blurred. Hmm …

    Than I did a regenerate thumbnail for this image after I set in woocommerce image size to 450×450 px but with cropping. In listings the image displayed correct with 450×450 px cropped. But …

    on single product page image now showed up as 150×150 px and scaled up to 450 px width and a bit blurred.

    This is not what I expected. Someone else may has something to do on this.


    I have this issue as well. Product images not showing. Using the CSS hack atm. I wouldn’t mind using a child theme but don’t like advice to “ignore woocommerce warnings about outdated files.” Waiting for an update for:


    @mensmaximus I should have said “restore the old plugin version from backup”. But in any case, every webdev should do backups right before major (plugin-)updates and check the outcome. If its not ok, you can and should restore the backup. If too much time has passed and things have changed since then (and this shouldn’t be) you can restore just the plugin.
    Creating a child theme is not the right recommendation for people who haven’t done so right from the (development) start, imho.


    I just test it by replacing js files but it’s doesn’t solve from my side.
    Yes the main product image is displayed but using the wrong format size and also by selecting different variation the product image is not updated.
    … not good news


    @mensmaximus I did ONLY what you suggested and the images are still not showing up. Was I supposed to do something else also?
    DISREGARD THIS POST! I had a typo in the directory name. Everything is back! Thanks for the information.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by voice903fm.

    @mensmaximus implementing the woocommerce patch fixed the opacity problem. But I had to increase the thumbnail size in woocommerce Settings > Product > Display from 120×120 to 400×600 so the images would not blow out. Seems like woo also needs to address why single product pages are suddenly displaying the ‘Product thumbnails’ rather than the ‘Single product image’?

    Thanks for linking the patch!


    Digging a bit deeper into this issue reveals the main problem is within Enfold creating its own html code to display the product images. This code is incompatible with WooCommerce 3.0. The code is inserted in /wp-content/themes/enfold/config-woocommerce/config.php line 1423 using the woocommerce filter ‘woocommerce_single_product_image_thumbnail_html’.

    You can remove that filter to get the native woocommerce 3.0 product image display by adding the following function to a child themes functions.php:

    function avia_woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail_description($img, $attachment_id, $post_id, $image_class ) {
        return $img;

    I just realized WooCommerce has dropped the support for the filter ‘woocommerce_single_product_image_html’ and is using ‘woocommerce_single_product_image_thumbnail_html’ instead in product-image.php and product-thumbnails.php. Therefore the functions in Enfold that hooked into ‘woocommerce_single_product_image_html’ is not used any more. Instead the function hooked into ‘woocommerce_single_product_image_thumbnail_html’ is used (see my last post above) which causes images to disappear and to be blurry if the opacity is removed manuals (by css hack or overload). According to a chat with Mike Jolley the old filter ‘woocommerce_single_product_image_html’ is unlikely to return with an update due to changes in css classes and new features like ‘swipe’. Saying this Enfold will have to provide an update to solve the issue. I checked with other major themes and found some have dropped custom html code to display the images with WooCommerce 3.0 as I did in my solution above.


    @yigit as a quick solution your developers can load the two filter hooks in /wp-content/themes/enfold/config-woocommerce/config.php only if the woocommerce version is lower than 3.0.0

    global $woocommerce;
    if( version_compare( $woocommerce->version, '3.0.0', "<" ) ) {
    	if(!function_exists('avia_woocommerce_post_thumbnail_description')) {
    		add_filter('woocommerce_single_product_image_html','avia_woocommerce_post_thumbnail_description', 10, 2);
    		function avia_woocommerce_post_thumbnail_description($img, $post_id){
    			return $img;
    	if(!function_exists('avia_woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail_description')) {
    		add_filter('woocommerce_single_product_image_thumbnail_html','avia_woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail_description', 10, 4);
    		function avia_woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail_description($img, $attachment_id, $post_id = "", $image_class = "" ){
    			return $img;

    This will solve both issues. The missing and blurred images.


    having the EXACT same issue…..



    I had this problem after updating woocommerce so I did the hack as instructed by mensmaximus but now my website isn’t coming up at all. Nothing works. At first the images were just blurry so I found the suggested fix for that in this thread and I went into the functions.php file of the child theme to fix that but that’s when everything went down. And now nothing. This is a client’s site and she isn’t happy. What now? I am thoroughly disgusted. I had high hopes for this theme but at this point it has been a pain in the butt and I don’t think I’ll be using it again. If something is going to break everytime we update, I’m going to lose my butt on this project and I still don’t know where the heck the shipping and handling section of woo commerce disappeared to? Any ideas why my website would disappear? I’d love to restore the backup but unfortunately I can’t get into it.


    Does anyone know if Kriesi are working on this issue?
    Or are we on our own?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by vic98.

    I was able to have my host restore an a backup of my site from this morning and I am able to get into it now. Unfortunately I do not have any images on the single product pages and since the fix that @mensmaximus recommended crashed the site I’m not going to attempt that again so I’m not sure what the fix is @vic98 There are some suggestions in this thread that some people have tried and had success with but I haven’t had any luck with the.


    @flowerjovia Which “hack” do you mean? I have presented two solutions. If your site went down (whatever that means) you probably did something wrong (my suggestions work 100%). Your best bet would have been to hire a wordpress expert who would have fixed that in less than 15 min.

    This issues is something that could habe been prevented from occurring at all. Agreed. However – shit happens and developers are humans too. There is a quick fix to get around the issue. The implementation takes 5 minutes or less if you already have a child theme.


