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  • #119918

    Nope, it was a different thread. After testing out the flushing it doesn’t work either. I dunno exactly if this sticks also to wp-cron (because rules a flushed eitherway). When I add a nested category, it seems rules are also flushed driving a page into 404. Deactivating enfold, changing permalinks back and forth and after that, with twentytwelve everything is fine.

    I bought a new dedicated server yesterday and tried it out with a fresh wordpress install, a fresh wpml install and a fresh enfold install. No changes, nothing. Result: 404. I tried several things to both enfold and wpml (activation/deactivation hooks), also disabling the whole wp-cron. 404. If I use just the basic twentytwelve theme, wpml is working fine.

    So I’m sad to tell you that I won’t work with Enfold anymore. It isn’t WPML compatible and does have some other major bugs which won’t be fixed in time. Gonna stick to Typo3 – no mess with languages. ;)

    PS: Tell Chris that I’m not one of those screaming dudes – I’m just pointing out what’s going wrong. Take things more serious and improve your support. I’ve seen better and faster autors (!) taking care of real bugs.

    Nuff said, have fun!

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