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  • #1296355

    It just keeps telling me to reload the page. I don’t find the files anywhere to download to install manually and I tried an old post saying to modify the functions.php file to get the download link.



    Thanks for contacting us!

    Are you using the latest version of Enfold which is currently 4.8.2? If you are, could you please create temporary admin logins and post them here privately so we can look into it? :)

    Best regards,


    Yes, its a fresh install of wordpress and enfold.



    Could you please post a link of your website as well? :)

    Best regards,


    of couse, sorry forgot that part …



    I enabled 3 step demo import process – however downloading demo is not working.
    Could you please post FTP logins here privately as well so we can inspect it further? :)

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    I just wanted to check and make sure that you received the information you needed? thank you!


    Thank you for your patience, the FTP account that you created is assigned to the user that you created so we don’t have access to the WordPress directory that we need to upload the files. Please see this documentation step 4 where it says:

    To give this user access to the entire account, enter nothing but a forward slash (/)

    please correct this so we can upload the images and such. I tried to import the xml for the church demo and it mostly worked but it’s not fully there, I may want to reset the site to try again, unless it is close enough for you to work with?
    I believe the main issue for your site is that the PHP ZipArchive Extension is not enabled on your server, you should ask GoDaddy to enable this, this is a common PHP extension that should always be enabled on every server everywhere, don’t let them tell you differently. I believe if you get this enabled and reset the site and try to import again all should go well.

    Best regards,


    use the following ftp


    I also got the PHP ZipArchive Extension enabled and the demo import worked perfect. Thank You!



    Glad Mike could help and import worked correctly!

    Let us know if you have any other questions and enjoy the rest of your day! :)

    Best regards,

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