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  • #912019

    Hi there,
    I’m displaying portfolio items on a page as a grid, with the portfolio categories (breadcrumb navigation) above.
    However I would like to be able to specify the order the category breadcrumbs appear.
    I was hoping to be able to use the Intuitive Custom Post Order plugin, but this doesn’t seem to work, even though I can select the portfolio categories taxonomy.
    What am I missing, or is there another way I can achieve this?
    Thanks in advance,
    Breadcrumb navigation I'd like to re-order
    Plugin options screen


    Hi Jason,

    I think you would need to modify Portfolio Grid file for that which you can find in enfold > config-templatebuilder > avia-shortcodes > portfolio.php

    But first I would suggest using a Child Theme: then override how the current Portfolio Grid works by following the instructions here: next, copy portfolio.php (from the Enfold theme) and paste it in the shortcodes folder of the child theme and modify it, the part where it shows the sorting is in this line of code (723-736):

    foreach($categories as $category)
    				if(in_array($category->term_id, $current_page_cats))
    					//fix for cyrillic, etc. characters - isotope does not support the % char
    					$category->category_nicename = str_replace('%', '', $category->category_nicename);
    					$output .= 	"<span class='text-sep ".$category->category_nicename."_sort_sep'>/</span>";
    					$output .= 		'<a href="#" data-filter="'.$category->category_nicename.'_sort" class="'.$category->category_nicename.'_sort_button" ><span class="inner_sort_button">';
    					$output .= 			"<span>".esc_html(trim($category->cat_name))."</span>";
    					$output .= 			"<small class='av-cat-count'> ".$cat_count[$category->term_id]." </small></span>";
    					$output .= 		"</a>";

    Hope this helps :)

    Best regards,


    Thanks Nikko,
    I’ve contacted the plugin developer to see if he can help out, as I’ve no idea where to start in order to modify that code snippet :)


    Hi Jas,

    Ok, thanks for the feedback. I’ll leave the thread open in case you should need any further help from us.

    Best regards,

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