    @mensmaximus Thank you so very much the addition of that code into the child theme’s function.php worked beautifully. Big hug and a Oorah!
    For those of you that are a bit like me – a designer rather than a coder, here’s how the php looks – as I was unsure where to place it – yeah I know … but learning more and more everyday :)


    function avia_woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail_description($img, $attachment_id, $post_id, $image_class ) {
    return $img;

    function my_backlink ( $link )
    return ”;

    add_filter( ‘kriesi_backlink’, ‘my_backlink’, 10, 1);


    Thanks for this most elegant fix. Now I can really see the benefit of having child themes and the ability to manually select and override individual files to the main ones in the plugin / themes install.
    All working for me again :)


    Thanks for the quick fix!
    I already had a child theme, so adding indeed:

    function avia_woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail_description($img, $attachment_id, $post_id, $image_class ) {
    return $img;
    function my_backlink ( $link )
    return ”;
    add_filter( ‘kriesi_backlink’, ‘my_backlink’, 10, 1);

    …worked immediately like a charm (regarding the image problem)
    And don’t forget to clear your cache (browser and cache plugins)


    Hello @mensmaximus, after a lot of patience, I have managed to make my child theme and follow your steps, I have succeeded! thank you





    have the same issue.

    Please inform once there is a solution from Kriesi.


    @mensmaximus your solution worked great for showing the product image but I am using product bundles for product variations and no images show. Any ideas there?


    Same issue – used

    .woocommerce-product-gallery {
    opacity: 1 !important;

    shows the image again – undid some other customizations I did with hovers, but I’ll live for now. Looking forward to another Enfold v4.x release ;)



    I am not using a child theme and don’t have a someone to help me with this issue. That’s the reason I bought and used Enfold – for its flexibility and intuitive use and has worked well – until now.
    So, I am not interested in a quick fix and anyway I see that some have tried it and didn’t work.

    Should I understand that Enfold theme is not being supported like it used to be?


    @botanica a child theme is the recommended way by wordpress to make customization. If you don’t want one or if you are not able to create one you have to wait for an update. And of course there will be an update for Enfold. Regarding my fix (quick because it can be deployed quickly) there was only one person that had an issue and as I wrote he probably did something wrong. The solution I posted works 100%.


    @mensmaximus: Let’s say it works 90%. Because if you have product-variants with different images, your fix seems not to change the images when the buyer changes the variant (like it did with the previous version).
    But absolutely better than without your fix.


    @ollihb to fix the variation problem you need to add two functions to your child themes functions.php:

    function avia_woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail_description($img, $attachment_id, $post_id, $image_class ) {
        return $img;
    function avia_woocommerce_post_thumbnail_description($img, $post_id){
        return $img;

    The following solution removes Enfolds custom functions for the image display of products and variations to restore the new image display starting from WooCommerce 3.0.0.

    • It is save to use with any version of WooCommerce.
    • It is intended to be used with Enfold version 4 to 4.0.5 only

    If you do NOT have a Child Theme

    1. Download
    2. Login to wordpress and select Appearance -> Themes in the admin menu
    3. Click on ‘add new’ (top left of the theme page)
    4. Click on ‘upload theme’ (top left of the theme page)
    5. Click on the file select button and choose the file from step 1
    6. Click on ‘Install now’
    7. Activate the Enfold Child Theme after the installation has finished
    8. Follow the instructions from

    If you already have a Child Theme

    Copy the following code block to the functions.php file of your child theme

    	Woocommerce 3.0.0 Compatibility Fix
    	Remove Enfold's custom functions that conflict with the new image display in WooCommerce 3.0.0
    global $woocommerce;
    if( version_compare( $woocommerce->version, '3.0.0', ">=" ) ) {
    	function avia_woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail_description($img, $attachment_id, $post_id, $image_class ) {
    	    return $img;
    	function avia_woocommerce_post_thumbnail_description($img, $post_id){
    	    return $img;

    Attention: If you feel you are not able to reproduce this steps hire a WordPress freelancer to do it for you. Point him to this posting and he will know what to do. It takes less than 15 min. for a WordPress professional to accomplish the job (including asking for ftp credentials and/or WordPress access).

    Nag Nag Nag: If you do not want to use a Child Theme or if you are just in bad mood please feel free to keep that for you. No need to tell anyone. In this case just wait for an official update.

    Support: This solution is provided by me and not Kriesi. I am not affiliated to Kriesi in any way other than you all loving Enfold. I have spent more than one day with trouble shooting and talking to the WooCommerce Development as well as extensive testing. If you use this solution please report back if it worked or not. Your feedback will help others to decide if they will give it a try too.


    @mensmaximus your childs theme solution does work and it works fine. I am able to do that no problem as I am quite experienced with wordpress. So thank you very much for that. The problem I’m having is with the second step. When I go into the functions.php file of the childs theme and make any changes to the file I get a white screen and my website goes blank at which point I am not able to make any edits at all. I have to have the host pull a back up and restore it to get back in. I am a designer with a lot of wordpress experience but I took your advice and hired a local expert this morning and he had the same issue. I’m wondering if there is a step that I’ve missed. I am not being argumentative or nagging, just frustrated.


    Hi mensmaximus, thanks for your patience and giving us this fine solution. Yes, it works as before. Thumbnail is sharp, lightbox works too and overlay is gone.

    Now its up to kriesi giving us a working solution in case of the new gallery feature of WooCommerce.

    Til then we use your simple code.

    Thanks, Adrian

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