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  • #934288

    Hi, chose the transition “Slide sidewards” in the easy slider settings. But I really need to change the slide direction from “slide in from right” => “slide in from left”.

    Can’t find an easy solution & can’t find the function in the enfold files to change it myself. If you could tell me which line of JS does the trick I wouldn’t be a big problem to change it myself. But would also love an easier solution if possible.

    Thanks in advance,



    Can we see the page and where you use the slider please and also provide us with backend access?

    Best regards,


    I don’t think you need my website to check. I just used the plain “easy slider” in the layout builder -> https://kriesi.at/themes/enfold-2017/elements/easy-slider/

    The only thing i am trying to achieve is, that in auto rotate, the slides come from the left side. not the right side.

    Thanks in advance



    Thank you for the update. This is possible but you need to modify the js > shortcodes.js file line 5453.

    self._navigate( 'next' );

    Replace “next” with “prev”. Don’t forget to remove browser cache before checking the page.

    Best regards,


    That did the trick, thank you Ismael!



    Great, glad we could help :-)

    Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,


    You can close it.


    hm a few days ago and on enfold 4.2.6. it is now on 4754 under _startSlideshow: function()

    wow nice tip.

    or have we to change here the workaround vice versa too – on clicking the buttons manually

    		// public method: shows next image
    		next : function(e)
    			this._navigate( 'next' );
    		// public method: shows previous image
    		previous : function(e)
    			this._navigate( 'prev' );


    I don’t think you have to change it. The modification above should only affect sliders with autoplay if I am not mistaken.

    Best regards,



    Has the method for this been updated for 4.5.3? Using a child theme if that changes method.




    : You can now find that script in the config-templatebuilder > aviashortcodes > slideshow > slideshow.js file. If you want to override it in your child theme, you have to add the “avia_load_shortcodes” filter and create a new folder called “shortcodes” or whatever path name it is that is set in the filter.

    // https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/intro-to-layout-builder/#add-elements-to-alb

    Best regards,


    Hello Ismael. Please, I should do the same, but the shortcode.js file does not go beyond the 363 line and I can’t find the directions to change the direction. Thanks a lot. best regards. Bruno


    I tried but in js shortcode.js I can’t find the string
    self._navigate (‘next’);
    and the lines are only 363. Would you be so kind as to write me how to change the direction of the slide entry? From left to right. Thanks a lot. best regards. Bruno



    @Bruno: The slideshow script is now located in the config-templatebuilder > aviashortcodes > slideshow > slideshow.js file as stated previously. Look for the code around line 1021. Please open a new thread/ticket if you need further assistance.

    Best regards,

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