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  • #1299584

    When I want to click on “Journey with me” on my phone, it won’t let me – only lets me hit the dropdowns…whereas it doesn’t do that on the laptop.

    Can you please help me fix this, as that Journey page is a whole page of itself and I don’t want it skipped for those on a phone :)


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    The menu will act like that since you have selected to open the sub menu items on click, and the parent item can only do one thing on click. Please select to create a clone in the Clone title menu items to submenu option under Enfold->Main Menu->Burger/Mobile Menu. You can also select to use a different menu for mobile under Enfold->Main Menu->General.

    Also please consider updating the theme to the latest version (4.8.2): https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/how-to-install-enfold-theme/#theme-update

    Best regards,


    Thank you I will try that now.

    I went to update the theme a while back, I entered a new and valid Envato key, and then it said it would do it automatically. But it still says, when I check for updates, that it’s running the most up to date, even though I know it isn’t. Are you able to help me as to why it won’t do it automatically even after I did that please?

    Thanks so much,


    Thank you, I have done that for the drop down menu, and it has worked.

    The other thing on those pages, is that on my laptop on this page for example https://recoveringwholeness.com/ – the spacing around the button “I would like to connect” is nice and clear, whereas on my mobile it’s bunched up. The same happens on the About page (https://recoveringwholeness.com/about-kali-crohns-disease/) – it’s squashed on the phone (Book my free 30 min concult), and others including Journey with Me (https://recoveringwholeness.com/lets-work-together/) – “I would love to connect”.

    Do you know why this is happening please?

    Thank you!



    Update; please refer to the documentation here, maybe you missed a step? https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/theme-registration/. You could also try running this plugin: https://envato.com/market-plugin/

    Button; please assign a class to the code/text block element, then use CSS like this in Quick CSS:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .your-class a {
      margin-top: 20px !important;

    Best regards,

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