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  • #916978

    Hi Mike, that sounds good…. looking forward to those updates. I think? ha ha. Recently the updates have been causing me headaches… :)

    Do you know the path I could exclude of the js for the slider? Something in the format of:

    Ideally I would like to exclude this js for Full Screen slider vs. for the entire site. I tried the below and several other js file on that page but could not isolate the one that’s crashing:



    Sorry, but please try looking at your Fast Velocity Minify plugin page and click “view log” I believe it lists the paths to the js files that it has grabbed automatically.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    I added all the js files on the log for that page to the exclusions list, and even added the css files… the page still won’t load in incognito mode. There’s something in there that I saw on the changelog for this release about “Magnific Popup Lightbox” which I don’t know what that is… could that update in 4.2.4 of the Lightbox somehow be affecting this page load?

    Thanks for continuing to try to help here… I know this thread has grown to epic proportions.



    Please don’t disable avia-footer-scripts-51bd723933befe683d1d5abe554ef146.js, it is a minify collection of js that the site needs to work properly, and is part of future options that will be making your site have a smaller footprint and run faster.
    Perhaps since these two options worked to solve your issue:
    1: disable the “Fast Velocity Minify” plugin
    or 2: go to the “Fast Velocity Minify” plugin settings and choose “Disable JavaScript processing”
    That they are the best options for now?
    I believe that with the new features coming you will find that you won’t need the plugin at all :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    Thanks much…I think at this point I’ll go with option #3 and not update to 4.2.4 on the production site since I don’t see any tangible user experience differences from 4.2.3.

    The tease about the future release has me intrigued! Will that be the 4.2.5 release or a big 5.0?

    Thank for persisting here and not just closing the thread on the first post with a “plugin conflict.”




    I understand your choice, and thanks for your kind words. I also like how you have a staging site to test updates, I recommend this to everyone.
    It is a incremental change, but as you see the updates are faster now.
    If you don’t mind, I’d like to close this before we get a dozen people posting here :)

    Best regards,


    Please do, thanks!

    (and yes, the staging site plus the nightly backup from WP Engine has saved my butt multiple times…. in my old Go Daddy days I was constantly crashing my site with updates, Yoast in particular, and now I am able to test plugin / theme updates without disrupting the production site.)


    Thanks again for using Enfold, have a great day.

    Best regards,

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